Perfect Sage Mode

Kuro brought his hands together in a prayer position "Sage Mode!" Jiraiya, Fukasaku and Shima felt sage chakra erupted by their side as Kuro still with his mangekyou absorbed sage chakra flawlessly. The trio was awed by Kuro's sage mode as this was the only other sage mode they have encountered that was different from theirs.

"What an excellent control of sage chakra boy. You didn't even needed help just unlike our student here" praised Fukasaku. "That's right, you have always complained about how you look Jiraiya but see that boy over there enter sage mode perfectly? You should train more!" Shima added which gave Jiraiya a headache. "Kuro please stop showing off your sage mode, my reputation is at stake here" complained Jiraiya. Unfortunately for him Kuro's mind is thinking something else.

'That snake!!! He should have died back at the bridge by my student's hands! How the hell did he survive? Kabuto's nowhere to be seen, Sasuke has turned into a good person. The only other catalyst Anko was probably captured but that doesn't make sense. Did that Orochimaru survive Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura's Jutsu?' He stared at Suigetsu's form and Karin's stitched body. If Orochimaru was alive then that would mean both this guys along with Jugo was further experimented on. That would only explain why they have such lifeless eyes. From another corner of his eyes he could see black Zetsu battling chojuro. That must be the 4th enemy. Now I understand why the base said there are 4 enemies when it was only 3 since I sent Jiraiya and Nagato here.

"I'm Sorry Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo. It's probably my fault for changing the plot that this happened to you. Let me set you guys free from such hell. I owe you this much for being the one reason why your destiny changed" Kuro murmured by which only he could probably understand that. He disappeared from his spot and immediately appeared in front of karin.

"Genjutsu. Mangekyou.!" Karin stopped whatever she was doing while fighting the Mizukage as Kubikiribōchō silently beheaded Karin. 'How I wish I really know Tanjirou's Go no kata: Kanten no Jiu skill right now' Kuro was silent at the moment as tears slowly drops from his eyes. He even envied demon slayer's MC to be able to kill a demon without hurting her.

Terumi Mei was shocked for a moment and marvelled at Kuro's figure but when kuro turned around to look at Suigetsu's location. She saw Kuro's eyes were flowing in tears so her heart that was excited for him just now seems to be tearing apart looking at his lonely face. Kuro wasn't crying. It's just that tears are naturally escaping his eyes because of the guilt he feels towards them.

The next second he disappeared and appeared in front of the monster Suigetsu and did the same thing to make him fall under genjutsu using mangekyou. Genjutsu using mangekyou is totally different when using ordinary sharingan eyes. Tobi being able to control kyuubi using it is enough proof.

"Setsuen.!" Kubikiribōchō was covered in blue flames as kuro plunged it through Suigetsu's body that's made of water. The next second the blue flame engulfed him but he didn't burn instead turned to ice statue one moment and snow later blown away by the wind. Even that snow disappeared as it was reduced to atoms. For the first time Kuro has shown his innate ability.


This time everyone present was shocked on how easily Kuro took care of suigetsu who they were having trouble dealing with since his monstrous body was like that of a Logia user in One Piece where anything they throw at him simply passes through. Kuro could only imagine the experiments he went through just to get that kind of body. As eveyone was still shocked at what happened even black Zetsu by the side who was battling chojuro was shocked. This was the first time he saw this kind of power.

However not a moment later Kuro was already infront of him surprising him. "Kotoamatsukami!" Black Zetsu was now under kuro's control. It's basically similar to Aizen's ability but way stronger, and I mean by a lot.

"Amaterasu!" Black flames engulfs black zetsu as he smiles and calls her mother. Kuro made black zetsu believed that he's achieved his goal summoning Kaguya back. However in reality he was slowly turning to nothing as the black flames erases him. Not even his ash remained afterwards.

Everyone was quiet at the moment and nobody was aware why. "Uhm why are we all staying quiet at this time when we're supposed to go help the Gaara and Ohnoki as soon as we're done?" whispered Jiraiya towards the Mizukage who gave him a glare. "Shut up and wait for him to calm down!" Mei warned him as quietly as possible. 'If it's such a man. Then I'll definitely let him kiss me, even if he touched me I would comply to him.' we're Terumi Mei's perverted thoughts as he looks at Kuro full of admiration. Chojuro could only sigh at the side as he could probably guess what the Mizukage was thinking.

Kuro turned around to them and smiled "Shall i go and send you guys to help Gaara and Ohnoki now then? Hehe sorry 'bout that"

"Don't worry about it Kid. You must have had your reason." Jiraiya

"I think I understand. From the way that maniac guy smiled and said "thank you" as we finished him to the way how that water guy was so expressionless and the woman was exuding hopelessness. I don't even want to know what Orochimaru did to them. But that must be the main reason why. right Kuro?" Nagato hit the bulls eye. And Kuro nodded.

