Frostfire's Wrath

The Juubi was easily absorbed by Obito making him enter sage of the six paths stage. He was also able to retain his sanity making him completely in a stage of the six paths.

The smaller versions of the Juubi disappeared and the alliance was finally able to rest. But not for the 4 Hokage who was now in front of new Obito.

Hiruzen started the attack with Giant Shadow Shuriken Jutsu. Obito simply controlled the black orbs floating behind him using a black staff that resembles much of a monk's staff.

The orbs simply turned flat and cut every Giant Shuriken in half. But it didn't stop and continued towards Hiruzen. Tobirama acted fast and saved his student, while Minato once again tried to stab Obito the same way he did awhile ago leading to obito's defeat and wound on his heart.

Contrary to what Minato expected, Obito was prepared this time as his special kunai was ineffective. Obito simply blocked it with his staff and the three pronged kunai was destroyed instead. Giving Obito the chance to counter. That was when Hashirama jumped in time.

Being in sage mode Hashirama blocked Obito's counter to Minato which could've costed him his hands. Since Obito is in control of his mind, his attack to an Edo Tensei is already fatal rendering them unable to recover.

Hashirama and Obito engaged in a taijutsu with Obito using a staff ofcourse. The fight was on equal footing due to Obito being on a higher stage than Hashirama though his moves pales in comparison to someone from the warring states period where war was always in a corner, his state of being a sage filled the gap for him to face Hashirama. Not even Madara in their time was Hashirama's match. Since Hashirama was using sage mode, his attacks were very much effective against Obito who was unlike any other opponent Hashirama has faced before.

Tobirama, Hiruzen and Minato who would join from time to time figured it out when their attacks weren't working but Hashirama's attack does. The rest from the alliance rested as they were spent after fighting with the Juubi's smaller versions. Naruto and Sasuke wanted to join in but had to take their time entering sage mode since it's the only way their attacks would be effective.

"Mokuton! Wood Dragon Jutsu!" Hashirama started using his signature style Jutsu filled with sage chakra. Although the rest of the previous Hokage's jutsu weren't effective it was enough to distract Obito for Hashirama to send a killing move.

But Obito was aware of this and simply sent a single Gudōdama directly to the wooden dragon's mouth. Once inside, it became bigger and forced the wooden dragon's mouth open while stopping it from its tracks.

Right at this time Naruto and Sasuke joined the clash both has entered sage mode. The combination of 3 sage mode users plus 3 Kage tier support left Obito no windows of opportunity.

'Tsk I never thought that this state which was like the sage of the six paths would have such a weakness' was Obito's thought as he defended from 3 sage mode users especially Hashirama. Although the other 3 Kage tier Tobirama, Hiruzen and Minato does not do any damage but as support, they were efficient especially the Hiraishin users Tobirama and Minato.

If this was the original plot, Hashirama wouldn't have been part of the clash but would have been was stopped by Madara. However right now, with Madara out of the picture busy with Kuro. The alliance are on the brink of winning.

Back to the fight

Obito fully utilised all of the six Gudōdama. Be it using as a staff, shield, or simply a dummy to take the hit coming from a sage user. Hiruzen's attack he disregards but Minato and Tobirama's he can't. Or should we say unable to disregard. That's just how unique Hiraishin is.

Obito was cornered so he let go of the Juubi's body as it went out of him. The Juubi's form this time was like that of a plant and the alliance who were resting has something to worry about again as some of them became nutrients for the Plant like Juubi's form.

This wasn't enough to sway Naruto and the others from defeating him. So Obito was unable to do any attack all this time even after taking out the Juubi. All he could do was defend.

Right at this moment Hashirama's wood Jutsu has constricted him. Naruto and Sasuke with a sage rasengan and sage chidori on hand appeared in front of him with the 2nd and 4th Hokage's help respectively.

The duo thrust their jutsu on Obito's body as both exits at his back with all of the Bijuu's chakra being pulled by them. The tug of war began.

Both sides struggles to win. Obito not letting the Naruto and the others take his powers as a sage while the Naruto and the others wanting to take it away from him.

Out of nowhere on the ground where Obito was came out a giant snake as it swallowed him hole even though he was floating in the air. He was unable to get away as he was occupied of stopping Naruto and the others.

The tug of war ended with Naruto and the others' victory. All of the Bijuu that were captured was finally set free. They celebrated their freedom and thanked Naruto.

