Who are you?

Coast battlefield

Although a lot of white zetsu were getting defeated so were the 1st division's members casualties. The 1st division was getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of white zetsus. The main unit of the enemy which was previous akatsuki members although 3 of them remains were unstoppable in battle. Especially Nagato and his 5 corpses that uses the same jutsu as he did individually excluding the push and pull powers. Summoned beasts were unleashed and are rampaging in battle. Missiles were fired creating a lot of explosions and metal weapons were thrown everywhere. Some jutsus from the 1st division were absorbed leaving them hopeless against the enemy's onslaught. Souls were getting pulled out one by one. And some even got their tongue pulled out however no

Darui was engaging Nagato along with some support but they're barely holding to Nagato's rinnegan that has no limit due to Nagato being an edo tensei. Side effects are totally useless to him since he's a corpse to begin with unlike when he was still alive where every use of rinnegan leaves him weaker and weaker.

"Chibaku Tensei!" Nagato uses a very powerful aoe jutsu... a ball of black mass appeared from nagato's hands and flew into the sky... the earth below were slowly gettting sucked in along with both white zetsu and shinobi that were near it. Everyone started to get away from the jutsu. Who would want to be sucked in that, even the white zetsus that has emotions of their own were running away from it. Though some were still unlucky even the number of the 1st division dwindled greatly.

"Summoning Jutsu.!!!" a voice was suddenly as 5 giant birds appeared besides darui who was now resting as Kuro and the back up squad has arrived.!

"Use your most powerful jutsu and aim at the center of that black mass that's pulling everything!!" Kuro commanded as all 5 giant birds immediately unleashed their respective powerful jutsu. All 5 elements using sage chakra was unleash towards the planetary devastation jutsu that was still forming. Boom!!!

Though the explosion was in the sky above, the blast was still enough to shake the battlefield as the jutsu was cancelled.

"Red lead the others and make a quick work of those black creatures that you've dealt before will you? I'll also leave the man controling them to you, show them that the flying temple's might is even more than that of Mt myoboku, ryuchi cave and shikkotsu forest!" Kuro commanded his summons. The 5 giant birds answered with "as you wish" altogether and took off to do his commands.

"The rest of you give back up to everyone else! Use your numbers against the enemy but avoid confronting those with the rippled eyes and simply help the others to retreat. Do not engage them!"

"Yes sir!!!" the back up division members answered and immediately followed his command.

"Now then, Do you really want to continue killing people Nagato?" Kuro looked straight into Nagato's eyes as his own started changing from a regular sharingan into a mangekyo sharingan. In kuro's memories, though things are now not as they should have been. He still remembers how kabuto's control over itachi was cancelled using shiui's eye that was inside naruto. Right now both eyes were his. Though rinnegan is the final evolution of sharingan and was indeed stronger, kuro's target is not the rinnegan but the control imposed on him only.

Nagato's eyes which was dark awhile ago suddenly brightened into a normal color as nagato's consciousness came back to himself. The other corpses which was a part of him all stopped in their tracks surprising the 1st and back up division members. But the back up division members immediately snapped out of it and remembered their commander's command. They then retreated along with the 1st division to assist the others with the white zetsus.

Meanwhile Nagato was facing kuro. "What's going on here? who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Ito Kuro. A friend of Uzumaki Naruto. Right now we are at war with the akatsuki. All five hidden villages has stood up united so that they can save the world and protect the 2 remaining jinchuuriki from being captured. Naruto is one of them." Kuro ontroduced himself but did not forget to include naruto's name.

Although he wasn't there when naruto and sasuke faced him, he knows that naruto and nagato must still have formed some sort of connection considering that nagato revived those who died in konoha in exchange for his own life.

"And where is he right now?" nagato asked again

"Well according to the latest report before I came here. He actually escaped from his safe place where he was to be protected and is heading right in this war. Seems like he doesn't want people dying because of him and wants to stop the war himself." this time kuro answered sheepishly while sweat drops by the side of his face and did not include the part where the raikage and tsunade are probably stopping him right now.

