Uchiha Madara Vs Ito Kuro

Everyone was looking with wide eyes and mouth agape. A huge red dragon flaunted its wings as flames were escaping its mouth. It roars towards the Juubi as the latter does the same. This was General Pyron, the highest Elder after Lord Thunder of the flying temple. But this red dragon was only the 2nd highest before Rylai who was the one on top. Kuro clapped his hands as he entered sage mode flawlessly, he then teleported on top of Pyron's head.

Tobi and Madara who were ready to shoot down the alliance awhile ago with those numerous wooden twigs were also staring at General Pyron and stopped the what they were about to do.

"Interesting. Shall we probe how strong that fellow and his summon is?" Madara suggested by obito's side. The latter simply nodded to agree with a serious look. Both of them controlled the Juubi to condense mana from the air and withdraw the plan to take lives from the rest. It's like they've ignored the alliance all because of they want to probe the strength of a single guy.

"Their going to attack General. Please counter it. I will try to separate their connection from the Juubi and take them towards my allies. I'll be leaving the Juubi in your hands. Do you think you can hold it?"

"I got it. I can hold it down until my time's up so focus on defeating the ones who controls it." Pyron gathered chakra of his own in response to the Juubi's action. But instead of inside him, it's gathered in his mouth as more and more flames were escaping through. These flames weren't ordinary flames nor were they like what Red had been using. These were higher level of flames from a dragon combined by his own and sage chakra.

The Juubi finished condensing its attack and swallowed it. Juubi's body expanded in a matter of seconds as it prepares to shoot that energy that's about to escape it's mouth.

"You say you haven't been called weak since you were born. Arrogant Flash should have been the name I've given you in the bingo book instead of Red Flash" Obito roared.

'Red Flash? so you've given him a nickname? Now I'm starting to wonder what made you do so, obito?' Madara thought by the side as a smile formed on his face, anticipating the meaning behind his title given by Obito.

"I don't need such title from a failure like you!" Kuro said in disdain angering Obito further.

Then a moment later the two Uchiha controlled the Juubi to fire off that condensed chakra towards kuro and his dragon. Kuro himself was waiting and held on his blade's handle while Pyron also shot his own attack.

Two powers collided in midair as they try to overwhelm each other but none was able to defeat the other immediately. Using this chance Kuro swung his blade and appeared on the two Uchiha's back. By the time they noticed the connection they had with the Juubi was severed and kuro has let go of his blade while his hands were reaching for them.

A Gunbai and a metal rod was swung towards Kuro but he simply teleported again near them and touched both Uchiha's shoulder and sending them away from the Juubi but near the alliance. As soon as he did, kuro disappeared again appearing by Kubikiribōchō side and took it by the handle. He once again teleported in front of the two Uchiha as not even a second passed as he retrieved his blade.

"You're ability is annoying and fast. But it doesn't make you strong." Madara commented as soon as Kuro appeared.

"Well you're correct about that. Shall we dance then?" Kuro answered giving Madara a challenge. While Minato appeared beside him.

"Leave Obito to me and focus on Madara. But don't hesitate to ask for help from the others, he's not an ordinary opponent." Minato advised. Kuro nodded to agree and gripped Kubikiribōchō handle tightly.

Moments later he disappeared from his spot and was already swinging his blade towards Madara who met him head on with a Gunbai. The two exchanged slashes after slashes against each other but kuro was on the retreating end as Madara was overpowering him. However being someone taught by flightless about how the fighting technique of the flying temple could be modified to adapt according to its user. Kuro was beginning to counter Madara as he was slowly able to hold his ground.

One of the prime example of Kuro's current situation was flightless himself. The master of flying temple who couldn't fly but was unrivaled when it comes to pure combat and sage chakra manipulation. Kuro's training was definitely worth it.

Madara noticed the adaptability of the youth in front of him which made him thrilled. Madara began to put more pressure into their exchange leading to both of them being disabled with their respective weapons and started using taijutsu.

Madara using his monstrous taijutsu coupled with decades of experience from war during his time when war was still a common occurrence against Kuro's taijutsu that evolved over the years but his main experience was all training and never in a life and death battle. If there was one, none of his opponents were able to go against him since he also had the Hiraishin. And right now he isn't using it but is purely using sage mode's power and his own to compliment his taijutsu. Further developing and pushing his fighting style to a whole new level.

As the battle dragged on, none of Kuro's ally was able to assist him since all of them were closely watching this battle but unable to even join due to how high level it is. Even the battle between the Juubi and Pyron was outshined by their pure taijutsu battle, how much more of the battle between Obito and Minato which was between someone who materialise and de-materialise against someone who blinks/teleports.

The battle kept dragging on and Madara couldn't help himself from smiling. The same could be said to Kuro who kept on leveling up to Madara's standard. Purple chakra began circulating through Madara's body as a Susanoo bone hand smashed Kuro. But the latter was able to dodge it by using Hiraishin. 'Guess this battle's going up a notch higher.

