13 vs 101

Inside a cave where a hundred puppets are staring down from the ceiling to a group composed of 10 puppets, a grandmaster puppeteer, a chunin kunoichi and Ito Kuro with a blade by his hand. Silence inside the cave as if there's no one currently residing it. No water drops or rocks falling could be heard but the wind blowing by the entrance. A single leaf was carried inside. The 3 peoples breathing slowed and calmed down. The leaf was about to drop due to lack of wind that carried it inside.




Kuro was fast on his hands thrusting the katana first on the ground and weaved signs.

"Fire style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A huge ball of flames engulfed a tenth of the red puppets and the ceiling above them destroying it. Light came inside the cave and the red puppets advanced. 10 puppets opposed the red puppets and was soon joined by Sakura destroying each puppet on her way only by her fist.

Elder Chiyo controls the 10 puppets each with their own characteristics. 3 combined and formed a vacuum of wind pulling every puppet it can but was later destroyed due to a large number of the enemy. It has a limit to how much it can pull. Another puppet grows hair made of wire cables going through every rep puppet it can reach but was later pincered by another red puppet that resembled a pincer bug and it was cut to pieces.

Another one caught 3 rep puppets with it's hands turned to bone cage and sending in bombs from it's mouth but it's head was later cut by another passing red puppet. 2 puppets combined their hands and the other's head turned into a windmill of chakra. The other controlled it to destroy more and more red puppets. The remaining 3 puppets were by chiyo's side defending her.

Meanwhile kuro was vanishing and appearing here and there wherever there's a katana. Sometimes he would pull out 1, sometimes he would pull out 2 and some other bizarre moments he would copy Zoro with 3 katana and also bite the 3rd one. Being a shinobi also means being flexible on handling weapons but that doesn't mean kuro was also good with swords like zoro. His style was a bit different. As soon as his katana destroys a puppet he lets go of it and disappears to use another in a different area. And just like that flashes of red could be seen in the battle field.

Little by little Sasori's puppets keep on reducing in numbers but it keeps getting harder to destroy them as sasori was able to focus more with fewer puppets. However sasori wasn't the only one who's puppet is decreasing. That is also the same with elder chiyo who only has the remaining 3 puppets beside her.

"Sakura!! Use this!" a puppet throws a sealing tool to sakura. Chiyo sends 3 of his puppets to support sakura leaving herself unguarded. Both kuro and sasori saw this.

Sasori sends the remaining wave of puppets to stop sakura and 10 few to chiyo while he himself was guarded only by 2.

"Summoning Jutsu! Red protect that elderly woman!" As soon as he instructed red he appeared by sakura's back also preparing his own seal and wrapped it on the katana.

Studying the Flying Thunder Jutsu, you pick up a sealing technique or two, Minato Flying Thunder was derived from sealing jutsu of the uzumaki and the 2nd Hokage's personal Flying Thunder Jutsu. He perfected it by combining both. Although not as good as any master of sealing. A sealing jutsu is still a sealing jutsu.

The 3 puppets of elder chiyo was enough to stop the remaining wave of red puppets but that's it. Red was busy protecting elder chiyo who was controlling those 3 puppets which was getting beat down and destroyed 1 by 1 as time tick. It was enough for Kuro and Sakura to gain distance. Sakura prepared to throw the sealing tool passed by elder chiyo while kuro took care of 2 remaining puppets besides sasori. He bites the katana and aimed his 2 hands as if ready to flick from a distance.

"Shannaro!!!!" Sakura throws the sealing tool to sasori's body while the 2 puppets that's guarding him were targeted by kuro's jutsu even though he fired it after sakura. "Triple F pistol Jutsu" he muttered as kept on observing sasori's chest.

As the sealing tool enlarged going for sasori. He aimed both his hands at this sealing tool as tubehead came out his palms. Fire burned down the sealing tool to ashes and continued it's direction towards sakura and kuro.

"Sakura!" Kuro immediately took sakura back to where chiyo was. "Red protect them from the flames. The rest is up to me now." He looked at sasori who was grinning. "Well? Is that it? " He blasted more flames at them. Kuru simply vanished and appeared to one of the katana by the side while sakura and chiyo were protected by red's wide wings that's actually able to get burned but was not able to hurt him at all.

