Chase Deidara! "What did you do to Gaara!!!?"

As Team Guy with Pakkun and Kuro on board came closer to the entrance of where Gaara was being held. Team 7 with Chiyo also came and was surprised to see them.

"Se- Sensei!" says Sasuke as he looked at Kuro. Kuro nodded to Sasuke and gestured not to say anything at the moment. He did the same to Naruto and Sakura since they are at a critical moment. The team analyzed the barrier in front of them which wasn't destroyed even after Guy tried to punch it. As they figured out how it has exactly 4 others and that they need to pull out the seal at the same time Neiji used his byakugan to search the other seal. Pakkun was asked to return since they already located the enemy. As soon as Neiji reported the directions of the other seal. Guy immediately talked to Kakashi.

"Kakashi our team will take care of the other seals and take it off. I'll leave Kuro kun to you and wear this so we can pull out the seal all at the same time." He handed Kakashi a set of communication device so they can hear each other even at a distance.

In just a few moments everyone was in place and ready to pull out the barrier seals.

"Sakura as soon as I pull this out, destroy this boulder so we can enter." commanded Kakashi

"Yes sir" Sakura agreed as she readied her fist.

"Everyone ready? we will pull out the seals all at the same time on 3." says Guy via the communication device and everybody agreed.

"1 . . . 2 . . . 3!" Everyone pulled it out at the same time and Sakura immediately disappeared from her position.


The giant boulder blocking the entrance crumbled down to pieces and they all went inside to see Sasori, Deidara and a bird made of clay. At the bottom of that bird's feet was Gaara's lifeless body. Naruto's eyes turned red with a slit iris due to anger. His hair started standing up and he doesn't even noticed Gaara's status if he's dead or alive which was definitely the former. Deidara's Clay bird swallowed Gaara's body and baited Naruto to follow which he did but was stopped by Kuro who picked up his feet as soon as e jumped and slammed him to the ground. Kuro's killing intent spiked up and pointed at Naruto.

"Na - ru - to . . . It seems that leaving you alone for two years makes you forget my lessons huh? Do you want another session of training?" Kuro was pissed and also looked Sasuke and Sakura who both lowered their heads. Kakashi could only sigh at what's happening. Sasori wasn't even doing anything.

"But if we don't do something he'll escape along with Gaara. Can't you see we need to-" He was cut off as a katana came flying past his face. He looked at Kuro's smiling face but all he can see was a dark monster with scary eyes and evil smile. Oh how he has forgotten what this feeling was like. Naruto calmed down from his form or shall I say was too scared to even maintain the nine tail's chakra flowing.

"Sasuke! Sakura! Tell me what was it that I have taught you again specifically about this? or have the both of you also forgot that" Kuro looked at them with a curious smile which says 'make a mistake and you know what's gonna happen. Only I would enjoy it though'.

"A shinobi attacking in anger is no different than a blind man crossing a bridge" Sasuke immediately answered.

"Never let your enemy control your emotion for it will cost you your life in a single moment" Sakura followed.

Naruto could only look down as he also remembered this lesson quite a lot of time than the rest. Unlike Sasuke and Sakura he was a hot headed one and attacks head on without thinking. So you can only imagine how many times this lesson was repeated to Naruto back then in a span of 2 weeks which was literally compressed by Kuro that the results gave Naruto something to fear of.

Kuro smiled along with Kakashi and Chiyo. As a teacher who wouldn't be proud when his students remembers what he said and taught to them. Kuro bit his thumb and weaved signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!" A giant bird showed up. This one looked like a giant giant Hummingbird except that it's feather was purple on top and black below. The bird bowed in front of Kuro.

"Kuro sama how can I help you."

"Cham. Can you please help my disciples follow a bird made of clay? It just recently went out. I leave them in your hands."

"Very well Kuro sama. It will be done, I won't disappoint you." pledged Cham like he was pretty confident on locating the enemy. Sasori was simply watching everything happen in front of him and thought 'It would be be good if that one stay behind. I'd love to add him to my collection. But it doesn't matter how many stays.'

"Alright whose going to go get Gaara? Captain Kakashi?" Kuro looked at kakashi who was very much on guard with sasori.

"I'll take Naruto and Sasuke with me. Since elder Chiyo is a grand master puppeteer herself, she's a perfect match to Sasori. Can you and Sakura assist her on dealing with Sasori?" Kakashi immediately decided how to separate the team.

