|A Couple's Favor|

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

Sora's name appeared on the screen.

I stopped designing my notebooks for a moment and answered her call, it wasn't necessary to put some effort into what I was doing since we wouldn't use these much.

"Hey, Young..." she responded after a whole minute.

Sora must be occupied right now so I continued making the notebooks look presentable, at least the subject teachers wouldn't be bothered when they check our homework, school work, or whatever it is called.

"Are you coming?" Sora asked.

I pondered as to what I should say before replying to her, it's not that I don't wanna hang out with them but I just want to be prepared since it is my first time in school...

"I'm not really that sure."

She snorted again as the words left my mouth, "But you agreed earlier." she whined.

Just how am I going to say no to this girl?

"Once I finish this essay that was given to us I'll come by 4:00 PM." now she knows the tasks I have to do for the rest of the day, I don't really wanna flunk in school...

But I'm not certain if this reasoning would work out.

"Sure sure, I'll tell the others about that. See you later!" she bid farewell before hanging up the call. Usually, I don't use the terms 'Bye' or 'So long' since we'll most likely see each other again, and Sora is probably used to it by now.

Seeing as she has already adjusted to avoid such words.

'Not sure why though.'

But it feels like those words mean that we won't see each other for a while.

Well, this is irritating. The stickers don't look right and the colors aren't in sync at all...

'I'm hungry.' I thought to myself right as I stood up to clear all of this trash, I left the study room and went to the kitchen to find something to munch on.

'All there is emptiness...'

Looks like I have to head out and buy a thing or two from the convenience store, I'll also need to get a few more other things to last me about a week or so.

But how come I survived living here when I had nothing in the kitchen?

Wouldn't I have starved yet by now? 'Oh, right! I am famished...'

Making sure that I didn't forget to bring anything.

I placed a black hoodie on top of my white dress and then brought my phone with me as well as the keys to the house before leaving.

There is a store not so far from home so I quickly went towards the west outside the neighborhood and took my time to pick up everything I needed such as a pack of tissue rolls, tubes of ice cream, as well as snacks that I wanted at the moment and other more instant foods that I can either cook or heat up instantly.

Then I walked up towards the counter and paid for these items, whilst the cashier was checking out each product I brought, something seemed familiar about him although I'm not sure what it was since his figure was kind of different from the last time I met him.

Who was it again?

I couldn't hold the questions in and brought up the topic right after the price came out, unfortunately, he didn't respond whatsoever so I simply gave him the exact amount of bills I needed to pay for these.

'This is so humiliating, is he mute or what?' is he perhaps one of them? I mean...

There are currently books over there on the other side of the counter which looks to be the same ones from our school.

Could he be that straightforward guy who pointed out Haesu?

I see that he isn't an approachable guy and is often just icy cold towards other people, he must be that cousin Sora once also mentioned.

As soon as the guy had placed them all inside a paper bag, I left heading straight home to finish up the essay we were told to do before I met with the others.

Time check (3:20 PM)...

I started packing up everything I would be bringing with me to the café and cleaned the rest of the mess I might have left as I did the arts and crafts to design my notebooks.

Then the papers which I saved to reuse for something I plan on doing, after that, I got ready for the get-together we had. After grabbing the Polaroid camera and stuffing it inside the string bag, I left and then locked the door.

Running as fast as I can to get there in time, even though I did say that I wouldn't meet with them, here I am, on the way to Bloom Café despite my anxiety around many people.

'I truly hope that there aren't any dogs in this neighborhood...' I tried to pay attention to the places, people, and vehicles surrounding me as I crossed the pavement.

"Be careful, dear!" I heard a sound from the house near the end of the neighborhood and slowed down a bit to take a look.

'It was Ms. Haejin, the woman who also lives alone.'

Her house is only a few blocks from my place so I'm guessing that what I'm doing isn't enough to say that I'm anywhere near my destination, fortunately, as I ran into a crowd, I didn't drop anything so I proceeded running, carefully this time.

The fact that I might get hit by a vehicle or a person while I'm rushing to get there is already noted, cars honk a lot when they're in a hurry too, and another thing that is bothering me is the fact that I'm running when there is plenty of time...

'Red light!' I came to a stop as I saw the sign, also noticing the vehicles going at high speed once there weren't any more pedestrians crossing.

I lifted my gaze upon the sky, the stars were barely visible during this time around yet I could already see a few that were starting to shine, twinkling above me, and even the clouds were far different from the ones back in New York.

'The clouds are mostly covering up the entire sky so it's kind of annoying.' if I am being honest, out of all the places I've been to, the beauty of this world is slowly fading away.

Moving on from that topic, Bloom Café is just across the road, I made sure to check if there were any upcoming vehicles from either left or right before walking ahead.

Out of the blue, as I was just about to enter the café, someone grabbed my hand and brought me over to the side where it was dark.

There were two who wore matching black, and one spoke to me.

"Hey, can you do us a favor?" a very familiar voice started the conversation although, I don't think it would be fair to simply do them a favor without introducing themselves, and let's not forget about her language as she asked me concerning this 'favor' they are requesting.

"Tell me who you are first then I'll consider..." I responded.

Haesu should learn how to talk properly when asking for a favor. We barely know each other and aren't close enough to have a casual conversation, not after what she did.

"You little-" Kim Young cut her off before she could even finish the sentence.

"We need your assistance, Honey Lou." he replied on behalf of his girlfriend who's currently struggling under his grasp to prevent having any more fights begin again.

"If you don't mind, please cover for us." the guy added, the fact that they both smell alike proves that they are, indeed, a couple.

'I believe this is about getting away from the others.' Haesu might've not expected that I'd turn out to be the one who could help them in this situation.

I guess this is my opportunity to prove to her that I am different from how she first knew me, in other words, I did not have to change.