This world shall know Pain!

Two weeks after kuro advised naruto to start training in sage chakra. Jiraiya initiated it himself since naruto already perfected the new rasenshuriken. Just the right reason for jiraiya to say naruto is ready to train in sage chakra. While Sasuke has already started sparring with flightless together with kuro. Both of them are now able to use sage mode. Kuro's ahead of sasuke in terms of mastery but sasuke's sharingan helps him being able to fight toe to toe together with kuro against flightless. Unlike kuro's body link transformation with Lord Thunder where his sclera is crimson red, this time it remained white. Though the crimson red color still stayed in eyes' outline just like a normal sage mode does with Naruto as reference which has an outline color of orange. While kuro's iris turned from deep green to yellow with a pitch black pupil. And finally sasuke's, he had the same outline of crimson red like kuro. But his iris which was red when sharingan is activated using his own chakra turned yellow by utilizing sage chakra. The pupil which was surrounded by three tomoe was larger than usual. All three of them were busy training their sage mode while the world outside was entering an unprecedented change.

6 tailed jinchuuriki utakata was already captured by pain flawlessly. While killer bee managed to last in a fight with itachi and kisame long enough for the 4th Raikage A to arrive and help. The partners however was able to escape even with both A and Bee working together. This matter was soon dispatched to every single village and a kage summit was proposed. But before the proposal was approved, Pain was already marching to konoha's direction.

In the outskirts of konoha were the guards of the borders. Dead bodies laid all around as pain took care of them as fast as possible with all 6 bodies working together along with Conan. While Nagato rests at the highest tree tower nearby concealed with Conan's paper jutsu. He controls the 6 pain altogether.

"Pain, are we really invading sensei's village just to capture the ninetails?" Conan ask Nagato through Yahiko's body.

"We are currently on a tight schedule since the proposal for the kage summit has been announced. By now it probably has been approved and the summit will happen in a month's time. Before it happens, it is important that we hold at least all of the tailed beast since Madara will declare war on all villages if we fail to capture all of them. If it is the only way to gain true peace then war will happen again. And this time this world shall know Pain.!"

"If sensei hinders us in our capture of the nine tails then there's nothing we can do but kill him." Nagato's meaning through yahiko's body answered Conan's question. She could only nod in agreement and disperse as pieces of papers going back to where Nagato's main body is to protect him.

Moments later one of the pain was thrown to the air. As he passed the barrier konoha was unable to respond immediately since no one in their right mind would directly enter and attack konoha. Being the best village in the entire five great nations has an it's demerits this way. Because of how strong it is rarely anyone would invade it. Pain however is another matter.

As pain dropped on one of the buildings he immediately summoned the others. "Disperse!" each of the pain went on different directions. Their only target was Uzumaki Naruto.

"Summoning Jutsu!" a giant centipede appeard and destroyed the buildings as civilians were in the vicinity they were not spared by the debris that fell. But they were saved by ninja's nearby while the centipede was bombarded with a fire style ninjutsu. Then "Wood style: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial" yamato released his ninjutsu that captured even Naruto in his four tails form in canon. But unlike when it captured naruto which was only human size this time a lot of wood locked the centipede down. But "Summoning jutsu!" another beast came out this time it was a giant bull. It ran down to yamato's direction. As the bull was about to run down yamato who was holding the centipede as it was being attacked by other ninjas "Dynamic Entry!" a powerful kick was sent to the bulls head to stop it from it's movement. Then a barrage of punches to pin it down. But "Summoning Jutsu!" a two headed dog came out. 'Does this only knows summoning jutsu? Is he one of the pain that kuro reported? the one who only uses summoning jutsu.?' Yamato quickly realized the enemy's identity. He immediately inform one of the ninja to report directly to the hokage about the enemy's identity.

One of the pain held his hand in the sky as it transforms into a lot of missiles. Which all shot in different directions destroying the vicinity. He was near the orphanage and was later confronted by the 3rd Hokage himself along with captain zo and a few anbu.

Another was able to get into a hospital where it was able to confront shizune along with sakura who was with her unlike in the canon where she immediately fell victim as her soul was taken out. But this time Sakura was around to help her. They were later joined by shikamaru and Ino who was near the vicinity.

One of the pain had the faithful encounter with konohamaru and his team. Ebisu was able to buy time for konohamaru to escape but he didn't as expected. He was however able to shock his uncle asuma who came as he showed his very own rasengan to take down pain.

The pain that absorbs ninjutsu was confronted by Lee, Neiji and tenten who wasn't on a mission. Every changes that happened due to kuro's continuous intervention has prevented konoha to fall completely from pain's attack.

Tendo pain was facing tsunade on top of the hokage tower who was being protected by a group of anbu along with kakashi who was already there the moment pain came.

However, no matter how much changes one can do. Fate doesn't always play fair.

"Who are you and what do you want?!!" Tsunade shouted and asked pain.

"All I want is to achieve true peace as for who I am. You will know shortly" answered pain as he descended to the sky.

"what are you going to do?!!" ask tsunade in panic, feeling that the enemy is about to do something dangerous.

'How is he able to float in the sky like that?' kakashi however has different thoughts as he opened his sharingan. 'He's description fits kuro's report perfectly. He must be pain the acting leader of the akatsuki. whatever he's going to do right now I need to stop him with the mangekyou sharingan. It's the only way for me to reach him'. His sharingan began to change shape into it's mangekyou form. "Kamui.!"