"Then we must kill that bastard Orchimaru right now. How dare he do that!" Mizukage by the side finally understood why he's ideal guy was crying. [He was not]

"Forget it for now. When we locate him later on. Jiraiya san, I hope you understand if I made it so he does not exist on the same world where we are right?" Killing intent that was nurtured since he made his first kill from bandits to Zabusa to akatsuki and now could be felt coming out of him. Jiraiya could only sweatly agree at him while Mei was totally into him without him realizing it. Nagato by the side could probably undertand what he feels. One of the perks of being pain is that he totally knows how it feels. The sun started to rise as they prepared to assist the 4th division.

Dessert Battlefield

Rasa was captured by Gaara who was protected by a motherly figure sand. Which was the main reason Rasa was unguarded for a moment giving Gaara a chance to capture him. Gaara was then told by his father that his mother loved him. Gaara then sealed his father as he cried knowing that his mother loved him.

Though the same could not be said to Ohnoki who was more focused on defending from Mu's attacks. He needs to do something about this fast if not his chakra will not last since Mu has infinite supply of mana for being a zombie.

The 3rd Raikage was being engaged by temari and a few who also uses huge fan. However it wasn't enough to hold him down and stop from taking more and more lives of the 4th division. The Mizukage whose clone exploded more than once was also left without anyone holding him off.

From another distance Tobirama was drowning the 4th division members using his enormous waves of water. Sometimes he would utilise the water so that it'll explode when he execute his Jutsus. 'If this goes on any further I'm afraid they will not be able to hold any longer'

"Don't you guys have any other powerful ninja that could stop me? Where is the Hokage?!" Tobirama shouts. But all he could hear were screams of the shinobi around him. From the 3rd Raikage's onslaught, to the 2nd Mizukage and him.

Gaara could be seen approaching the 2nd Mizukage as he controls sand and tries to capture the clone. 9 figures appeared out of nowhere by Gaara's side. "Water Style: Hiding in Mist Technique" Terumi Mei immediately covered the battlefield with mist.

By using this jutsu gaara was able to hide the sand he uses to stop the clone of the 2nd Mizukage that gets heavier each second it touched gaara's sand when attacking. The other figures dispersed and engaged the rest. The 2nd Mizukage's clone soon turned to gold by Gaara's effort while the real body was faced by Terumi Mei herself. "Why don't you just let me seal right away 2nd Mizukage-sama" asked Terumi Mei.

[Gengetsu Hozuki laughs]

"If I could, I would have already done so since. But I don't have control over my body you see. So you're gonna have to work hard yourself. Ain't the new generation supposed to surpass the old one? What could be so hard about it if you're stronger?" The zombie Mizukage does have a point. But 2 of nagato's path was already beside him so it doesn't matter that much as he was incapacitated by one of them as the other one tried to take his soul. Terumi Mei however was angry by the side. 'How dare you try to steal my spot light to impress him.!' Killing intent took the attention of the 3 men as they stared at the huge lava dragon coming at them.

The 2nd Mizukage was still successfully sealed in the end as he was devoured by the lava dragon Mei released. Nagato's paths were able to get away at the last second while holding down Hozuki so he can't escape at the last moment.

Meanwhile Mu who was giving Ohnoki a hard time dealing with his Particle style jutsu was assisted by Nagato's paths. Specifically the one who just absorbed Mu's Particle style while a summoned bird impales him by his blindspot using it's beak. Mu split his body into two but Ohnoki was on him as both his body were shot by a particle style. Both his body was then sealed. This is the advantage of having back up who can continue attack in combination rendering the enemy no matter how strong off guard by the end.

In the distance Tobirama was facing Jiraiya who was still in sage mode. Since Fukasaku and Shima are both the one responsible for gathering sage jutsu so it don't get depleted. Nagato was beside him giving assistance whenever possible. Tobirama's water Jutsus are finally being suppressed by Jiraiya's sage jutsu.

"Finally someone who can stop me. Whoever you are do everything you can to deafeat and seal me as fast as possible I can feel that Summoner is up to something." Tobirama warned.

"2nd Hokage-sama. My name is Jiraiya. I am a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen sensei. Beside me is also my student. Uzumaki Nagato. We will stop you here." Nagato nodded his head while Tobirama was surprise to hear he is now face to face with his grand disicples. However this surprise turned to curiosity as soon as he realized Nagato was an Edo Tensei just like him.

"Why are you an Edo Ten-" Kekeke, Tobirama laughed in a very weird manner that doesn't suit him. But Jiraiya was familiar with this laugh. They started a conversation with Jiraiya asking why. While Orochimaru answers him on how he finally found the answer to immortality. And that he'd share it with Jiraiya if he changes side.

However Kuro who definitely has a grudge with Orochimaru wasn't even aware of this.

Flash Back no Jutsu! [AN: So you thought this was gone? Hahaha]

"We should plan now who will face who so that as soon as we're in the battlefield, we would be able to react fast and take the enemy by surprise." Proposed Kuro as they were all gathered preparing to be teleported.

"That's a good idea boy" commented Fukasaku. "Yep, unlike someone here" added shima.

"Okay so who are we facing?" asked Jiraiya changing the subject immediately. 'Why did you master Sage mode faster than me brat? Both Lord Fukasaku and Lord Shima are loosing interest in me more and more!'

