A bit of the past

Ito residence

The fire on the burned down house vanished as kuro's mentality hit a wall upon his mother's death in front of him. Kuro is currently on his knees with blue flames all over his body that emits coldness in his surrounding. The trees and ground weren't able to escape it and froze. Kagami kuro's father who already backed away could still feel the low temperature that's being emitted by kuro. 'Son' he could only call out inside his mind as tears still running down his cheeks from Hemari's death and now his son knowing that his mother died was in some kind of dangerous situation.

Kuro however has long passed out due to the awakening of the power inside him. As the coldness and blue flame receded, kuro's body slumped to the ground. That was the only time kagami was able to get near him check his body. His body was still a bit cold but he is breathing fine.

While this was all happening. Pain was facing the entirety of konoha's elite ninjas along with the elder sage of mt. myoboku on top of jiraiya's shoulder maintaining the sage mode. Though it's the first time they are facing pain, with kuro's report about their abilities they were able to handle pain and even defeat 3 of them. Tendo pain was left, the guy who absorbs ninjutsu and the one that's able to fix the pain's bodies up even after being destroyed.

"You seem to have intel on our abilities to have handle us well this far. But I wonder how much do you know about our abilities." Tendo pain clapped his hands together to concentrate on another jutsu while the other 2 was in front of him protecting him.

"Don't let him succeed. Based on all the abilities he's shown so far. It must be something dangerous if we just let him be. Attack him with all you've got!" Tsunade commanded on top of her lungs. Everybody acknowledged their leader's command and prepared their own jutsu to launch at pain.

"Sage art! Toad Oil Fireball jutsu!" a combination of earth and fire style jutsu was unleashed by Jiraiya with a bit of sage chakra to make it even more powerful.

This soon was followed by everyone else unleashing their own jutsu at the remaining pains. Though one of the 3 was able to absorb ninjutsu, it wasn't enough to absorb all the attacks launched at them coming from different directions. And not everything thrown at them was ninjutsu. But that was sufficient time for tendo pain to send a shining black orb into the skies.

"Chibaku Tensei!" shouted tendo pain as a pulling force activated from the black orb but as if right on time, 2 voices was heard.

"Wind style: Double Rasenshuriken!"

"Sage Art: Thunderfire Ball.!"

The jutsus went straight to the origin point of the chibaku tensei and exploded cancelling the jutsu enough for it not to activate.

2 of the pains were defeated and only tendo pain was left. But it wasn't enough for pain to retreat as he faces konoha's entire forces which was shortly joined by Naruto and Sasuke.

"You can't win pain, Surrender.!" Tsunade shouted on top of her lungs.

"But I have just started." answered tendo pain while spreading his arms wide. Sasuke could see with his sharingan the fluctuation inside his body. So he made his move, equipped with the Raika Yoroi his movements was the fastest at the moment. He drove his sword into tendo pain's chest. Pain was caught off guard "Shinra Tensei.!" Sasuke was thrown away along with his sword by unknown force. 'How was he suddenly in front of me? I couldn't even see him move' was pain's thought as his jutsu pushed sasuke away.

"Sasuke don't act on your own. Let's attack together since it takes time for him to use his jutsu again. We have a lot of person here, combine your attacks in succession and he will surely fall." advised tsunade as she ordered them.

"Yes, Hokage sama." everybody acknowledged and nodded their heads to agree to the command. With everybody working together it's only a matter of time before pain is defeated, and what would come next is to locate his real body's whereabout.

Somewhere far from the battlefield. An unconscious kuro was lying on the ground while his father is watching over him with a worried face. Kuro seemed to be inside a dream as he is sweating profusely while his eyes are closed.

Inside his head, 2 memories are clashing with each other. On one hand he is what he always remembered. A married man with a daughter. A simple life filled with joy and peace just like he always dreamt of. While on the other hand, he is an orphan without any family. He is all alone in this world. But he has an Honorable job as a janitor. Sometimes he would also be a construction worker. Any part time job that he can apply to, just so he can continue breathing and living. He lives in an abandoned building alone but he's life at peace. Although everyday was hard but he was at peace and does not seek out trouble. This memories kept on crashing with each other. It almost feel as if one memory is trying to overwrite the other so that it will become the only genuine memory. Kuro himself is suffering in pain as this memories surfaces in his mind.

'Which is the real me? someone with a family? or someone who has nothing. But no matter which one I am, I seem to be in peace. I am not in any conflict with anyone. Although I am an orphan on one memory and struggles, but I don't have any grudges with anyone at all.'

Then all of a sudden, everything stopped. Kuro could see himself in a construction worker attire on his way home as he exits the building where he works. Then he saw the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes upon. She looks about his age. Long black hair on a high school uniform with a butterfly hairpin on the left side of her head.

