The Red Flash

Somewhere underground of konoha

"That tsunade has been sitting on the hokage seat long enough. It must be me who will attend in the summit. We attack once they are far enough from the village. Everyone prepare yourselves. We will kill tsunade and her escorts."

"Yes Danzo sama" every root ninja agreed to their master's orders. Although they could have objected due to the escorts being kakashi and kuro but that's not something that was taught to them.

1 week later

A beautiful woman in white cloak and red hat of a kage was walking down the road together with 2 ninja. One was a white heard man with a mask on covering his face but the left eye part while the other was a teenager with dark red hair in black attire but the most eye catching about him is the large sheath by his side with 30 pieces of katana in it. They were walking leisurely but with vigilance as a ninja should always have.

This was Tsunade, Kakashi and Kuro on their way to the summit. Meanwhile Danzo and his men were all waiting at a certain point to attack them. Not to ambush them but to attack them. This is because they all know how kuro is a strong sensory type ninja. That is besides the fact that he is also strong in combat even before learning the 4th's justu and started using 30 katanas.

Then kuro who felt the presence of almost a hundred ninja in the distance suddenly became vigilant. Then he picked up his large sheath and thrown it to the sky making the katana blades fall to the ground all around them. Tsunade and kakashi were startled by kuro's sudden actions.

"Kuro what are you doing?!" asked tsunade.

"Enemy ahead numbering to almost a hundred or more if some are hiding far away from my range that I cant sense them." as kuro answered, danzo and his root ninjas showed themselves. Tsunade and Kakashi were surprised to see danzo was leading ninjas numbering to almost a hundred with some of them wearing anbu uniform which was a black cloak with masks while the other ninja were all commonly wearing konoha vests and protectors.

"As expected of the Red Flash. You were able to sense us even from great distance. But it doesn't matter since you're going to die here anyway." Danzo declared.

"What?!"2x tsunade and kakashi were both surprised.

"What do you mean danzo? Are you betraying konoha?" asks tsunade

"How could I do that when I have devoted myself for konoha's sake more than anybody did. Don't worry, no one will know what happened here. Which means no one's going to betray anybody." tsunade was getting angry because of what she heard. Meanwhile kakashi showed his sharingan and started getting serious. And kuro who was by their side was thinking something else entirely the moment they had started a conversation.

'If I hated Orochimaru for treating people as tools that I would kill him anytime I am given a chance to. Well I kinda want to know where that psycho is right now, anyway. Then when it comes to danzo. His name is enough for me to flip the switch.' were kuro's thoughts as his grip on his katana were tightening.

"Kill them.!!!" danzo gives his orders.

As soon as he did 4 heads came flying in a red flash as kuro beheaded 4 root ninjas in an instant using his Shoka Gijutsu. This made the root stop abruptly. And as always he left the katana in that area and vanished. He appeared on another one of his katana around and gripped it tightly as his emotions were taking over him. But he suddenly came back to his senses as he heard kakashi's words.

"Kuro! Prioritize Hokage sama's safety.! Calm yourself down!" Kuro vanished again but this time he's in front of tsunade while facing the enemy. Since the katana blades were all around, he is able to flexibly use Heraishin around them.

"Right, my bad. It's just that my switch automatically turned on when I saw his face." excused kuro.

'what does he mean by that??' were tsunade and kakashi's thought.

The root were surprised by that quick attack from kuro but soon began to surround them. Then a repeat during the invasion happened as a barrier was erected similar to what trapped the 3rd Hokage.

"This is..!?" kakashi mumbled

"The same barrier used to trap the 3rd. It was used by orochimaru." kuro finished by is seething with anger.

"Tell me danzo. Is that snake with you right now? so you were part of that invasion years ago!!!" he added.

"Humph! You have been in my way for a long time but that ends right here and now. Make sure to kill the red flash first. He's now holding a classified information but don't forget the 2 behind him." commanded danzo to his minions after he answered kuro's question.

"Right, danzo sama"

"Surely you must have known that I was able to take at least 1 person with me that time when Orochimaru erected the same barrier and I was able to get inside and help the Hokage right?"

"You don't have to worry about that since this barrier is modified so you won't be able to teleport outside of it using heraishin" answered danzo as he smirked. Just then kuro tried to teleport on one of his mark in konoha more precisely his room but failed to.

"I see. So you do plan on really killing us." says kuro seriously

"Enough talk! Kill them now! Attack!" danzo commanded again.

'I'm really starting to enjoy using the talk no jutsu.' kuro looked back on tsunade and kakashi. Both nodded as if a signal that they were ready.

"Then let's go! Summoning Justu!" all 3 of them jumped and as if on cue each of them were on a giant bird. Tsunade on Red, Kakashi on cham and kuro- surprisingly wasn't on any giant bird. He smirked and said "Take them up where it's safe.!".

Kakashi and Tsunade were surprised first because when kuro jumped he didn't land on any bird but on one of his katana that was standing on the ground. Secondly because of his sudden command to his summons.

"Wait kuro! what are you doing??!!" exclaimed tsunade

"Kuro!" Kakashi also shouted though it doesn't suit him.

"Just enjoy the show." Kuro said nonchalantly. Then he transitioned quickly on being extremely focused as the first attack of the enemy was about to hit him. Of course during that small moment where he summoned and commanded Red and Cham the root ninja didn't sit idly by as they were already commanded by danzo to attack.