"Hahahahaha!!! That's just how it's supposed to be. As he's fellow disciple I am proud of him. I will help you to end this war Naruto. I just can't believe that the organization that my friends and I created to achieve peace is being used for war against the world" Nagato's was seething with rage but his eyes was filled with sorrow at this thought.

"When you died there was nothing you could do. But now that the enemy has called you back and I have freed you from the enemy's control. You can now make a difference." Kuro encouraged him.

"You're right. Are you an uchiha?" Nagato then asked since kuro was using the uchiha clan's eyes.

"No, these eyes were given to me by itachi. We'll talk more later, Let's end this war first shall we?"

"Hmmn.. Much obliged Ito Kuro but my other bodies are already helping your allies hehe" Nagato laughed. This was seen by Conan who was now enshrouded by white light as nagato looked at her. Conan left the world of the living while smiling at him. Nagato simply stared at his childhood friend who actually died too.

From a distance a Darui and the others were shocked at what was happening. The corpse of their allies that was turned with rippled eyes were now helping them when just awhile ago they were slaughtering them. Especially so when the summoned beast of the rinnegan that was now targeting the white zetsus only.

Some of kuro's subordinates even said

"So that's why the commander told us not to engage the one with the rippled eyes. who would have thought that he would be able to control them and use them against the enemy"

"No wonder he was assigned as a commander even though he's younger than us"

Even the 1st division members added fuel to the fire that's spreading "Don't you know that he is called the Red Flash by the enemy's leader because he took down akatsuki members more than anybody else"

"So he's the one called Red Flash?"

"Yeah, I've read somewhere that he's someone who inherited the 4th Hokage's Heraishin Jutsu."

"You're right. That's how we were able to immediately get here and give back up to you guys" who would have thought that shinobis would start gossiping in the middle of war.??

Even kakuzu fell, under team 10's suppresion and with the help of kuro's summons, the same ones he summoned before the first time he faced kakuzu. Kakuzu's body was then sealed. While the rest of the zetsus were being eradicated by the remaining 1st division and the back up division. As soon as the last zetsu was put down everyone heaved a sigh of relief and rested while kuro heard Shikaku's voice.

"Kuro, Do you think you can still provide back to the rest?"

"Yes I can, I actually didn't have to do much here. Especially now that we have a big gun on our side" shikaku however didn't understand the gun part.

"What do you mean big gun?- anyway Kakashi needs help. He and Gai are being occupied by the remaining 7 swordsmen of the mist making him unable to give commands to the rest who are also facing edo tensei masters like Hanzo, elder chiyo and a kaguya clan member. The rest are ordinary ninja's but the sheer number of them is the problem since we need to seal them after destroying their bodies. The sealing team can't keep so you need to bring a lot with you" Kuro agreed and immediately gathered the sealing team from his division and also the ones remaining from the 1st division. Nagato was included on the group that he'll teleport. The injured and the remaining ones were tasked to gather so they can be teleported first to the medical post before the others go to aid Kakashi's division. But before Kuro could do so he heard shikaku's voice again.

"Kuro dono please return to base first we need you to immediately send Jiraiya-sama somewhere. This is an emergency. You can provide the back up to the 2nd division after this"

"Got it. Nagato, how would you like to help your teacher on a mission?" Kuro had a crazy idea of reuniting Jiraiya and Nagato. Nagato didn't immediately replied but agreed in the end.

Akatsuki Base

[Orochimaru was laughing]

"Ito Kuro, who would have thought that you would use the same eyes I have sought out before. And on top of that you were even able to break my control from nagato. Interesting. " As usual orochimaru licked his lips using his tongue while focusing on the other battlefields. Although he lost a powerful pawn, he doesn't seem dissatisfied about after seeing kuro's new prowess. Orochimaru was being guarded by the Sound Four. He didn't even bother showing the remainning Zetsu underground near the coast battlefield as the remaining on top were cleaned out.

