A Clash with Sasori.!

Inside the cave where Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto left just a moment ago.

"Hmmm the copy ninja Kakashi of the sharingan could've been a good addition to my collection. You 3 will have to satisfy me if you want to be added to my collections." says Sasori as a huge metal tail on his back is getting ready to pounce at any given moment.

"No thanks.!" Kuro hurled a katana to sasori which was deflected by that huge metal tail. Then Sasori or shall we say Hiruko, sasori's puppet which provides him defense opened it's mouth. And from it thousands of senbon coated with poison came out flying in their direction.

"Don't get hit even just a miniscule, it's coated with poison!" quickly warned Chiyo but kuro has a different plan as he said. " Sakura!?"

A moment ago when kuro hurled a katana to sasori he quickly tapped on sakura's shoulder and whispered. "Get ready to break him, I'll get you near him as soon as he attacks." Sakura nodded and simply trust kuro. Back to the moment when kuro asked Sakura.

"I'm ready sensei.!" before the thousands of senbon needles could hit them. Kuro and Sakura vanished from their spot. Only chiyo was left dodging with surprised look. Sasori however was caught off guard as Kuro and Sakura appeared by his side where the katana was deflected down to the ground.


"Shannaro!!!!!" Sakura punches the puppet Hiruko to pieces. It's parts were flying eveywhere. However after all the pieces broke down. A figure jumped away covered with black cloak. As soon as he lifts up the cloak. A young Sasori was displayed in an akatsuki uniform.

'He looks young and the same. It's like he never aged at all' were chiyo's thoughts as her eyes were shocked to see sasori. Kuro and Sakura returned to where Chiyo was as a katana was left there.

"That Jutsu you used. I believe only the 4th Hokage could use it. Well it doesn't matter now because you intrigue me. You'll definitely be a fine addition to my collection just like this one whom I had trouble killing." He rolled down a scroll slowly with his left hand. A puppet that looked exactly like the 3rd kazekage showed. No it's the 3rd kazekage's body that was used to make a puppet. A special puppet that retains it's abilities when they were still alive.

Sasori started weaving signs and the left hand of the puppet opened up in each section of the hand like a small door of some kind. And from all those door was a seal that summoned thousands of hands each. These hands were made of wood and became longer fast. It was fast approaching to where Kuro, Sakura and Chiyo was, targeting them.

"Leave it to me, target Sasori." Chiyo rolled down 2 scrolls and 2 puppets came out. Kuro and Sakura nodded to her and prepared to attack sasori.

"The Father and the Mother" said chiyo as both the puppets hold hands. When their hands separated, metal strings were attached to both hands. They flew up and meet the thousands of hands made of wood. With the metal string they cut it up to pieces easily like a knife cutting through butter.

At the time the 2 puppets flew to meet the hands. 4 katana were hurled on sasori's direction. Sasori being on guard where kuro and sakura might come out from the 4 katana hurling towards him gave Chiyo the advatage needed for her 2 puppets to proceed and cut off the thousands of hands made of wood.

Kuro and Sakura didn't appear to any of the four katana hurled even after they hit the ground. 'Not bad. He only used the katana as a distraction so they can destroy those hands. But, what are you gonna do about this.' iron sands came out of the puppets mouth and formed spears like object on the ceiling of the cave. It was immediately shot as soon as it's done forming.

Chiyo controlled the puppets to protect them by erecting a chakra shield. But the iron sands invaded the 2 puppets inside making them useless.

"What are you gonna do now with a useless puppet.? And I can simply attack the places where that brat's swords are if you're thinking of dodging this." Another batch of iron spears were formed on the ceiling and this time was also aimed at places where the kuro's katana were. Sasori shot the iron spears again.

"Tsk! Hold on." Kuro patted on chiyo's shoulder while still holding on sakura's. They dodged the attack and appeared to where Hiruko's remains were.

"That place wasn't excluded to my predictions." declared sasori as iron spears were indeed flying towards them.

Kuro opened a scroll and the executioner's blade lit up in flames. Kuro gripped the blade with both hands deflected the iron spear. If he used one of his katana or even 2, he wasn't sure if it was heavy enough to deflect such condensed iron spears that's why he opted with the executioner's blade.

"Even if your aware it's coming. You still won't be able to do anything about this" flames ignited once again as kuro formed his stance while pointing the blade to the 3rd kazekage puppet along with his open palm that acts as scope on top of a sniper rifle.