But the attack didn't connect as more heads came flying and some were pinned in their chest where the heart was with a katana but kuro would disappear as soon as that happened. As if that wasn't enough kuro ignited with flames. "Shoka Gijutsu: Zenshin-en" Blood rained on the battlefield as bodies of root ninjas were decapitated one by one. Heads and bodies were flying all over. It was still a sight to behold showcasing kuro's mastery of Heraishin combined with his Shoka Gijutsu together. The color of blood and fire combined as he flashed in the battlefield. Proving his title as the 'Red Flash'.

None of the root ninja were able to follow his speed. Be it danzo or his elites. Their number were getting thin as time passes and kuro was getting near danzo by the moment with danzo unable to cast shisui's eyes because of kuro's speed. This scene is basically like a repeat of the yellow flash's massacre during the 3rd shinobi war. However unlike minato who faced a thousand shinobi, kuro is only facing about a hundred or so.

And now kuro fully knowing what danzo has in store for him didn't attempt to even kill or approach danzo since even a moment of being in danzo's sight will put him under kotoamatsukami.

[AN: I wasn't sure about the usage so I searched it up to make sure. Kotoamatsukami Usage: The technique allows the user to enter the mind of any individual within their field of view, and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seem as if they were doing things of their own free will. So there you go...]

He purposely blinked here and there only on danzo's troops avoiding his field of view. Screams could be heard all around and the barrier they erected served no purpose at all as they were the one's being slaughtered inside of it. They also can't touch kakashi and tsunade since both of them are up in the summit of the barrier. Though the barrier is enclosed it is still big enough for them to be in the air out of the root's reach. Furthermore, they are currently occupied, 'dying' that is.

'Tsk! annoying! Although I have anticipated him to be fast, but not this fast. At this rate i'm going to die without even retaliating.' was danzo's thought at the moment and started taking off his bandages.

Tsunade and Kakashi who were up above were shocked to have witnessed the massacre that's happening below them.

"uhm Hokage sama. I really don't think he needs our help at all. But what do you think we should do?" asked Kakashi

"Let's continue to observe more if he's in a pinch then we will immediately help him. Danzo seems to be up to something now that their numbers shortening fast. What's he doi- " tsunade didn't get to finish as both her and kakashi were horified at danzo's right arm full of sharingan eyes. The arm itself looks like it have been attached to his body and does not belong to him.

However down below the battlefield. None of them could catch even a glimpse of kuro. All they can see is a red flash the color of fire due to kuro's full body Shoka Gijutsu combined with Heraishin. All they can catch would be the flame around kuro.

Danzo who was so confident in killing tsunade along with kuro and kakashi was now getting nervous as the last root ninja he brought with him was cut in half horizontally by the waist but he still didn't catch even a glimpse of kuro. But kuro didn't immediately kill him as he hid himself thinking how he's going to end danzo. "Hmmmmn... I guess I'll have to use this world's signature technique." kuro concluded his plan.

With the root ninja all but gone the barrier was deactivated or cancelled long ago giving Red and Cham more space above as Tsunade and Kakashi observes with great vigilance as danzo's form at the moment feels dangerous for them and totally creepy.

"Show yourself red flash! I will kill you the moment you come! and just like the 4th Hokage I'll decorate you as a hero who defended tsunade to your last breath!" shouted danzo as his heart beats faster anticipating kuro's attack but was he was smiling as he was ready to use izanagi. Then suddenly a katana found It's way to his throat as kuro appears in front of him.

"That so? that's too bad then. I win" declared kuro as he used another katana to behead him.

Tsunade and Kakashi were both relieved seeing that danzo is now defeated but then they heard danzo's voice which shocked them to the core.

"Nope, It's my win Red Flash...!! HAHAHAHAHAHA..!!! " Danzo shouted and laughed maniacally at the sight of his victory as kuro was under kotoamatsukami's influence. Danzo didn't waste time as he immediately took kuro's katana and used it to pierce his heart. Tsunade and Kakashi were unable to respond as they were startled at danzo sudden revival and they could only watch as the katana was plunged on kuro chest where his heart was.

"Kuro!!! 2x; Kuro-dono!!!2x" both of them shouted along with Red and Cham.

'I win!' danzo thought as he smirked but suddenly dropped his jaw dropped when kuro turned to smoke. In a blink of an eye his right hand flew off from his body then not even a second passed as his head also flew.

'It was a clone? wait. Isn't that my body?' were danzo's last thought as he stared at his body without his right hand and head.

Up above

"This kid is going to give me a heart attack with all the surprises he is showing me one after the other.!!! Sigh" Tsunade could only complain wryly.

"I could only agree Hokage sama" Kakashi replied smiling

"I knew kuro dono could do it. It has never crossed my mind that he would be defeated that easily!!!" Red exclaimed proudly but was met with criticism by the other 3 alongside him.

'You also shouted with concern awhile ago idiot! 3x' the three could only keep it to themselves as they descended to the ground beside him.

"Oh you're back. Did you enjoy the sh-" kuro didn't get to finish as he was met by tsunade's fist.

"Don't do that again!!!" shouted tsunade as she punched kuro in the face sending him in the air.

"I'm sorry!!!!!!!" says kuro while flying away...

"Kuro dono!!!2x" shouted Red and Cham to a flying kuro with concern.

"Uhm, tsunade sama are you trying to kill him?" kakashi asked

"Humph! He should be able to handle it, and he deserves it for not following orders. Still it was thanks to him we didn't get to face danzo. I don't know what I would have done to win against him." she then looked at danzo's body as a tree started growing from it's side.

Kuro then appeard beside the body and tree. He took his katana and looked at shisui's eye. He's tempted. But looks at tsunade's direction.

"Hokage sama. Can I have your permission to have this guy's sharingan?" he asked seriously.