Importance of a role

Forest Battlefield

With the help of the additional sealing team and backup division. The battle between the Main Edo Tensei and the 2nd division tilled on the latter's favor as more and more corpses were sealed one after the other.

Kakashi and Gai were already done taking down all the members of the 7 swordsmen of the mist themselves as they helped the others with the rest of the Edo Tensei, this time they were face to face with Hanzo the salamander.

Hanzo being unable to use summoning was not much of a threat as Gai and Kakashi made quick work of him.

Elder Chiyo also was taken care of by Shino's insects rendering her unable to use her chakra strings followed up by Kiba's Fang over fang Jutsu. And the old hag was finally sealed.

However the same can't be said to kimimaro as he harvested almost half of the 2nd division's remaining number along with some backup division members who were sent as reinforcements meeting the same fate. Team Gai being the ones who were engaging him suffered some injuries as kimimaro summoned large spiked bones underground all over the field. This Jutsu was precisely the one that massacred a lot of lives, luckily for Rock Lee, Neji, and Tenten they were able to react in time avoiding instant death however kimimaro was an Edo Tensei, so didn't stop there and attacked them during that opening. Each of them was unable to dodge kimimaro's a spiked bone-like shuriken shot to their bodies. Injuring all three of them together.

Gai saw this and turned serious as he immediately opened up to the 6th gate and kicked kimimaro only to suffer injuries himself as kimimaro grew bones on the spot he was kicked. Kimimaro was thrown back to his large spiked bones where corpses were impaled and were stuck there.

Kimimaro grew another huge ass bone the same one he used against Gaara in the original story. A bone tail protruded on his lower back as his skin color turned darker along with his eyes that turned yellow with black pupils, black thick lines show up on top and below his eyes and eyebrows as more and more bone spikes grows out of his body in front and back.

Gai could tell that kimimaro was about to use a powerful jutsu so he did what he could only do to counter it. "Hachimon Tonkō no Jin: Kyōmon!!! Kai!!!" Gai clenched his teeth as glowing green sweat pours from every inch of his body, which immediately evaporates from his heat energy, creating an aura which anyone would mistake as a green chakra coating. Gai opened the 7th Gate of wonder.!

Kimimaro could feel the momentum forming from the game's direction. "Die.!!!" kimimaro began running intending to crush Gai with the large twisted bone on his right hand.

"This is for my students, Hirudora!!!" A blurred white tiger shot out from Gai who was doing a unique hand seal that resembles the "Tō" seal, also known as the "seal of the outer lion."


A tiger's roar was heard despite the hand seal being an outer lion LOL. Kimimaro's body which was covered with bones was unable to withstand the impact and blasted to smithereens along with his bones.

Not a while later dust was forming his body back but the sealing team was there to stop him for good. The rest of the enemies were defeated later on and the forest battlefield was settled. 2 Wins for the alliance. 1 in the Coast battlefield and the other in the forest battlefield.

Dessert Battlefield

The only battle where both sides are humans besides the human experiments that Orochimaru included. Although at the beginning of the battle during the day the tide of the battle was in the Akatsuki's favor, once night time came and their transformations limit was reached one by one they fell under the efforts of the shinobis from each village who in time worked together to be able to win.

Not to underestimate the sound village ninja but they technically were not as powerful as the other big hidden villages and was just created by Orochimaru few years ago while the other hidden villages has been built after way back.

Therefore the inevitable end of the Akatsuki forces in this battlefield was so concluded or so they thought, but as soon as the last pawn from the sound village was defeated and the alliance was exhausted Tobirama and the rest of the zombie Kages made a move.

On one side a huge tidal wave formed in front of Tobirama and was countered by countless flamethrowers to which even a lot of them working together almost got overwhelmed by a single Zombified Kage. As the water turns to mist, not a second later huge volume of gold dust moves up intending to bury the 4th division but was countered by Gaara's sand as both gold and sand drop down the dessert as they counter each other. Mu himself used the particle style Jutsu and was engaged by Ohnoki who also used the same jutsu to counter it. A bloated-looking Mizukage clone with a blade by his hand moves towards the rest of the tired-looking shinobi as it took their lives leaving both Gaara and Ohnoki helpless since they're busy with their fight against Rasa and Mu. The rest of the Zombiefied Kage was free to slaughter the rest of the 4th division. The 3rd Raikage himself was unstoppable even when Temari a wind style user was trying her best to hold him down. No wind jutsu produced by her big fan was able to stop the Raikage's onslaught.

Alliance Base

"Inoichi, connect us to Commander Kuro. That brat kazekage and Ohnoki needs help. Is there anyone we can send to assist them?" A commanded.

"Supreme Leader, Kakashi's 2nd division and the rest of the backup division have won their battle and are currently resting. Jiraiya sama and his- uhm student former leader of the Akatsuki is still battling the 4 attackers of the feudal lords along with Mizukage sama and the rest of the guards assigned to them." Inoichi reported

"Shikaku any suggestions? should we send the 2nd division?" A consulted the strategist.