Meanwhile somewhere on a not so far distance from the battlefield. A the Supreme Leader of the Shinobi Alliance has finally agreed for Naruto to go to War under a condition that he could get away from A's pursuit. A while ago Naruto and co attempted to get away which proved useless in front of A. However Tsunade still placed his bet on naruto. Right now A has already maxed out his lightning Armour on. While Naruto's already using Kurama's chakra as it envelops him in yellow light.

'So that's how Naruto looks when he's able to control the Kyuubi's chakra' were tsunade's thought as he looks at Naruto, even A himself was a bit surprised. Sasuke and Bee were already aware of this so they weren't that affected seeing it.

'I can feel that just using the Kyuubi's chakra isn't enough to surpass him. If so, I'll also employ kuro's jutsu' wind chakra gathered on naruto's feet as he prepared to surpass the raikage by exploding his speed at the most crucial moment using the jutsu he learned from kuro.

Silence. No sound was heard but the air itself that carried some dust, the sun was already on the verge of going down. . . . Naruto made his move and started running past A who also made his move towards Naruto in a blink of an eye was already about to throw his fist. However contrary to his expectation before his fist could even straighten up and hit it's target, Naruto has already gone past him.

In conclusion, A let Naruto, Sasuke and Bee go while he and tsunade returned to base.

Forest Battlefield

Kakashi and Gai has already taken care of at least 4 members of the swordsmen of the mist and are now facing the remaining 3 while a sealing team members are waiting for them to take the remaining swordsmen down.

Team Gai however was confronting Kimimaro along with some other 2nd division members. Kimimaro's techniques was very dangerous that a lot of members were getting killed except for a few skilled members like Rock Lee, Tenten and Neiji.

Team 8, Kiba's team was facing granny chiyo's 10 puppet manipulation in which case he was controlling a live shinobi from the 2nd division. Being a hyuga Hinata was able tosee the chakra strings and put an end to it only for chiyo to switch to corpses and control another 10 bodies against them.

Somewhere on a high mountain range where the real feudal Lords were hiding a clash was ensuing. The fake hideouts the shinobi alliance planted on several places were all raided down already by black zetsu. But they could not capture him resulting for those that guarded the fake hideouts death.

Mizukage, Chojuro and the konoha guards that were assigned on the feudal Lord's protection were panting heavily as they were facing an oranged haired maniac monster that's giving them a hard time. If he was alone maybe they won't have such a hard time but he has another expressionless ally that's no lesser of a monster himself as anything they throw at him was useless as his body was made of water.

Only the Mizukage could counter him using lava release but how could she if she's preoccupied by a red haired girl who's got golden chains that shoots out from his back. This particular girl has a lot of stitches that could be seen all over his face and hands. Probably more underneath her clothes if you take them off. She however has lifeless eyes. If you could imagine someone who lost all hope in this world and doesn't even know if he/she is till alive, then that kind of atmosphere could seen through her lifeless eyes.

Jugo created a canon using both his hands as sage chakra gathered to it. Suigetsu actually weaved signs and performed a jutsu which resulted for a huge tsunami in front of him as it targets the Mizukage, chojuro and the rest. A huge tidal wave was threatening them along with a sage chakra blast that jugo fired at them.

Right at this time before it could hit them multiple figures appeared out of nowhere. The sage chakra blast was repelled by a red haired corpse while the tidal wave was countered by a flame jutsu that was as big if not bigger than it by a white haired old man.

"Good Job, I'll leave the rest to you guys I still need to help the others" Kuro immediately disappeared leaving Jiraiya and Nagato to assist the Mizukage and the rest. Jiraiya and Nagato just nodded at him before he disappeared and faced the enemy.

"Well then Mizukage dono, I hope were not intruding your fun?" he asked. Mizukage sighed in relief while chojuro and the rest were smiling seeing the their reinforcements was actually Jiraiya the Toad Sage himself. Although they don't know the other figures that came with him but they saw how one of them simply absorbed that pure chakra blast that was aimed at them.