"Sure! You guys can ride Cham here. Just hop on.!" Kuro offered as patted Cham's head. Kakashi and Sasuke nodded. Naruto could only lower his head.

"Sasuke, and Naruto?" Kuro called out and both looked at him.

"Show the enemy what true strength is.! Don't dissapoint me." Naruto's expression turned serious and nodded. Sasuke smiled and nodded. All 3 leapt on Cham and they immediately set out.

A hummingbird's wing flaps way faster than an ordinary bird but Cham controlled it when leaving the cave. Only when they were outside did he started going faster and sensed where Deidara is. It didn't take him that long since Deidara's purpose was initially to lure them out and follow him.

Deidara wondered why didn't they immediately followed him but he was so surprised to see them come out the cave on top of a giant hummingbird. As soon as their eyes met he immediately sped up and ran away. 'Looking at that bird, it's definitely faster than my current ride. I need a faster one. Hurry before they catch up'. The distance was immediately closed by Cham in a just a few seconds. All 3 jumped over to Deidara's ride shocking him and leaving him off guard since he was still preparing a faster ride.

Kakashi aimed for Deidara's chest with his raikiri. Sasuke cut off the Clay bird's head separating Gaara using his blade coated with lightning chakra. Naruto went for the falling head of the Clay bird that holds Gaara inside. As he supports it to fall in a tree, Kakashi and Sasuke was left in the air to battle with Deidara.

"Raikiri.!" kakashi sinks his lightning blade to deidara's heart but in the next moment deidara turned into a clay.

As soon as he was out of there deidara didn't immediately show and he hid himself on one of the trees. His hands were still on the verge of creating something.

Meanwhile when Sasuke was back on top of Cham as soon as he finished beheading the enemy's clay bird as Cham was already waiting for him below. He saw that Kakashi wasn't able to finish the enemy as it turned into a clay.

"Kakashi.!" he called out. Kakashi saw him and said "He got away. We must find him. Cham san, do you think you can help us look for him?" he asked the bird

"Ofcourse, it would be a shame to Lord Kuro if I can't even do my job properly. Hop on and let me concentrate to locate where he is" Kakashi nodded and return on Cham's back. Cham closed his eyes and tried to locate deidara.

"On top of that tree. I'll get you near enough, GO!" as soon as he opened his eyes he immediately moved on a direction and shouted that the enemy is there. As soon as they were near enough the location he signaled them to attack.

"Fire style! Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke immediately thrown the fastest attack he could muster.

"Wind style! Great breakthrough!" And Kakashi empowered it.

The tree's on that direction were burned and destroyed to the ground by the empowered fireball. They could finally see deidara who was barely able to dodge the attack. Then a fist to the face surprised him as he didn't notice Naruto.

Deidara was sent flying down to the ground and smoke rises up from the location he was sent to. From the smoke 4 birds that resembles a swan flew out. 2 went to Naruto's location while the other 2 went to Sasuke and Kakashi.

"Art is.!" Deidara shouted as he formed his sign "A blast.!"

Boom! Boom! 2 explosions was heard on Naruto's end. As Deidara wondered why the one's he sent over to Kakashi and Sasuke didn't explode he looked at their direction. He could see both the birds were pierced by a lightning jutsu. The clay birds were specifically defused Chidori and Raikiri. Both Kakashi and Sasuke's hands were wrapped with lightning that gives a sound of a thousand birds chirping.

"You . . . " An angered cold voice could be heard from a distance where the clay birds exploded earlier. "What did you do to Gaara!!!?" the smoke cleared by his shout and showed Naruto who was already enveloped by the nine-tail's chakra. 2 tails were protruded on his back. But Naruto could still think. 'Sensei, I remember your lessons. But I will not forgive this guy. He's dead.!'

Kakashi and Sasuke were shocked by what they're seeing both having different thoughts respectively

'this- this is what Lord Jiraiya told me about. The nine-tail's chakra cloak.'

'Naruto, is this your true strength? I can feel your overwhelming chakra from here.'

"Hmph! We took the 1 tailed beast inside of him, ofcourse he's dead." Says deidara as he summoned another bird to getaway. But before he could hop on his new bird, Naruto already destroyed it.