"Hmmmn, Commander Kuro should have been done with sending the rest of the 1st division to the medical post already. Yet he's still not here," explained Shikaku as he looked at Inoichi and the rest who were holding a huge water sphere that they use to monitor the battlefield even from far away.

"Reporting! Commander Kuro and the rest at the Medical Post are engaging the enemy. Their numbers based on the reading should be about 20,000.!!!" reported Inoichi.

"What!!!" exclaimed the rest. "Where the hell did they come from?" "What enemies? Is it the edo tensei corpse?" A and Tsunade asked.

"They all have the same chakra readings as the white zetsus. They should all be white Zetsu." Inoichi answered.

"There's more.! 3 Huge chakras are fast approaching the medical post. The amount of their chakra reading is on par with that of a jinchuuriki's.!" added Ao by the side.

"Contact Commander Kuro now!" A commanded loudly and seemed panicked.

"Kuro dono! Kuro dono! Can you hear me? We really need you back at the base!" Inoichi started talking to Kuro who was just done beheading a white Zetsu.

"Kinda busy at the moment and also if you guys can see or feel it. 3 monsters are approaching the camp. We actually need back up here, most of the members here are still injured.!"

"Calm down Kuro. Providing backup is your role in this war. We won't be able to help that camp if you don't do your role. So come back to the base first so we can give you better instructions. Don't worry, we will prioritize sending back on that camp" Shikaku patiently explained to which Kuro suddenly realised his mistake on how he forgot his role in this war. He's not suppose to engage the enemy unless the Supreme Leader himself has. With that realization kuro immediately teleported beside Mifune who just in time defeated another batch of enemies.

"Commander Mifune! There are 3 enemies coming in, I'm returning to base so I can provide back up as soon as possible please hold on the line until then." Kuro explained and Mifune nodded. Kuro then returned to the base fast.

The Alliance Base

"Where do I go? Who do I send there?" as soon as Kuro arrived this were the words he blurted out.

"Calm down Kuro. Right now you need to go to Kakashi's location and have his division along with yours provide back up to the medical post. After that go to Jiraiya's location and immediately help on dealing with the enemy since there's only 3 of them, well now it's 4. The last member of the akatsuki black Zetsu showed up. As soon as your done with the enemy there send Jiraiya and his student to Gaara's location for help. They are facing 5 kage tier Edo Tensei and their numbers are dwindling so you need to do it as fast as you can. Did you get all of that?" instructed Shikaku.

"I clearly got it all. I'll get going then." Kuro calmly answered back and disappeared later on.

"It's really a good thing that we got someone like him that has Minato's Jutsu perfectly. This way, we are able to respond to the enemy's every action." A commented on the side.

"That's why it's only right to appoint him as commander of the back up division since that's literally the best suited role for him in this war." Tsunade added. The rests smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Alright Inoichi have you located Orochimaru's location yet?" asked Tsunade

"Not yet Hokage sama. But as soon as he uses his chakra big enough for us to feel, then we will be able to locate him soon." was Inoichi's reply.

"Okay but keep on looking for him and don't wait for that chance. As soon as we take care of that treacherous bastard we won't have to deal with all of this Edo Tensei pawns and we can focus our strength on Uchiha Madara." If Orochimaru haven't allied himself with Tobi, this war would have indeed been easier since they'll probably only be dealing with white zetsus. Although the number 100,000 is a lot, it's better to deal with them than those zombie's which has even kage-tier strength.

Forest Battlefield

The battle here ended just awhile ago and everybody is resting. However they all soon received news that the medical post was being attacked and that the commander of back up division is coming so they can help on defending the injured that was sent there.

A few moments later Kuro appeared near Kakashi. As explained Kuro's mark was left on all Commanders and vice Commander should the Commander fall so that kuro could always provide back. That's how Kuro was able to teleport anywhere on the battlefield. This list included all Kages, Jiraiya, Itachi and recently Naruto who was given a wooden plank with kuro's mark which originally belongs to A.

"Kakashi-san. I hope you all have been briefed on what to do cause the enemy in the medical post is not just any enemy. All three have chakra capacity similar to that of a Jinchuuriki. Besides the large number of white Zetsu that's already being engaged by the ones who were still able to fight you must watch your backs against this enemies" Kuro warned them as soon as he got the chance.

"Don't worry Kuro. I will take them all down no problem! My youth's explosion has just began!!! I will definitely unleash the blue beast of Konoha!" Gai's way of comforting has always been in the unknown to me but I bet it's within those lines it's giving me triple line on my forehead while writing it down how much more would the MC and the others take it? Can you even imagine?

Back to the story.

"Everybody get ready for battle another battle! It's the medical post so it is important we take this victory all the way there!" Every shinobi agreed by shouting in unision as they were all sent together in one go...