Obito however was gone along with the giant snake that swallowed him. Even with the help of sensory ninja from the alliance they weren't unable to locate him.

But the alliance are currently struggling to take a giant plant down as it continues to regenerate and tries to take their chakra. Some were unlucky from the start but with Tobirama and Minato's help everyone else were able to avoid dying.

As the plant rose higher and higher the 3 sage mode users climbed up planning to take out whatever was forming on top which gave them an eerie feeling as sage users.

But before they could reach the summit they suddenly saw sparks and flashes of purple and red. Some other time flashes of lightning bolts.

Then awhile later they saw Madara covered in Susanoo armor that was actually chipped as parts of it were hacked. He was duking it out with a youth covered in lightning and fire armor. The youth actually has wings grown from his back as his feet was like that of an eagle's talon. Even his hands seem longer. But this youth was covered in blood as if almost his whole body was bleeding. Even his breath was uneven but his expression was like that of a crazed person as he clashes with the former with grin on his face saying that he's actually enjoying this.

Both figure was laughing as both their blades clashed and sent sparks in the sky.

"This fight would've been even more exhilarating if I was bleeding like you are right now." Madara said as they look at each other from a close distance.

"I- will have to- agree on that- even though you're my enemy. I never thought that I-, would have this side of me." Kuro said honestly with his tired breath.

From the beginning that he was here. Survival has always been the plan, not this scenario which he's in right now.

"Judging by your current look, you only have 1 last attack right? " Madara asks the youth. Even though they were duking it out, he was an edo tensei after all. He can afford to get hit as he will simply heal later on. But Kuro was not.

"Heh- You're right once again." Kuro answered with a long sigh as his breath stabilizes slowly. He looks at Madara no longer smiling but with a serious face.

'Though you're my enemy. My skills wouldn't have evolved as far as it has right now. As thanks I will have to use that and defeat you.' kuro's thoughts at the moment was nothing more but the will to defeat Madara.

Right at this time an explosion was heard by them both as Naruto, Sasuke and Hashirama were standing on the Juubi's summit where the flower was destroyed by them. The 3 figures looked at Kuro with a serious expression.

'You can do this' as if Kuro can hear their thoughts, his grip on Kubikiribōchō tightened and his emotion was riled up.

"Heh- you got yourself good companions. Even that old friend of mine agrees is with them." Madara commented as he smirked while looking at Hashirama and the rest.

'Did they beat Obito? I wonder where he is. I can't sense him' were Madara's inner thoughts. Then he looks at Kuro once again as he prepares his next attack.

The blade that he formed and used against Kuro was now flowing with purple energy. Wind pressure surrounds him as he focused more and more energy on it.

Meanwhile on the other end Kuro has Kubikiribōchō held over his head in a slashing motion. His face though beaten and bloodied was serious as his killing intent spiked.

"Setsuen!" Kuro chanted as frostfire ignited on Kubikiribōchō. Madara who saw this was thrilled even more.

"Hahahaha, well done Ito Kuro. This killing intent and power that your showing me right now. I like it! Ahahahaha" Madara exclaimed as more and more energy was focused on his blade. But just then he felt cold with his reanimated body. The temperature around them was dropping continuosly.

'This is the best' Madara thought as he was shaking with excitement due to what Kuro is showing.

Blue flame was flowing through Kubikiribōchō but at the same time not really a flame. As this element also posses frost attribute.

Inside Kuro's mind

"Kuro, we only have a few minutes left. Although we have perfected the link transformation Jutsu. You're body can no longer maintain it. Make sure to end it this time. Just focus on the attack, I'll take care of keeping us in the air." Lord thunder advised to him.

"Got it." He answers.

Naruto, Sasuke and Hashirama were still looking at them intently.

"Whoever wins. As soon as this bout ends, let's end it in case it's that it's needed. I can feel that he's going to put everything on this last attack of his." Says Hashirama. The two simply nodded to agree as their attention was all on Kuro.

'Sensei, you can do this' was Sasuke's thought. This master of his, he owe a great deal of. For his strength and view of the world. And for finding the truth about his older brother's situation. Leading to them reuniting once more.

'kuro sensei, you can do it.' was Naruto's thought. This friend of his, was the first person to ever acknowledge him. It was the start of his life's change, as he was acknowledged by many others after him.

