Raging Waters

The successive explosions came to shake the casino. The patrons and the guests began to look around to catch any signs of an earthquake. Amid their smiles and assurances to the people, the management then deployed guards to find the people who were causing the explosions. The blasts were like C4s were being used to detonate walls one after another.

However, it was just Michelle and the other servant that tailed them. They were already fighting while breaking down walls to create a wide battlefield. After the ground was set, Michelle dropped Ainsley at the side before sending successive attacks at the servant. The unnamed woman responded with wind gusts that she produced through her arms.

Michelle's exploding magic balls would get deflected, but they would detonate as soon as the gusts came. The power of the blasts would counter the winds, letting other exploding balls get through. The battle had gone on like this that Ainsley felt like he was getting deafened by the loud sounds.

"Sinco, Sinco, please help me." He curled up and barely protected his ears with his hands. He was just a human that wasn't acclimatized to violence. Ever since he met Sinclair back in primary school, he had never thought that he would ever get harmed. However, his life started taking a turn lately.

He just hoped that Sinclair could come and save him.

Whoosh! A figure got thrown next to him. When he took a look, he saw Michelle deep into a crater she created. She coughed out blood from her mouth and struggled to move.

"You are indeed worthy to be renowned as one of the best people in your clan." A voice echoed, and Ainsley turned to see a man next to the injured female servant. He looked like he was some regal character, a prince from a different clan, perhaps. As if taking offense at the fact that Ainsley met his gaze, he huffed. "Human, you dare look at me? You must be ready to die."

"Ainsley, you have to run…" Michelle whispered as she got to her feet despite her broken body. She summoned forth her claws and dragon eyes. "I will cover for you."

She said that, but the man was quick to dash and swat down his claw at the servant. At the cold light of his dark-colored claws, Michelle's and Ainsley's eyes quivered in terror.

Freeze. It was as if that time actually froze. The man's eyes widened as something had halted his entire body from moving for a split second. One moment, he had swiped down to kill the two; the next, he was thrown away but some kind of invisible gust. Even the female servant was hit despite her distance from them.

The man hit the ground, but he managed to get to a squat and skidded across the ground instead. The battlefield only had a few emergency lights as the bulbs were destroyed along with the wires in the walls. Within that place dimly lit in eerie red lights, a green mist ooze from Ainsley's body.

"It must be you. Hmph, I'm surprised that my brother had not killed you yet." The man clicked his tongue. He stood straight and got into a stance, his hands turning into huge claws and his eyes showing a scary look. Even if it was the same as the moonlight dragons, Ainsley could vaguely see the difference between the two clans.

The prince from a different clan then charged again. He was planning to swing down at the two just like earlier. Whatever the green mist did earlier, he could just get far from its reach, so he wouldn't be stopped by it. That was his plan.

Over Roth's side of the casino, Stuart was still stuck fighting the despicable man. When the dumb servant decided to bash towards Alice and Roth, the servant felt very bitter. If the despicable man was not this strong, he could have handled them both on his own. It's just that…

"Harming my son under my watch? Who do you think you are?" A voice suddenly echoed from behind them. Along with it was a surge of magic that was enough to make Stuart and the despicable man shudder at the strength displayed.

Unlike those who had been in this city for a while, the supreme beings of the non-human worlds cared too little about being discreet. Raging waters rushed towards the servant and the despicable man. The servant was the first one to be hit, and the waves collided with him from the front, causing his body to crash against the same force—perhaps even more powerful.

His bones broke, and his body was swept by the raging tides. The waters were so turbulent like a vortex, shredding the body of the dumb servant. Even if he wanted to cry for his Big Brother for help, he couldn't even get a word out.

The despicable man, called Big Brother by his servants, felt his entire body quiver. Before he was hit by the raging waters, he turned into a phantom and escaped through the walls. It was good if he could avoid the detection of the moonlight dragon clan's main family head. He didn't even realize that the family head was there with them. How good was their queen's disguising spell?

Wallace walked deeper into the hallway and didn't bother chasing. He was not Sinclair who could chase a phantom. If Michelle was here, she would be able to tail that despicable man. He could only lay a gaze at Alice who pulled on Roth and tried her best to feel his breathing and pulse.

Was this the same state that his son was in days ago? How could Sinclair sit through this sight?

"My King…" Stuart went to kneel in front of Wallace. It seemed that he was going to be punished for not keeping Roth safe.

"Sinclair had gone to look for Ainsley and Michelle. It seemed that they planned for an ambush for Roth in this place." Wallace then looked around, feeling the traces of the barrier. "Collect magic residue and find the origin of that insolent dragon."

Stuart was about to assent with servitude, but an ear-deafening dragon roar echoed all over the place… like a primal power had been awakened!