Uchiha Madara's Emergence

Medical Post

After Kuro left Kakashi, Gai and Mifune to battle the Jichuuriki Kinkaku, Ginkaku and Blue B. Tobi was very well aware of their chakra signature. Therefore his inevitable clash with Naruto and Co was further delayed since he stopped on his tracks and teleported near the alliance's medical post where kakashi was fighting. Naruto sensed this and told Bee and Sasuke. In the end they decided to simply send multiple Naruto clones to the medical post to help while they quickly rush over the rest of the zombie jinchuuriki that stopped while 'Uchiha Madara( w/c is Tobi) is busy spectating Kakashi's battle.

The 3 Zombie Jinchuuriki that Kakashi and the rest were fighting wasn't using any treasured tools as each of them were using their chakra cloak version 2. While in front of the medical post people are starting to panick as their allies were starting to attack them too. Some even have a clone and don't know which is the real one resulting in panic and disorder.

That's where shikamaru's circle strategy comes in. Darui executed the command according to Shikamaru's strategy where in each of them will stay by their own circle and whoever goes inside their circle even if they look like allies must be attacked and assumed an enemy. Although this proved to be useful but the number of white zetsu that was reduced was still incoming. Considering that they can't initiate the attack themselves is a disadvantage which further delayed the enemy's defeat as more of them are being attacked in large numbers. Some can definitely defend themselves but that doesn't apply to everyone.

A few moments later

The difficulty they were facing was finally about to end as dozens of glowing Naruto arrived on time to assist them on figuring out the disguised enemy while also greatly reducing the white zetsu's number. The alliance morale went up again as more and more loud cries was heard.

Even Kakashi and the rest were assisted by Naruto clones. Tobi who was watching by the side was amused. 'Hmmn It seems he sensed that I wasn't with the previous Jinchuuriki anymore as I myself can sense that they are rushing in to take advantage of my absence and attack those Jinchuuriki that I left. However, I don't plan to stick around here for long'

The three zombie Jinchuuriki were easily handled and sealed with Naruto clones' help. But at this moment a very loud cry was heard as the earth shook repeatedly as if a giant was walking near them. Naruto clones and sensory type ninjas looked at the direction of the source of that cry earlier only to feel an enormous power fast approaching them.

"It's coming from there!" pointed one of the sensory ninja

"It's something big."

"It jumped!" Naruto clone shouts

"Brace yoursleves!" warned Kakashi


A loud thump was heard as a giant with many eyes and coral-like back was seen. The giant was like a dried up corpse.

"Uchiha Madara!" Mifune screamed as he saw tobi arrived in front of them.

"Relax, I'm only here to collect."

"What do you mean you're only here to collect?" Kakashi asked

"Those eyes, Why do you have the Rinnegan? What did you do to Nagato's body?" Naruto by the side asked as the people at the back were surprised. Only when Naruto said it was Kakashi able to also notice that the 'Uchiha Madara' in front of them has a rinnegan on his left eye socket and a sharingan on his right eye. That would be right eye socket on the kakashi's perspective where tobi's body wasn't crushed as he gifted his eye to Kakashi. That was now replaced by a rinnegan.

"Orochimaru's probably using his corpse right now. I actually had to deal with a pest when taking back this eyes. So I did what anyone would do to a pest and exterminated her. Hahaha" Naruto's eyes despaired as this meant that Conan probably died by his hands. He and sasuke was able to locate Nagato's whereabouts back then and was able to convince Nagato even to the point where Nagato revived all those who died in Konoha because of him. 'I'm sorry Nagato. I failed to protect your friend'

While they were busy chatting the Gedo Statue devoured the sealed Zombie Jinchuuriki as Tobi needed their chakra. Although not the real thing as long as the chakra needed was complete he can revive the ten-tails.