Right at this time Madara and Kuro were in the air holding their last attack. Time seemed to stand still as both of them were about to unleash it. The Moon shone brightly as it shows the thrilled and cold face of the both of them respectively.

"Kuro!!!" Madara shouts as he disappeared from his spot and charged straight to Kuro with his blade that's surging with purple energy ready to burst out at any given moment.

"ShimoHi no Ikari..." Kuro chanted as he too charged forward and shouts his opponent's name. "Madara!!!!"

[AN: ShimoHi no Ikari = Frostfire's Wrath ]

Two figures clashed and brought upon them an ear splitting explosion as the temperature that dropped awhile ago dropped even more considerably in one go. Not a cloud nor a bird nearby was spared as they were frozen down to atoms and disappeared.

Madara's himself was no exception but it was only the Susanoo on him that was frozen along with his blade, if not his Edo Tensei body would have a hard time healing back from being reduced to atoms or may not heal at all. His very own attack was stopped as Kuro's Jutsu was not a force type. In a single breath of time it engulfs anything with blue flames as if to burn any and all things but really freezes them down to atoms.

Susanoo broke and revealed a shocked Madara. Kuro took the opportunity to attack Madara there and then but his link transformation also wore off as Lord thunder disappeared. But this wasn't enough to stop him since Madara was still within reach.

He slashed at him intending to cut him in half but Madara was already out of shock. Madara caught Kubikiribōchō that was slashing down at him as Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke was nearing them.

The trio jumped the moment the clash happened. They were actually shocked when they saw Kuro won the exchange but panicked when Kuro's form disappeared. Madara forced the blade down and used it as a support to send a kick towards Kuro. The latter let go of the blade to block the kick by crossing both his arms. He was thrown off a distance but immediately returned and took Kubikiribōchō from Madara's hand. Both of them were now falling as all of this was happening. Kuro tried to slash once more but was punched by Madara since he was slow considering his current state. He went down faster than Madara due to the punch's force.

Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke came and was about to attack but Madara's complexion changed as his body became real and produced smoke. This surprised the trio and Madara felt them, he easily avoided Naruto and Sasuke's attack while kicking them down. Both went down fast as if they were nothing in front of him, this slowed down his fall due to them being a foothold as he sent those kicks. Then he faced Hashirama with a smile but his expression changed again as he lost his sight and his rinnegan eyes crumbled and disappeared.

He used his senses to feel Hashirama's attack but it was too late, he was was still hit by his chest by a powerful force as he coughed up blood and he was sent down below. Naruto and Sasuke was still able to landed carefully even though they were kicked by Madara thanks to their sage mode while Kuro simply sent his blade to the ground first and teleported right next to it.

Hashirama was an Edo Tensei so no need to do anything and he let gravity do the work. They were all separated by a few distance during their fall but Kuro can easily sense where they all are. His only problem is that he's currently exhausted as all the damage he accumulated during his fight with Madara took over. Even his sage mode wore off awhile ago the same time Lord thunder disappeared.

Madara however was caught on top of a giant snake's head.

"Welcome back to life, Uchiha Madara. Kekekeke" Orochimaru greets him as the former laughed.

"Your voice is familiar. Hmmmmn. You must be the Edo Tensei Summoner." Madara said as he examines Orchimaru.

"I have something you need." Orochimaru said as he handed Madara 2 rinnegan eyes. Then Madara as if not blind simply took it and put it in his eye sockets.

"What do you want?" Madara asked.

"I simply want to witness it. Your end goal that is." Orochimaru answered.

Flash back a little

Somewhere below them a few moment before Madara revived.

Obito has passed out while 3 figures were standing not minding him as they were about to do something.

One of them has rinnegan eyes as his hands weaved signs as instructed by the leader. It was Orochimaru who instructed the guy and was also the one who implanted the eyes to him. As he completed the rinne rebirth jutsu, he lost his life. Orochimaru took the rinngeran from him and instructed the girl left to guard the unconscious Obito.

Orochimaru then took off immediately as he saw Madara falling down. They were already within the vicinity where Kuro and Madara were fighting awhile ago so it was easy to catch Madara who was falling down after Hashirama hit him.

End of chapter 51

[AN: No internet for a whole week. Almost gave up on updating this. One more chapter to go? I wonder.]