Chapter 97: The World Ending

Outside the world of Haru and the devil, the original world nears its ending.

When Alicia has returned to her house, it was dusty and silent, but it's as peaceful as the Light World.

She thought that nothing would compare to the worlds that the devil has created, but Alicia thought her world in that house was just as beautiful. She felt so nostalgic about returning and has even slowly recovered from the death of her son.

Thinking about how the world would end somehow comforted Alicia, because it felt like it's only a matter of time before she meets and reunite with her son once again.

And so, she wondered if he was doing alright on the other side.

She went to his grave after buying some fresh flowers.

She prayed and began sincerely talking to Eugene at his deathbed. It felt like for the past few years, since he had died, Alicia had always been avoiding being face to face with her fears and sadness.

When she went over the Tale Park World and repeatedly watched her son over the theater's stage, she felt how precious life is supposed to be and that death must be accepted.

Even if she avoids and denies it, hallucinates and delude herself to it, thrash and get mad about it… at the end of the day, she'll have to admit that Eugene died. "I hope you're doing well there, son," Alicia whispered with a wistful gaze and smile.

"I'll soon be joining you up there, but before that, mommy's got to live first. I have to meet the people who truly care for me and go talk to your dad again. I'm gonna try to get that dream of yours, too. So until then… until then, hold on, Eugene. Hold on and just have fun there."

She stood up and went to her husband's grave.

She also gave him fresh flowers and good prayers and a heartfelt conversation.

And then, she tried contacting the university again to settle everything. She was informed that Dr. Reyes had even asked for her whereabouts, so she figured that she might need to meet him.

And so, it only took a few questions and reaching out before she could get in touch with the doctor.

They agreed to meet in a café after Dr. Reyes informed her that he is available right that instant.

Of course, the meeting went smoothly.

They talked about Alicia's sudden disappearance, her coping mechanism, how she has been for the past few weeks, and even her grievances of her son and husband.

Alicia was able to somehow get everything off her chest with the doctor's help and she was somehow thankful, not only for inspiring her son, but also for momentarily healing her.

Soon, the days went by quickly, and Alicia returned to the med school and continued her studies, pursuing her son's dream.

She remembered one midnight, after reviewing all the lessons she had to go over, she took a rest for a few minutes.

She played on some jazz music from her phone and looked beyond the skies where the moonlight shone brightly.

And it was then that the world was nearly and truly ending.