"Huh? Nice pet. But flame is not the only element I can attack with." says sasori as one of the battery behind him disappeared leaving him with only 2 remaining. 2 windmill of metal protruded by both his side and started rotating while he stands on the wire cable inside his stomach as it pierced the ground and lifted him up.

"Guess it's time for you to meet the elder. Summoning Jutsu!" A giant eagle with a black color of feathers by his head and yellow for the rest of his feathers.

"Kuro you've summoned me? Is the enemy that strong that Red and Cham alone wasn't enough?" Asks the Giant bird.

"Yes the enemy is that strong but Cham is not here. I've assigned him on a different enemy. I need us to do that" answered kuro

"Hmmn? Very well. If it's come this then the enemy is indeed strong. Just don't forget your limits. Let's do this." Kuro nodded and clapped his hands as if praying then closed his eyes.

Everyone seems to have expected that Kuro would be the one to hop onto the giant eagle. Never could they Imagine that it was the eagle who hopped onto Kuro's shoulder. When Kuro gained the right to summon General Pyron, the test for that was to be able to have Lord thunder become part of him. And when Lord thunder did. They were able to last for a meager 10 minutes. That's why the result was he barely gained the right to summon the General.

"Sage Art! Body Link Transformation! 2x" A blast of chakra spread around them and a cloud of smoke enveloped them as they both shouted the jutsu. As the smoke disappear, Kuro was standing there with a katana on his hands that was discharging yellow lightning chakra. A giant yellow eagle wings protruded on his back. His eyes has Crimson red sclera, bright yellow Iris and deep black round pupils. His chakra could no longer be felt unless one has practiced Sage Jutsu.

Chiyo and Sakura were shocked by the side as Red was looking pissed but forced a smile at kuro and Lord Thunder's transformation. 'although it's frustrating that I was assigned to protect this two. Lord thunder's way powerful than I am so they'll be fine. It'll probably be over before the transformation wears off' was the thought running to that smiling bird's head as he watch by the side.

'Is that really Sensei? He only focused on training for 2 years never going out the village to do any missions and but he's become this strong already?' was sakura's though as she was also watching by the side.

'So konoha has produced yet another talent. He might even become more stronger and surpass the 4th hokage before him.' were chiyo's thought at the moment.

Meanwhile Sasori who taunted him for more awhile ago became dead serious and prepared himself for another bout. And the next second he put his hands together and they combined to form an big cannon barrel. The 2 remaining batteries at his back dissolved together and huge amount chakra focused in front of him.

"Sage Art + Shoka Gijutsu! Zenshin Raika!" A burst of flames and lighting chakra enveloped kuro. His red flame flame and Thunder's yellow combined almost forming an orange like chakra. He aimed his left open palm at sasori and placed his right and parallel to his face.

[AN Zenshin= full body Raika=thunder fire. Derived from his earlier Zenshin-en version]

Both opponents stare at each other as their jutsu were charging.

Sasori fired off his biggest attack using 2 remaining batteries he got.

"Disappear!" while Kuro vanished from his spot charging through that sasori's attack. He was like thor's stormbreaker pushing through thanos's gauntlet. Covered with 2 chakras one from him directly and the other was sage lightning chakra, Kuro pushed through sasori's attack without a scratch. Carrying the katana with the seal he prepared earlier. He thrust it through sasori's chest which holds his weakness turning off the attack sasori was firing as purple blood(dont know if it is) run out his mouth. Kuro then asked sasori something before he lost consciousness. (definitely about orochimaru) Later on chiyo and sakura joined him and he dispels the body link transformation.

"Lord Thunder. Thank you for your help.!"

"It was an honor to be able to fight beside you Kuro. Later!" Lord thunder returns to the flying temple.

"Red! you were of great help too. You can rest for now."

"Your welcome kuro dono. Like Lord Thunder said. It is our honor to be of help! Call for me soon!" Red also returned home. ' Yeah i'll probably call you summon you again later for the trip home. I don't feel like using the flying thunder god just to get home.'

A few moments later.

Everybody reunited by the grass planes where Gaara's body rests while Naruto cries in by the side. The atmosphere was gloomy as they all had their heads down. Then suddenly naruto could see chiyo's hands on top of Gaara's body.