Pain was beginning to get suck into another dimension but with one look using his rinnegan. Kakashi's jutsu prowess was proven useless. "Don't let him do whatever it is he's planning to do. Attack!" Commanded tsunade.

"Fire style: Flame bomb!" a fire style ninjutsu came from another direction. As the smoke clears up not even a scratch made it's way to pain. "It's been awhile, Jiraiya sensei" pain mentioned as he looked at Jiraiya's direction.

"Yahiko. or better yet, Nagato. What happened to you?" Jiraiya could only ask his student as it was not the way he thought him to live.

"It seems Uzumaki Naruto is not here. Is he hiding being protected by the Red Flash? I don't see him anywhere too. Maybe if I level down this village then they will both show up no?" Pain declared as he reach out both his hands side ways in the air "Shinra tensei.!"

"Not if I can help it! Giant Rasengan!" Jiraiya sprung into action to stop his student from destroying konoha. The giant rasengan was enough to lower down the shinra tensei's power but not completely stop it. It was still able to level down the building below him.

"Tsunade Kakashi buy me some time, I will use sage mode and summon the elders of Mt. Myoboku to stop him." Jiraiya retreats as tsunade and kakashi along with the anbu attacked pain together.

As time passed by more and more summons were rampaging in the village. A bird dropping bombs all over. Giant insects and animals alike destroying any building it sees. The clash between the android type pain and the 3rd ended in the 3rd's victory. But the others were able to escape and repair the ones that fell. Although pain's bodies were no longer attacking since they regrouped outside and recovered upon learning Uzumaki Naruto wasn't around the village. Tendo pain was still facing Jiraiya who was now on sage mode.

The villagers were evacuated in time but one person. This was Ito Himari who was sleeping soundly inside his room. Since their house is located near a forest, it wasn't in the middle of the village but in the outermost of the village.

Boom! [explosion]

Their house was burned down along with kuro's mother who was sleeping inside by the bird summon that was dropping bombs all over konoha. Then the summons disappeared one by one as the summoner was thrown in the hokage's tower, then he summoned the rest of the bodies. All 6 pain were present at the moment. While on the other side reinforcements also arrived. Team Guy, Team Kurenai and Team Asuma were present excluding the team captains Asuma and kurenai.

Somewhere in the flying temple. Kuro who was meditating suddenly felt chakra fluctuations on the mark he put on Jiraiya. 'this is? sage mode? Did that pervert went to the rain village and seek out his students even after all I did?'. But in the next second his mark inside his room vanished. His mark was upgraded and studied carefully so it doesn't disappear unless he wants to but if not it could stay there forever. The only way for it to vanish is if the place where the mark was left itself was destroyed to pieces.

"Sasuke, I'm going back to konoha for a bit and check out something urgent. Stay here and continue you're training. Danzo isn't a pushover make sure you are fully prepared." Kuro told sasuke who was beside him who only nodded to agree as he was also meditating at the moment.

"The mark I left near the forest is still around it seems. Hiraishin.!" Kuro was in sage mode when he tried to return through the forest where he usually trained. As he made his way to his house, it was no more but a rubble then he saw a man standing there crying and shouting something. For some reason kuro can't hear any sound nor did he recognize his father. He searched for his mother's location using sage mode but failed to locate her.

"Himari.!!!!" only then did he hear his father's voice shouting his mother's name in agony as his father cried and cried. Kuro who was originally a reincarnated person dropped down to his knees. Although from the start his one and only concern was to survive, his relationship with the people from this world changed him and he was able to form bonds with them without him realizing it. They became important to him. He would do anything to protect them, and he didn't even notice this feeling he developed over time in his heart. And now that his mother is gone he doesn't know what to feel. In his mind he is simply shocked, she was afterall not his real mother. But his tears were running down as his breath became ragged. His fist tightly closing.

[Heart beats loudly and slowly]

[Heart beats faster and faster]

Kagami suddenly felt cold, but it wasn't killing intent he felt nor was it overwhelming chakra presence just like what asuma felt during kuro's test. It was simply pure cold in theatmosphere. Then he looked around and found his son on his knees, tears running down his cheeks. He could feel that the coldness' source was kuro. Although the house was still on fire the temperature around was steadily dropping. The fire on the destroyed house slowly became smaller and smaller until it finally vanished.

Then the temperature that was dropping at a steady pace suddenly dropped abruptly which made kagami back away immediately as blue flames ignited on kuro's body. It was the right thing to do as the trees nearby got caught in the ignition of the flames. But the trees didn't burn to ash instead it was the opposite, they froze and shattered to atoms.

Flying Temple

A sleeping beautiful giant bird opened it's eyes. "General Pyron!"

A giant red winged creature appeared and bowed down to the bird. "Your Majesty, you called?" For pyron who is a mighty general to bow and call the bird your majesty would shock most people if they know what pyron is. But this bird was no ordinary bird. This was the last elder which kuro was unable to form a contract with for he still didn't have the right to. This giant bird who has burning dark blue feathers is the ruler of the flying temple. Her name is Rylai. [disclaimer: picked up from dota the crystal maiden.]

"Kuro has awakened the power of frostfire. The next time he visits, take him directly to me so that he may sign the last contract beast and that I may guide him on how to control his power. Do you understand?" she firmly commanded the general.

"Yes your majesty. I will wait for him to return and deliver him as soon as he does." the great general bowed again and left. Rylai was alone again in her throne and went back to sleep.