'I've been using Hiarishin since daylight and it's been batch by batch of a lot of people that i've teleported. Rylai's feather was really incredible, it even provided me boost in my chakra pool. I wonder how much my chakra capacity is right now if compared to someone?' were Kuro's fast thought before he used Hiraishin again and sent them to the medical post.

Boom!!! Boom!! Boom! 3 large explosion was heard as soon as they appeared beside Mifune who was actually outside the camp with some allies as they're fending off 3 individuals covered in Bijuu's chakra cloak that just transformed to version 2 as the orange cloak was replaced by red dark chakra all over them as their appearance became similar to that of a monster. Their clothes could no longer be seen.

'I want to stay and fight but I still have a role to play.'

"Kakashi, Gai, Mifune san!!! Good luck! I'm sorry I can't join you." were Kuro's words that brought everyone back to reality seeing as they were dazed for a moment because of the transformations in front of them.

Kakashi put his hand on Kuro's shoulder. "It's okay. We all have our role in this war. And yours is probably the most important of all and one of the reason why we already won twice."

"That's right Kuro-kun! Leave everything here to the blue beast of konoha!!"

"I told you before not to call me like that." Kuro complained

"Kuro-dono. Good luck!" this time Mifune was the one who said that. Kuro then got serious and nodded at them. He disappeared in front of them.


All three Zombified Jinchuuriki's got their attention. By the way the answer to the question on the last chapter is Kinkaku, Ginkaku and Blue B. That's exactly who the 3 huge chakra that was approaching the medical camp and was engaged by Mifune. And right now Mifune is no longer alone as Kakashi and Gai are with him.

"Listen up! Bring the injured to the medical post and the rest of you help the others defend the medical post. Your team stays and seal the enemy as soon as we defeat one." Kakashi commanded which the rest agreed on.

They all began to head towards the medical post while the injured were carried over. Kakashi, Gai and Mifune were facing each jinchuuriki along with some members Mifune had with him since the beginning. Corpses of their allies were already lying on the ground as they were holding back these 3 monsters awhile ago before Kakashi and the gang was brought by Kuro. But now that Kakashi and Gai have joined the fray. They can finally have a chance on taking them down.

Jiraiya's Location

"Sage Art: Goemon!!!" Jiraiya in his sage mode with the 2 Lords from Mt. Myoboku on shoulders. All three of them released a Jutsu combination of fire, oil and wind. Shima producing fire, Jiraiya for the oil while Fukasaku for the wind. The combination was so huge it threatens to eat Jugo whole who was still laughing as he recklessly charged towards the towering Jutsu as sage chakra fired up from the sole of his feet and on his back. He plunges through the jutsu without fear. Being a maniac sure has it's advantage of being not afraid.

As Jugo's figure exits the Jutsu he appears not only a little burned but definitely much okay despite his clothes almost gone showing his dark body. But Nagato was already ready to waiting for him along with one of his paths who has grown a metallic spike on his back much like the one Pain used in the original to pierce Kakashi with.

"Banshō Ten'in!" and that's exactly what Nagato is doing right now as Jugo was pulled over, Jugo was impaled directly as the spike turned to saw that starts revolving intending to cut Jugo in half from his impaled stomach. Nagato used his eyes face to face to render Jugo motionless as his personality shifts to another. Slowly Jugo's dark skin faded and blood came out of his mouth and also his tears came flowing. He smiled at Nagato and said in a very low sound. "Thank you"

That phrase was heard also by the Commander of the back up division who just arrived. "May you rest in peace murmured Nagato as he prayed for Jugo's soul."

"We need to finish this battle here as the Kazegake and Tsuchikage needs your help." Kuro said to Jiraiya but his focus was elsewhere. Using his sharingan, he could see from a distance Suigetsu's emotionless eyes as he turned into a giant water monster but a clear water could clearly be noticed by sharingan flowing from the side of his monster-like face. He turned hi head and could see Karin's eyes was also the same but this one expresses hopelessness. It's like she's saying that hope does not exist, is that even a thing in this life?

Kuro's emotion was immediately triggered as his eyes turned to Mangekyou Sharingan without him realizing it. Jiraiya by the side was shocked. "Kuro, how do you have 2 similar sharingans? and both of them are already mangekyou?" Nagato's interest was piqued by Jiraiya's statement.

What answered them was a very calm Kuro. "The one Danzo had with him was stolen from Itachi's friend Shisui who entrusted his other eyes to Itachi. After Sasuke convinced his brother to return to Konoha I asked for his permission to use Shisui's eye that I got from Danzo. But he entrusted me both of them in end." Jiraiya and Itachi were both surprised. Both of them know who Itachi was and what he did. So it was a surprise that Itachi entrusted it to Kuro. When Itachi shouldn't be able to trust people that easily especially with the whole massacre thing that happened in the past. What could be running through Itachi's head that pushed him to believe in Kuro giving him Shisui's, his bestfriend's eyes?

AN: Does anybody ever wonder why the title is like that? =)