"We have the 2nd Hokage Tobirama, the 3rd Raikage A, the 2nd Mizukage Hozuki, the 3rd kazekage Rasa and the 2nd Tsuchikage Mu." answered kuro immediately.

"I'll face the 2nd Hokage Tobirama since he was the master of my sensei and that would make me his grand disciple so it is my duty to stop him" Immediately said Jiraiya taking back his loosing face from further getting overshadowed by Kuro.

"I'll take care of the 2nd Mizukage myself, I'll leave the rest to you guys" added Terumi Mei.

"The 3rd Kazekage and 2nd Tsuchikage are probably being faced by Gaara and Ohnoki already. So Nagato, why don't you send some of your uhm paths to assist them both? While you the main body help Jiraiya with the 2nd Hokage. Since by extension you are also his great grand disciple right?" Kuro suggested and Nagato immediately agreed.

"What about the 3rd Raikage?" asked Chojuro by the side.

"I'll take care of him. Since none of you can probably keep up with his speed." The rest nodded. Kuro turned the sage mode off along with the mangekyou as they all gathered and readied themselves to be teleported. Terumi Mei was blushing by the side as she held Kuro's hand. But the man himself was unaware of what's going on with her. Both Jiraiya and Nagato were aware of it though. They then teleported near Gaara and the Mizukage used the Mist Jutsu immediately as they scattered to their planned enemy.

[Flashback end]

Temari who was the one responsible for holding off the Raikage was having a hard time as more and more of her allies were taken down. Right at this time the 3rd Raikage finally saw her and was planning to attack her with hell stab. The raikage immediately arrived at Temari's location and stabbed his Jutsu only to hit an empty air. Temari was now on a safe distance as Kuro princess carry her. When she finally realised that Kuro was carrying her, her face turned red as her head was about to explode from embarrassment.

"P- pl- please put me down now." she blurted out.

"Hmn? Oh right, sorry. Are you okay Ms Temari?" he asked.

"I- I'm fine." Temari answered while blushing doing the hinata finger in front of her.

"You still stammer when talking to me, I'm not gonna eat you so relax hahaha" Kuro slapped Temari's shoulder taking her out of her fantasy.

"It's your fault you idiot!!!" Temari punched Kuro out of the blue when she snapped out of it.

"Ow! Why did you have to punch for it?!" Kuro complained.

"Sorry" Temari pouted as she crossed her arms but was clearly regretting it.'why the hell did you punch Temari.!!! This is so embarrassing!!'

"I'm sorry to break your flirting, but you're supposed to stop me right? Did they just sent a teenager to stop me? Am I being underestimated?" 3rd Raikage stopped the scene before it further escalates.

"Don't worry sir. Underestimating you would be a greatest mistake on our part. That's precisely why I'm the one facing you" answered Kuro as he took his stance. "Shoka Gijutsu!" Flames ignited on both his hands and feet as he reached for Kubikiribōchō's handle on his back. Taking the weapon drawing it in front of him towards the enemy as it also became covered in flames.

"Well let's see what you got kid!" 3 Raikage became pumped up upon noticing kuro's form as his lightning armor further powered up.

Kuro vanished from his position and in a blink of an eye arrived where the Raikage was. Temari was unable to follow at all. The 3rd Raikage wasn't even able to react until Kuro arrived in front of him swinging Kubikiribōchō with the intention to behead him.

As explained before Kuro's Gijutsu is similar to the raikage's lightning armor but it only provides him explosive speed within a distance limit depending on how much chakra is used. This distance only increased when he further developed the it. Also unlike the Raikage's lightning armor where they can change directions multiple times, kuro can only use it in a straight line unless he charges it again which will take time before he can use it again.

That's why even if the raikage was unable to react when he vanished because of his speed he was still able to react when kuro arrived in front of him already on the stance to behead him. Even Naruto had to change his rasen-shuriken 3 times and point blank range just to hit him. After dodging Kubikiribōchō in an impossible angle, the raikage wasted no time as hell stab was thrusted in an empty air where Kuro was. Kuro used Hiraishin to dodge and appeared beside temari where he planted his mark when he slapped her shoulders.

'He's really fast. I need sage mode to be able to react faster' Kuro planted Kubikiribōchō in the ground and once again put his arms together. "Sage Mode!" His eyes' iris turned yellow with a black iris. While red color shaded his outer eyes unlike Naruto which was orange, and Jiraiya where it was no longer just a shade and covered almost his entire face. Kuro holds Kubikiribōchō as he prepared another stance. "Again!"

The reason why he was able to bring down black Zetsu, Karin and Suigetsu before coming to the dessert battlefield was because of sage mode + Hiraishin. Rylai did say that Kuro's teacher Pink was able to teleport anywhere. The reason behind that is because sage chakra is everywhere. If normally he needs to create a special mark with his own chakra as a beacon where he can teleport. Then what if he uses sage chakra instead of his own. Considering that sage chakra is everywhere and himself being in sage mode becomes connected. Teleporting anywhere his sage chakra could sense was possible. And right now facing the Raikage, he's in sage mode and ready for more.

[AN: If you've read until the last chapter before this but don't like how the story went. I still appreciate you reading it. It's my first book after all ^_^]