Before Terumi Mei could answer him Nagato was faster "Sensei, please minimize your flirting and focus on the enemy"

"But I haven't said anything yet. Besides I already have tsunade why would I hit on other women when i'll get married soon? Hahahahaha" Jiraiya announced proudly. Black lines could be seen on Chojuro's forehead and the rest.

Their attention was soon captured by the sound of Suigetsu who transformed into a very large water monster, it looks exactly as the transformation he used against bee but way larger and very dangerous vibe could be felt from him by the shinobi alliance members present. Every part of the monster was made of water but the color is da and water spikes potruded around him. He has a very large mount with a water sharped teeth. Only his eyes remains recognisable through it all.

As if that wasn't enough even Jugo transformed as sage chakra gathered more to his body. His body color became darker as he laughs maniacally while blades grow from both his hands and chakra seemed to look like a turbo by his feet giving him exploding speed.

This shocked Jiraiya as he could sense sage chakra from Jugo. "Nagato that crazy one is using sage chakra. Just avoid or defend his chakra based attacks like you did awhile ago. Don't even think of absorbing it."

"Hmmn. Got it" Nagato acknowledged. In fact Nagato was actually planning to absorb it awhile ago but he felt something will go wrong if he did so, that's why he repelled it himself instead.

"Leave the red haired girl to us then Jiraiya-sama" Mei suggested by the side. Jiraiya agreed as he engaged Jugo along with some of Nagato's bodies while Nagato himself along with 2 of his bodies engaged suigetsu.

Medical post

Kuro was stuck at the medical post as he along with the remaining 1st and 3rd division members that could still fight were defending it from the 20,000 white Zetsus that suddenly emerged and attacked the post. The back up division members and some sealing squad from the 1st division was already sent to aide the 2nd division awhile ago. Kuro prioritised it before sending the injured and remaining 1st division members to recuperate in the medical post. Who would have thought that when they arrived Mifune along with the others were preparing for battle as they saw a huge number of white zetsu emerging from underground.

The injured were immediately sent to the tents as the rest who were supposed to recuperate were added to the ones preparing for a fight. Kuro himself stayed as he summoned the executioner blade. White Zetsus made their move and attacked the medical post as Mifune and Darui lead their division members.

Ino, Shikamaru and Choji were told to rest but Choza Akimichi and Hiashi Hyuga were both fighting the enemy then not too long later a giant soon emerged and a rotating chakra was seen in battle. Lightning based attacks could be seen from darui's group and also some explosion from an explosion tags thrown. Meanwhile on Mifune's side chakra blades were swung and sent flying towards the white zetsus.

Kuro himself flashed in red as white zetsu heads were leaving their bodies anywhere he goes if not then their upper body is the one leaving or their cut in half vertically. He's only utilising his Shoka Gijutsu's full potential with minimal chakra being spent. He's saving his strength for more fight later on especially when the real Uchiha Madara shows himself. That would be the start of the hard battle as they will face the 10 tails even if Naruto and Bee wasn't captured. But that he might start changing that thought because right at this moment he suddenly felt 3 huge ass chakra coming in fast. The chakra was massive that Kuro thought it must be the previous Jinchuurikis. However as far as he knows Tobi should be with the 6 Jinchuurikis at the moment so who could this huge chakra belong to?

Night was young as the war was raging. Death was everywhere from the Forest battlefield and the dessert battlefield to the medical post. Some blood were spilled and some corpses were sealed.

Naruto, Sasuke and bee were heading straight to intercept Tobi and the previous Jinchuuriki that Naruto sensed the evil intention from far away. Tobi himself has long intended to engage Naruto but he slowed down just a little when he sensed the Raikage and Hokage engaging Naruto. But then they left and let Naruto and co continue on their way. He then stopped his tracks as he felt 3 huge chakra from a different direction.

"That Orochimaru, he even have such pawns on his hands. It would be a shame if the alliance takes them away. I'll have to get them at the right moment if I want to use their chakra." were tobi's words as he smirked right beneath that rippled mask he's wearing.

AN: Whose huge ass chakra does the figures coming to the medical post belong to? Care to guess?