"I'll kill you right now!" he declared after destroying the clay bird with his fist. His tails made of chakra cloak elongated and captured deidara by his legs and body in an instant who was still in the air since he was initially going to leap on his clay bird but now it was destroyed instantly. One of the perks of having a tailed beast cloak is that it doesn't just give you formidable strength but also speed. As 2 tails made of chakra cloak wrapped deidara Naruto blasted him with pure chakra coming from his mouth. Deidara was sent flying with only his hands remaining. Both his legs down to his feet was still wrapped by the chakra cloak tail.

By this time both the sharingan users were unable to do anything with all that happened. They could hear deidara laughing by the rubble. As the smoke clear deidara has already took off part of his clothes and pulled the stitches by his chest. A mouth opened up with teeth and tongue.

"since it comes to this, I will become art itself!." Deidara stuffed a handful of clay to this mouth by his chest. Naruto stared and wondered what he's doing. Being able to still have control over his current situation enables him to still think. But the Kakashi and Sasuke were both not happy at what they're seeing.

"Sasuke. Immediately put this on Naruto's forehead. This should stop the nine-tail's chakra from leaking out his body. We can't take our chances and count on him to listen to us on his current form. That Akatsuki if I am right, he is definitely planning to blow himself up. I know you can see it too. So take Naruto as far away as possible once the chakra cloak disappears."

"what about you sensei? Based on the amount of chakra that guy is amassing, we'd be lucky enough to be out of it's range. I honestly can't measure how big it's area of effect will be. But i'm sure it will be so big"

"That's why I will try to contain it and send it somewhere else. Now go!" Kakashi answered as he closed his eyes and focused after giving Sasuke a paper seal that was given to him by Jiraiya originally. Sasuke wasn't sure what kakashi was saying but on times like this. It is better to trust your comrades and stop asking about everything. Every shinobi has their own secrets they want to hide, especially pertaining to their strength. He nodded to kakashi's order.

He formed a quick plan in his head before going to get Naruto'Based on Naruto's current condition he'll be able to dodge me if I simply use one element on my movement. Then,'

"Raika Yoroi.!" a chakra made of flames and lightning envelops Sasuke. In a singe moment he disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of Naruto. He immediately put the paper seal on Naruto's forehead as soon as he appeared which made Naruto weak and loose consciousness. He caught him and ran away from there as soon as possible with the utmost speed he could muster.

"It's no use running.! I This will be like no explosion before it. And it will bequeath a scar on the earth unlike anything you have ever witnessed your whole life!" declared deidara and afterwards, it no longer was the catchphrase. "Katsu!"

An explosion that could reach the skies and rip through it. and as deidara mentioned will leave a scar on the earth. An explosion that powerful was in full display. But somewhere near it, a white haired man with a mask opened his left eye. His original 3 tomoe sharingan was long gone. What replaced it was like a 3 bladed wheel with tails on its tip. This tails were attached to the tip of the wheel before it. [AN\ if you can't imagine this then search google. But i'm pretty sure that if you're reading this, you can describe it better than me. LOL ]

"Mangekyou Sharingan. Kamui.!" Kakashi activated his mangekyou and the explosion was being absorbed. Strength was quickly leaving Kakashi's body.

'hang in there! Don't stop until it's all gone.' He's breathing was getting hard as half the explosion was already absorbed. 'Can't take chances, I must sent it all away!' "Haaaaaaaaa!!!!!" Kakashi mustered all the strength he could and bear with it as he fully absorbed everything on that blast with Kamui. As soon as he did his breathing was so hard he coughed blood and held his chest, moments later he lost consciousness and was about to drop to the ground.

"Good Job Kakashi. You're really my eternal rival. Now rest up." Guy caught and supported him. Lee came with Gaara's corpse along with Tenten and Neiji. A little bit more and Sasuke with Naruto on his back unconscious also came.

'was that the sharingan's prowess? I must also obtain it. It seems itachi was right. I couldn't even imagine how powerful I'll be. What Kakashi sensei showed was only using one eye. What will happen if I use both eyes. I wonder if Kuro sensei know this. Although he's the same age as me. His wisdom and knowledge are clearly more than that of a simple teen kid.' Sasuke's thoughts were running in full capacity at the moment. And no one was able to notice it, not even Kuro who was still at the cave.