"You'll- You're gonna pay for that." Naruto said angrily

"While I would love to stay chat more. I'll be more than happy to fight the real you soon" Tobi replied while slowly disappearing from their sight. The Gedo Statue also vanished and was soon followed by one of Naruto's clone. As the one's remaining joined the others on completely eradicating the last of the white Zetsus. Kakashi and the rest also joined in on the fray as more and more white zetsu was eradicated.

Akatsuki Cave [A few hours after Tobi left]

Kekekeke...[Orochimaru laughs]

"Have you guys got it?" He asked to the 4 figures in front of him.

"Yes we have it Orochimaru-sama" answered one of the figures.

"Good. Go to the location I have provided and wait there."

"Yes Orochimaru-sama! 4x" the 4 figures disappeared as Orochimaru was now alone in the cave.

Alliance Base

"Supreme Leader! Uchiha Madara showed up near the Medical post but it seems he only planned to collect the edo tensei bodies of Kinkaku, Ginakaku and Blue B. He left afterwards" Reported Inoichi.

"Even Blue B's body was used. That damn Orochimaru.!" A was angry knowing that his own people who are already resting were used as tools.

"I really thought we killed him before. Who would have thought that he was simply hiding all this time." Tsunade was concerned by the side.

"For now I think it's okay since we are almost done with the rest of the battle. All that's left after we finish the remaining Kage edo tensei is Uchiha Madara himself which Naruto, Bee and Sasuke are probably facing now. We must send reinforcement as soon as we can.!" Shikaku suggested by the side. Everyone else nodded and agreed. The turning point of the war has finally come. However Tsunade by the side wasn't feeling that way. It's the same feeling she always felt when something bad happens. This was the same feeling he felt when her loved ones died.

"Inoichi give me an update on both the Medical post and Dessert Battlefield now!" Tsunade suddenly shouted which startled A and the rest.

"Tsunade-sama. It's okay. We are winning on both side. It's only a matter of time for the enemies to be wiped out on the medical post as Kakashi, Darui and Mifune theselves along with the back up division are there. Even Naruto-kun's clones are a huge help on identifying the enemies that disguised themselves perfectly." Inoichi reported

"What about Jiraiya and Kuro's side?" Tsunade asked again still feeling uneasy.

"Jiraiya-sama and his student whom kuro converted to our side are holding back the 2nd Hokage Tobirama Senjuu. The rest are actually done with the 2nd Mizukage Hozuki, 3rd Kazekage Rasa and 2nd Tsuchikage Mu. They are now approaching Jiraiya-sama to aide him."

"and Kuro? I did ask about him right?" Tsunade was really feeling omnimous right now.

"He's fighting the Raikage toe to toe right now. He's as fast if not faster than the 3rd Raikage himself. I couldn't locate him awhile ago due to this but now that I'm seeing it, I am having a hard time believing it. I'm sorry tsunade-sama" Inoichi was shocked.

"What did you say? That kid is fighting my old man in terms of speed and you're saying he might even be faster than him?!!" A by the side could not believe the report. However even after knowing that Tsunade still couldn't shake off that feeling.

Dessert Battlefield

Flashes of lightning and fire could be seen on the battlefield as it goes from one location to another all over the Dessert. Even in between the battle between Tobirama and Jiraiya who was now joined by the rest. Everyone was able to see red and blue flashes of light as Kuro and the 3rd Raikage was duking it out. Neither of the two has been able to land an attack against the other. Be it hell stab from the lowest level to the highest or Kubikiribōchō, both weapon were unable to land a hit at all as both continued on and on.

"That man, Is really strong. He's definitely the one for me to ma-rry." Mei blurted out without knowing she did so outloud. Even Kuro became a man in front of her even though kuro is still a teenager... Naruto was 16 when pain attacked in the original plot and a few months or so after that came the war even to the point where they arrived on his birthday while facing Tobi who insulted his parent's death anniversary.

"No wonder Naruto also became his master. He's really reliable." Nagato commented by the side who was heard by Jiraiya whose head's veins was now showing.