"Hey! What are you doing?" he was patted on the back by Sakura and said

"She's trying to bring Gaara back to life." Naruto was surprised to hear this. And so was everyone else.

"Damn...! I don't have enough chakra." muttered chiyo as she feels tired by the jutsu she's doing. Then she looks at gaara face as her breathing became heavy. As she looked back naruto's hands was in front of her. Then the she could not believe the next words naruto said. "You can use my chakra!" why was she unabe to believe? In her dictionary there was no way a shinobi from another village would let her use their chakra to revive the kage of another village. Although they are currently allies but what if war breaks out again? Who would do such a thing?

A few moments later.

Gaara's back! The Suna shinobi also came. They were glad to see gaara alive. Naruto was told by kankuro what chiyo did. He and Gaara paid their respects as Sakura supported chiyo's body. Kuro by the side was silent 'It was a nice dance Granny chiyo. Rest in peace now'

With Gaara back alive and returned to suna, it was now time to say good bye. And as they did in the canon. Gaara and Naruto shaked hands with a little help of gaara's sands.

The journey home was lively as Kuro and team 7 catches up.

"So Naruto. How was your training with Jiraiya sama? Did you get stronger? You haven't forgotten everything I taught right?" asked kuro.

"Of course I haven't! I was just so angry awhile ago 'ya know. I haven't forgotten anything." answered Naruto

"Good if that's the case. How about you sasuke? how was your training after I left you alone to develop by yourself?" it was sasuke's turn to be interrogated.

"Well I have completed what you left me to develop and I am working on many things you've taught me and things I've found out myself" boasted sasuke. He was talking about the Raika Yoroi.

"Good. I expect you to create your own soon. I am looking forward to it!" sasuke nodded to this and said. " I have some questions for you sensei. But I guess I'll ask them tomorrow on my visit" It was kuro's turn to nod.

Kakashi and Guy who were listening were both a little shock to hear it all. First that sasuke developed something that kuro left him and working on something he came up himself. Two, that this was within kuro's expectation.

"what a monstrous student and teacher duo" mentioned Guy who got kakashi on his back. Kakashi used the mangekyou sharingan to send deidara's jutsu away.

"Hold on sensei, Aren't you going to ask me at all?" it was sakura who asked.

"Well since it's the Hokage who taught you. And we were together when we fought sasori. I already know how strong you became and that you have greatly improved. I don't have any complaints about your growth at all. Both you and sasuke are good." says kuro while looking at Naruto who this time was the one to open his mouth.

"why are they the only ones? Haven't I grown stronger too?"

"You did alright. But your still and idiot!" commented sasuke by the side

"what was that!? alright I challenge you right now! i'll show you who's the idiot between us. come on"

'Ahh this is gonna be a long trip back home. I'm not in the mood to stop them' says kuro who lazily summoned Red. This stopped Naruto and Sasuke's bickering while team Guy has an idea of what's going to happen.

"You guys continue walking i'll be guarding us in the air" he leapt on Red's back and look again at the group. "Sakura, Tenten. It must be tiring to walk right? How about a ride?" Both the girls were smiling as they got to ride on Red's back and nodded to kuro.

"Oi oi oi, What about me? I want to ride too ya know!" complained Naruto.

"Sorry Naruto. Maybe next time. Sasuke next phase of training will be summoning. For now keep on walking with the rest, we'll talk more a day later after were back to the village" sasuke nodded and Red takes off carrying 3 people.

Kakashi could only say "I'm the one that needs that ride here. Can't you people even see me?"

"Don't worry kakashi. With me carrying you you'll be just fine as it is."

A few moments later.

"Sensei, Tenten, what do you think are they doing?" sakura asks while pointing at the group below who started a race on their own. Kakashi still on Guy's back. Neiji on lee and Sasuke on Naruto.

"Uhhh, I believe they are having a race Sakura." Tenten was the one who answered.

"Yes that's true and I believe Guy is on the lead. Well he has the advantage as he is Jonin and with higher stamina. But, how about a bet who will win against team7 and team11's boys?" Kuro suggested.

And with that kuro's choice of not going back to the village with flying thunder god was not in vain as a race and a bet was going on.

[AN\ Thanks for reading my work if you've reach this far. I'll be sure to keep working hard. Peace out]