"Hi.!" he greeted her out of the blue, his heart beating fast for what he did but he didn't regret his actions. Then she looked at him as she heard his voice. She simply nodded back and hurried on her way. But because she's looking down as she went away, she was unable to see the pit which was part of the construction. She fitted right in between the signs that clearly says to stay out of the area. He was observing her since the moment his eyes lain upon her so he knows that she's gonna fall right in the pit if she continue her path.

"Hey stop! you're gonna fall in the pit." he shouted to the girl but the girl only saw a guy stopping her with evil intentions so instead of stopping she hurried even more which made him ran faster to save her. He was fast since he's fit and has always been doing heavy jobs. He lunges at her and caught her body before she fell completely inside the pit but the girl started squirming, shouting, punching and kicking him.

"Lady would you please stop what you're doing! I just saved your ass! Don't make me regret doing so!" only then did the girl stop and asked. "So you're not going to rape me or anything?" her way of asking made it look like she's disappointed. 'what the hell is wrong with this girl, why does she sound down that i'm not planning to do something bad to her'

"No i'm not. You were walking so fast you didn't even notice you were about to fall in that pit right there" he answered while pointing at the pit where she almost fell.

"Oh. So you were looking at me! If you didn't, you wouldn't have been able to know I was going to fall and you wouldn't have been able to save me right?" she asks with brand new vigor as if she's seeing hope. As an author I don't even know what kind of hope she's seeing right now, but both the mc and me are blinded by it's brightness.

"I think any guy would look at you the same way I did or maybe even more. So could you please stop looking at me like a puppy who has finally found her owner in a long time?" he answered.

"Hmph you're no fun at all. you see-" and that moment started their many meetings. After her school and after his work. They would see each other and talk about things. As they began to develop feelings for each other, one faithful incident ended it all. It was her love's ending and his new beginning. But somehow the other memory would start kicking in. He would still see that girl but this time a little bit matured. Because this time that girl would be her wife and they would have a little girl that looked much like him. He would experience what it means to have a family of his own but that's it. Nothing more nothing less. That's all he knows.

Kuro opened his eyes and he could make out his mother's face (Hemari) with the night sky as the back ground. " Mom? Did I die? Is this the afterlife?" he suddenly asked.

"No silly. You passed out crying for me. I'm here now so stop crying son." says Hemari as she started crying and hugged kuro. Kagami also came and joined them. "We won't leave you son. You're mother is okay. It was all thanks to Naruto and Sasuke. They are konoha's new heroes.!" exclaimed kagami.

"What.!!!??" shouted kuro who was clearly surprised to hear the changes.. "What happened to the akatsuki? What about Master Jiraiya? Is he okay?"

"He's okay. He joined hands with the others to stop the akatsuki. They defeated almost all 6 pains and that was when Naruto and Sasuke came to help and save konoha from destruction. Furthermore, they found the real body of pain and talked him through. Pain then performed a jutsu to return back all those who died in the attack including your mother in exchange for his own life. Then everybody celebrated Naruto and Sasuke as heroes of konoha."

"Hahahahahaha... " kuro could only laugh.. 'what a turn of events. And I didn't even do anything much for this to happen. But, my mother dying was definitely not something I could have predicted. They clearly already have a place in my heart. This is no longer just something like me being summoned and I don't even know if i'm still going back to earth. I think it would be the right thing to accept that this is my new reality. This is real and this is my new life, a real life in Naruto's world.'

"I'm glad that you're okay mom. I don't know what I could have done without you." kuro blurted out suddenly and hugged his mother back. Though their house was destroyed. Everyone in his family was fine. It's like nothing happened awhile ago when kuro broke down knowing that his mother just died. And then his newfound power/ability awakened.

A few days later... Kuro was summoned to the Hokage's tower.

"Where were you when we needed you the most!!!!!?????" was the first loud question he heard from the hokage.

"Sorry Hokage sama, I kinda passed out when my mother died... " kuro could only answer with his head down.

"And to think you were promoted to Jonin.... sigh.. forget it. There's a summit coming in, and I want you as one of my escort together with kakashi."

"with all due respect Hokage sama... I know i'm Jonin but isn't there anyone much better than me to be your escort? like Guy or Asuma?"

"I have already decided for this long ago and can no longer change it. We leave in a weeks time so prepare yourself."

"Fine... I'll go. Is that everything you need to talk to me about?" Tsunade nodded.

What they didn't know is that one of the anbu listening was already on his way to a secret base underground. The anbu reported everything to a figure with bandages on almost half his body. Something is about to happen that was not part of canon and kuro is unaware about it.