"Nagato! Stop dozing around and help me. That's not how I thought you when fighting an enemy" Nagato could only smile at his sensei's envy as they engage Tobirama's huge water Jutsus more. While the rest also began sending their own Jutsu helping them take care of Tobirama.

While Kuro and 3rd Raikage were still at it out using pure speed. 'All my life being a shinobi, probably only a few could give me this kind of experience. This kid's strength is phenomenal, I wonder how stronger he'll be when he grows up? Will he be able to surpass the God of Shinobi Senjuu Hashirama?' were the 3rd Raikage's thoughts.

'When I came to this world. I was crybaby. I don't know why but every little things could make me cry. Maybe this is just who I am in the past back on earth. Although I don't which one is the right one I began to forget about it as my family here became the real one in my heart. As I grew up more, little by little I enjoy fights such as this. And this here right now is the best one thus far' Kuro's own thought was forming while he smiled flashing in red here and there along with the 3rd Raikage who was also able to keep up with him.

'This kid. His speed and reactions are improving more and more as we battle. And that smile, he's enjoying this as much as I do.' Raikage was impressed by kuro's growth. 'However this will soon end. One way or the other, I just hope it's in your favor boy'. Both stopped at this time and faced each other. "Finish this now boy. Don't drag it out any longer!" Raikage shouts and warned as he himself could feel something is coming but he just can't point out what it is.

'Although Mu is no longer here to be able to summon Madara. Tobirama and 3rd Raikage could probably still summon him. I need to up my speed and end this now' He nodded at the 3rd raikage and bit his thumb. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A giant bird with black and yellow feather colors for it's head part and body respectively showed up after the smoke receded. It was Lord thunder. "Kuro, this is the 2nd time you've summoned me. what do you need of me?"

"Let's do that!" Kuro immediately said as he clapped his hands. "I understand" Thunder hopped on Kuro's shoulder as they began the body link transformation he used before to defeat sasori. The red shade outside his eyes vanished.

Soon Crimson red sclera formed in his eyes that was already in sage mode. Yellow bright iris and deep black round pupils was still there. It's as if the red shade was replaced and transferred. Large yellow wings protruded on his back as Kubikiribōchō was covered with yellow lightning and fire when he holds it.

"This time, I'll end it." Kuro declared as yellow lightning covered not only his blade but his whole body along with his wings. 3rd Raikage was even more pumped up as he wants to surpass his current self because of kuro. His lightning armor was already maxed out since earlier and he was already using the fastest hell stab which always hit empty air when Kuro disappears at the last moment.

And right now the feeling of wanting to be stronger was flowing through him. The single finger hell stab was now replaced by a relax open hand and his intent on killing kuro was replaced by wanting to capture him instead. Raikage wants to be faster. 'This is bad, this kid is pushing me to give it my all. When I should be holding back to make him win.'

"Don't even think of holding back or my respect for your strength will vanish!" warned kuro who was able to read the 3rd Raikage's mind just by looking at him surprising the Raikage 'Well I'll be! He's already on a level where he can even read what's on my mind heh,'

"Then don't blame me for what happens next!" Raikage's doubt that was holding back his strength finally crumbles as he started lowering his body and relaxied his hands just like Vegeta did in Dragon Ball Super against Hit. The lightning Armor's became condensed on the 3rd Raikage's body as prepares to attack.

"It is the next generation's duty to surpass the old one. Ofcourse I won't blame you. Zenshin Raika!" Yellow thunder and red flames erupted as it covers Kuro. He also prepared himself as his grip on Kubikiribōchō became firm.

Not a moment later as if on cue. Both figures suddenly disappeared from their spot. A spark flew as a blade was slapped by a hand.! Both figues collided and disappeared. Not even a second passed as another spark flew. Ting! Ting! Ting! More and more sounds could be heard as if metals were clashing but not even near the truth as it was a hand and a blade that was clashing. It was flesh and metal.!