"Shoka Gijutsu: Hiken!" Kuro appeared in front Madara with a burning fist. But as soon as he did he disappeared again. Without even a single breath he appeared again with Kubikiribōchō in hand as flames ignited on the blade once more.

"Moeru Nami.!" Kuro unleashed his burning wave in point blank range giving the Susanoo more flames but no damage at all.

"As I said before. Your ability is annoying and fast but it doesn't mean your strong. Even your taijutsu that I observed to have gotten stronger while fighting me was almost on par with but still, your not strong enough." Madara commented.

"Tsk, then how about this.? Hishodo!" Kuro strike Kubikiribōchō the same way he made a whole through Orochimaru way back. But the result was only a crack on Susanoo the same way A did without Ohnoki help, although the blade made it through a crack. It was still unable to destroy Madara's defense.

"Is this your limit? If you have nothing else to show me, then you're even weaker than those kage that I have faced before." Madara stated which made kuro a little annoyed.

"Its true I don't have much anymore but that doesn't mean I can't push my strength further! Shoka Gijutsu: Zenshin... En!!!"

Flame ignited all over kuro's body! He's now activated his original powers that he developed upon coming to this world. Before Hiraishin and Sage mode. Kuro had the fire fighting techniques called Shoka Gijutsu. Over the years he developed the firefist, the fire flying finger pistol, a fire based instantaneous movement, the flame wall where he could pass through anything and the burning waves he incorporated with his Kubikiribōchō.

"Bring it!" Madara gestured Kuro to attack.

"Haaah..." Kuro relaxed his body.

Before madara could react a small crack has already appeared in front of his Susanoo. 'This brat' One more crack appeared in his Susanoo from the back as soon as madara finished saying that in his mind. That was soon followed by another as Madara turned around and saw that damage. Then more and more and more cracks appeared. Kuro's explosive speed on top of using Hiraishin in sage mode where he can blink continuously was so fast for Madara to follow. The more time passed the more his Susanoo was bound to be destroyed even when he summoned the full bone body form and swung four blades. It wasn't enough to deter Kuro's attack. Kuro was indeed annoying, however he's now strong enough to damage his Susanoo. It's only a matter of time when his Susanoo collapses to Kuro's annoyingly fast attack.

Madara slammed the ground with his Susanoo blade making a loud tremor to the ground. He utilised this timing and lmade his Susanoo transform into its complete form. A very huge Susanoo with full armour was seen in the battlefield as everyone else who were battling looked at how huge it was.

That was the only time kuro saw that the Juubi has already shredded a smaller versions of itself giving the alliance was once again another batch of enemy to fight against.

'tsk, a jinchuuriki of juubi will soon be formed. I will not be able to stop it since I'm busy with a damn monster. Where the hell is Hashi and Tobirama. I can only use the body link transformation with Lord thunnder against this.'

"What's you're name?" Madara asked

"Ito Kuro."

"Hahaha Ito Kuro. Can you still dance with me? Or will you disappoint me like those Five Kage that was supposed to be the strongest of their generation? Well?"

"I'll let you be the judge of that. Summoning Jutsu!" Lord thunder appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Hmmn? another summon? But it doesn't seem on par with the dragon that you have summoned earlier" Madara commented as he looked down on Kuro from the forehead of Susanoo.

[AN:Sort of like how the power rangers were inside their megazord LOL.]

"Let's do this Lord thunder. For the flying temple's honor!." Thunder nodded fired up as both of them initiated their body link transformation. As soon as kuro did that he immediately took off and looked at madara in the same eye level.

"And what can this form of yours even do to me?" Madara asked and he too opened Susanoo's wings and took off. Kuro followed suit with Kubikiribōchō on hand.

Madara drew his sword and slashed Kuro. Intending to cut him in half but the teenager didn't back down as lightnig and fire covered him along with his Kubikiribōchō. The blade covered in thunderfire using Kubikiribōchō as base enlarged and met Madara's blade of Susanoo head on.

[AN: Imagine Asakura Yoh's weapon in Shaman king but instead of blue energy replace it with Natsu's lightning fire element from Fairy tail. If you imagine that kind of sword with the executioners blade as base then that's probably it LOL :") ]

The same way the two exchange slashes awhile ago using the Gunbai vs the Kubikiribōchō. Right now their clashing again, however Madara is a big target meanwhile Kuro is a small target furthermore he's teleporting mid air continuously making Madara's Susanoo move more than it can but due to it being big he couldn't follow all of Kuro's attack. Leaving Madara with a lot of damage and cuts to his Susanoo. Then kuro was even able to cut off Susanoo's legs and hands.

"Hahahaha I have never battled with Hashirama in the sky before since he's unable to fly. Using his Jutsu would probably be useless while flying. But you, even though your smaller than my Susanoo, you're able to give me this kind of rush in the sky. I acknowledge your strength to be stronger than these generation's Kages. Let me respond to this strength of yours." Madara made a big swing using his Susanoo's remaining arm and distanced himself. Kuro who felt this didn't pursue Madara and did the same distancing himself from the monster.

Madara's Susanoo suddenly let go of it's sword and it's severed hand regrown. Madara and his Susanoo clapped their hands in sync then. Then out of nowhere, kuro felt a sense of danger he's never felt before.