'what is he planning to do' was the only thing running on Sasori's mind while being on guard of the 4 katana near him. But, juts like kuro said. Even if he knows it's coming. He won't be able to do something about it. Kuro didn't start being able to use the Flying Thunder God. Before that he was developing his own jutsu. And what he developed was on par on what he recently studied.

"Shoka Gijutsu." kuro muttered as if whispering.

Sasori heard this however little ' here he comes' Kuro disappeared. Sasori immediately looked at the 4 katana near him and readied the puppet to defend. But as he was on the motion of doing this. Kuro did appear on one of the 4 katana. But as soon as he appeared he also disappeared into thin air. It was like sasori saw him only for a single moment but was not able to react yet then he vanished again.

"HiShodo!" kuro was like a flash in a color of flames the moment he appeard near sasori and used his momentum to destroy the kazekage puppet by running through it using the executioner's blade the same way he ran through orochimaru's body 2 years ago.

The iron sands weren't able to completely form anything to defend against kuro's attack which all happened in a single breath. Like kuro mentioned, even if he knows it's coming he won't be able to do anything about it. Kuro immediately returned to where Sakura and Chiyo was.

"That was amazing sensei. You destroyed his puppet in an instant. He wasn't een able to do anything about it." praised Sakura.

"It's like seeing the yellow flash of konoha in action. It brings back memories of the past. And the past only reminds me that I'm old." added chiyo who was reminded of the past shinobi wars. She could still remember how Onoki issued and order "to immediately retreat once they encounter Konoha's Yellow Flash".

"It seems I have fully underestimated how capable you are. I would normally say it's been awhile since I used myself as a puppet but, I don't think that I alone would be enough. It's time to get serious." Sasori declared as he took off his akatsuki uniform. What came into view was sasori's own body turned into that of a puppet. But he didn't stop there and immediately took a scroll behind him. This scroll summoned 100 puppets in red clothing.

"And this! This is me getting serious!" sasori said with a grin on his face.

Only chiyo and Sakura were shocked to how many puppets were summoned. Kuro already knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Or rather he was waiting for it. He resealed the executioner's blade since what he needs at the moment is a weapon that can be used continuously in extreme speed. That's precisely what his katana were made for.

"That body. Sasori, so that's why you looked like you never aged. It's because you made yourself into that." Chiyo could only lament at what sasori has become. 'As you grandmother. It is my responsibility to stop you here'

"Sensei what's our plan" Sakura asked. Not because she's scared. She asked because she wants to defeat the enemy.

"Based on what i'm seeing we can only defeat sasori by sealing his body. He will probably be able to put his body back together since they're all puppet parts now. Also if you can notice that thing inside his chest. That's probably his only weakness. So we will aim for that. Elder Chiyo do you know any sealing method?"

Kuro asks as he throws all of his katana except the one he's holding all over the place in one go. He weaved some signs then. "Katana Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Each katana duplicated more than once and is then standing on the ground with great distance between them all over the place while Kuro gripped the one he had and pointed it at Sasori. He let's go of the huge sheath that was holding the blades since it doesn't have any use now.

"Elder Chiyo, Sakura. Are you both ready?" asked Kuro to the both of them.

"Yes, sensei. I'm ready anytime." Sakura seems serious.

"Although I'm old. I still know how to dance boy. And yes I know some sealing method" Chiyo answered and prepared a scroll out. She spread it wide in front of her and 10 puppets in white uniform came out.

"Ah the Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets. The limits a human hand can control. Normally it's and impressive feat but what can 10 puppets do against 100?" declared sasori as he was preparing for the clash.

"Right now you have the advantage over quantity. Then all we have to do defeat you using quality. And it's a match of 13 vs 101. Do your math correctly." says kuro then looked at Sakura and Chiyo.

"I also know some sealing method so it will come into who will have the greatest chance to do it. If not we will simply both try to seal him. Let's go!"

A clash is about to begin.

[AN\ Scheduled a Vaccination today. Hope it goes well. If you have noticed, recently I am getting behind updating chapters like I normally do. It's because of rewrites and I want the actions to be as fullfilling as possible. Therefore, from here on out. My pacing of update might get messy. So I apologize in advance if some are waiting. But rest assured that I for one knows how it feels to be left hanging in the air. So I can only assure you guys for now that even if I'm slow on update. This fan fiction will have it's ending. that's it for now. Take care always as in my location a storm is currently passing. Peace out!]