Temari and the others who were watching could still follow the flashes awhile ago. But right now, all they could get was the sound and the sparks left after the collision of kuro and the Raikage.

'This is not going anywhere! We just upped our game and did the same thing. Why did I have to let him let loose' Kuro blamed himself. There's nothing he could do because at that moment he was so engrossed after fighting the Raikage and was concerned that the raikage was holding back himself so he could win.

That was no longer about winning the war but his pride he could not notice that as forming. The pride of being strong. Even Uchiha Madara has such pride that he respected the strong, Senju Hashirama is the prime example of that.

While Kuro was busy duking it out with the 3rd Raikage on a whole new level, Tobirama was soon about to be defeated by the combined efforts of Jiraiya, Nagato, Mei, Gaara and Ohnoki.

Tobirama shook as his eyes became dark and he lost control of himself. "Summoning Jutsu!" a single coffin appeared in front of him as sand, particle style, water, fire and missiles were thrown at Tobirama but was now caught by that single coffine.

However before the coffin was destroyed by the arriving combined jutsus, it exploded as a shock came from the inside coffin itself and blocked those jutsus.

"That brat Obito finally did it!" Tobirama heard a familiar voice and he finally confirmed the reason for his uneasiness. The figure in front of him was indeed able to give him such feelings for his brother Senju Hashirama was the only one who could stop this monster that appeared in front of him.

"You! To think that the jutsu I created would be used to summon you to the world of the living."

"Hmn? Tobirama? You Summoned me? This is not the rinne-rebirth Jutsu but your Edo tensei?" Madara was confused.

Even Kuro who was busy with the Raikage was distracted for a moment letting the Raikage land a blow which he blocked with his wings at the last second and held the raikage's clothes making him look in his eyes. "Sharingan!" He immediately beheaded the Raikage taking advantage of the moment. Then he sealed him right there. "Sorry, I'm needed somewhere but it was a good fight Raikage sama."

Alliance Base (Moments after Madara was Summoned)

"Supreme leader! We have located Orochimaru."

"Yosh, Contact Commander Kuro to finish his fight with my Old man and take us to where Orochimaru is."

"Hold on! How did you locate him?" Tsunade interrupted.

"Why does it matter? As long as we defeat him. We will definitely win this war." A argued.

"Supreme Leader. I think Tsunade-sama has a point. Just now we were able to locate Orochimaru because he used a jutsu for us to be able to sense him. He used the 2nd Hokage as a catalyst to summon the real Uchiha Madara.!" A was now confused, along with Tsunade and shikaku.

"That would mean the one who introduced himself as Uchiha Madara was actually not Uchiha Madara. If so then who is he?" Shikaku analysed.

"Only grandfather was able to stop Uchiha Madara in the past. We should join the others and stop him."

"It's not that I don't agree with you but what about Orochimaru?" A asked

"Please leave him to me. I'll be sure to stop him for good this time." a voice was heard as one of the assigned guards showed himself. It was Uchiha Itachi.

"We need to contact the Back up Division Commander." Shikaku commented by the side.

Right after Kuro sealed the Raikage

"Commander Kuro. We have a task for you. It seems that you've already sealed the 3rd Raikage."

"Good job Kid. You were able to surpass my old man." praised A

"Kuro, we need you to send us there. You probably sensed it too. The enemy has summoned the real Uchiha Madara."

"Yes I know. He's currently slaughtering a lot of our allies" answered Kuro as he saw Madara let loose in the field even while being surrounded by a lot of ninjas. One moment he was holding a sword, the next moment a spear and so on. Madara was unstoppable with his taijutsu. Kuro disappeared from his spot and appeared in the alliance base.

"I have a plan." Kuro appearing out of nowhere could have surprise Tsunade and the rest a little as they were getting used to him appearing and disappearing in the base. But Kuro appearing with huge wings definitely was a new surprise to them.