'What the? Did obito already became a jinchuuriki of the Juubi? No, it shouldn't be that. I can still feel him fighting Minato and Kakashi. The rest are doing fine, even Naruto and his batch mates are showing off. Hashi, Tobi, Saru and Mina have initiated the Four Red Yang Formation. This makes it possible for the rest to fight the Juubi's remnants inside safely. Even Pyron seems to be holding on well against the main body. That could only mean, the one in front of me is the one responsible for this feeling. tsk what is he up to. I know all of his tricks plot wise but outside of the anime I don't know anything else. Especially now with the plot a little bit out of the original.'

As if to follow kuro's premonition, Madara's Susanoo shrinked. As the Armor of Susanoo was worn by Madara himself. If there was a version of Kurama wearing Susanoo's armor, then Imagine a maniature version of it on Madara himself.

"Hahahaha., Who would've thought this to be possible?" Madara feeling the strength cursing through him was ecstatic. He looked at Kuro who was dumbfounded about what's going on.

'What the f***!!! What's going on? This didn't happen in the anime.!' He prepared himself for the inevitable as Madara was clearly going to lunge at him.

Whooosssh!!! And Madara did as a blade formed on his arm, he slashes it towards Kuro with the intention to behead the latter. Kuro blocked it panicking temporarily forgetting his Hiraishin ability as he was shaken to what's going on. From the moment Kuro reincarnated to this world. No plot could give him such feelings since he's gotten his powers. Everything that will happen was anticipated since he already know it. But right now he's fighting Madara who was using an unknown power that wasn't shown before.

That's why he felt such danger from Madara. Meanwhile the monster himself was enjoying slashing Kuro down. Kuro was still on par to him when it comes to Kenjutsu especially in the air since Kuro trained in this. It's just that he's unable to counter at the moment because fear was slowly creeping up his heart.

'This is bad, This is bad, This is bad, This is bad, This is bad, This is really baaaad!' Kuro kept chanting in his head while fully focused on defending. Either he avoids madara or block his strike. Some other time he would draw distance. Madara who noticed this became gloomy and kicked him in the gut. Kuro was so focused on madara's blade he didn't see the kick coming in. The two was a distance away from each other in the sky.

"Oi Ito Kuro. Don't make me regret acknowledging your strength." Madara stated with killing intent.

That was enough to wake Kuro up from his current state. " Tsk, You're supposed to be my opponent. You must be very confident on shutting me down if your even willing to help me wake up from a dazed state" Kuro said with some anger, not to Madara but to himself!"

"True, If we were still in my time before Hashirama and I created the Village. I would have not hesitated to cut you down." Madara answered back as he looked at a certain direction, so did Kuro.

'That brat Obito has become close to a state just like the Sage of the six paths. It looks like things are getting interesting there too. But it can wait. The opponent in front of me is worth the time. Ito Kuro let's dance some more' Madara thought as he takes his attention back to Kuro.

Meanwhile kuro himself thought 'It's begun. The final stage. Without black Zetsu Kaguya shouldn't appear. I just need to defeat this monster so he doesn't become strong like Kaguya. Kaguya strength plus Kaguya brain is doable, but Kaguya strength plus Madara brain is definitely an abomination. Even now when he's still an Edo Tensei, he is giving me scare of my entire reincarnated life. Looks like I'll need to use that later.'

Down below

When Kuro and Madara started fighting each other, so did the Juubi and Pyron. And Obito vs Minato also did. Later on Kakashi helped his sensei leading to Obito's downfall on top of the Juubi. The Juubi itself shredded itself into smaller versions of itself wanting to take the alliance's chakra. But it didn't give up on fighting Pyron as both of them brawled resulting for the Juubi to wrap pyron with it's tails. But Pyron would lit up in flames making the Juubi retrieve it's tails.

Some alliance members were caught by the smaller versions of the Juubi and became corpses as their life force and chakra were absorbed then the rest of the allies came. Hashirama, Tobirama and Sarutobi the Zombie brothers with Stan Lee. A, Tsunade, Mei, Ohnoki and Gaara the losers kage. [Joke.]

The five current kage along with the previous Hokage came. Jiraiya, Itachi, Shikaku, Anko, Temari, the 4th division members and the rest whom I forgot was also there. They saved the rest who were struggling unlike Naruto and his generation who were able to do so well against this new enemies. Especially Sakura who activated Strength of a Hundred Seal. Including some notable figures like Mifune, Darui and Gai.

The four previous Hokage activated the Four Red Yang Formation and the alliance held the upper hand again. However Obito whom they thought had fallen on top of the Juubi's body suddenly made a seal. The Juubi was also defeated by Pyron since it was just a mindless beast a moment ago. Since it was defeated and couldn't move anymore with more than enough burned marks, Pyron left since his time was also up.

The Juubi was easily absorbed by Obito making him enter sage of the six paths stage. He was also able to retain his sanity making him completely in a stage of the six paths.

[AN: Accidentally deleted my drafts. Now starting from scratch T.T]