|Who Was It?|

After coming to an agreement with the couple, I went inside Bloom Café and then, waited for some friends to call or wave at me.

Either way, I would be able to tell where I'm supposed to meet them...

"Over here, Lou!" just as I predicted, a voice called for me whilst waving at me.

I walked towards the table they occupied and then, sat down in the midst of Yua & some other girl I had never met.

"What took you so long?" I was surprised to hear Sora complain although, the last time I checked, wasn't it 3:40 when I arrived here and the conversation I had with those two had only taken a minute.

"Came here running and for some reason, met someone on the way." I informed them.

Everyone still had their attention on me so I asked.

"What is it?" then a Canadian boy answered me.

"Was it Haesu and Kim Young?" his question made me hesitate for a second there but thankfully, Yua commented which averted their attention from me.

'I can't lie so it could have ended very badly.'

"Of course not." Sihyeon-eonni snickered.

I attentively joined in their conversation that Yua started, they were choosing someone who could create a new delicacy for an upcoming event here on May 29th.

"Well, we can always try persuading Dan to make that delicious thing again." the girl on my right had suggested as she noticed that no one was willing to take it.

'I wonder if I should...'

After about five minutes, they finished discussing how they would convince Dan to take part in the kitchen on the day of the event.

I surely don't have the courage to present my delicacy and share it with other people since it isn't clear to me where I got it from.

'And now, I'm craving for it.'

"So... Should we talk about Honey Lou now? I'm from the same class as you and you seem very kind." the girl right across the table spoke as she faced me.

I have to say, this is unexpected.

"Yeah, why don't we talk about Haesu's baby sister? I'm pretty sure they're similar." the girl I've never met seemed to be toxic or something like that.

Isn't she the one who is always hanging out with my older sister as I have heard from Sora? 'I sound like a nosy person...'

There is no possible way out of this topic so I should just go along with it.

"We may be sisters but are very different when it comes to our traits. I am not even sure that we're from the same mother." each and every one of them was shocked by my words, it looked like I might have done something.

Or was it because I spoke about our mother..?

"What do you mean by that?" she asked once more.

"Are you messing with us?? Or are you serious that you are only half-sisters?" our cousin stood up from his seat then asked with a higher tone.

I really can't tell if there was anything wrong with what I said about Haesu and me not having the same mother since our father does look like he has married twice.

'Or probably not?' it looks like Ivy isn't my mother as I expected, still, she's trying hard to raise me as her own but the question is...

Who is my biological mother, and where in the world is she?

"Honey has amnesia, you guys! I completely forgot all about it."

Sora sprang up from her seat before approaching me and then, holding onto my shoulders as she seemed tensed by something.

She must've never mentioned that part to anyone else, now I understand why everyone else and I were kind of not on the same page back there, my friend, Sora Young always has two sides...

The first one is that she often tells something by mistake which is supposed to be left unspoken and the other is when she forgets all about what it was that she had to tell.

"Wait, seriously?!" Yua reached out her hand and held my forehead.

"Sora said amnesia, not a fever." the senior-looking guy had commented, crossing his arms for no reason, in particular.

"I'm confused, what happened?" Yeonju questioned as he also approached me, intensely looking as if he'd be able to see the amnesia thing by checking my face...

"I got into an accident 4 years ago and fell in a coma, Ivy says that it happened somewhere in this country but after I was hospitalized, they took me back to New York where I had been in bed for such a long period of time."

"Well, did they catch the culprit?" the girl on my right asked again, all of them were focused and listened carefully as if this was some kind of lesson they badly had to know.

"There was no one else there when it happened, but I've seen the car that I had clashed with..." just by thinking about it, everything became highly suspicious to me now that I remember the owner of that vehicle.

"Who was it?" the oldest one interrogated me, his voice sounded mad at some point but when they realized that his tone went overboard...

Everyone glared at him, except for one person, that is.

"She has amnesia, remember? I bet that she has barely retrieved any sort of memory."

Yua saved me again from a specific topic, this get-together wouldn't exceed everyone's expectation since my accident seems to be a big issue here.

Why do I even feel as if something doesn't feel right?

"Enough with this talk, we should just turn this into a group study now." a charming boy appeared out of nowhere, despite wearing a pastel hoodie paired with blue jeans, it suited him quite well.

'Not that I'm here to judge people by their appearance.'

That pastel hoodie just looks so cute...

"Just say that you're too lazy, Song." an Australian guy bluntly exposed the boy.

"It's not like that!" that Song guy sounds like he just woke up or something.

'Hold on, isn't he the one that Sora likes?!'

--Sora Young's Point of View--

"Oppa, could you please pass that thing over to me?" as usual, I ordered the old man since I was busy playing this addictive game called 'One-Life' that almost everyone has been playing.

"There you go..."

It's already past 3:30 PM and Honey is still not here, did she get lost on the way again?

This is not a big deal since she'll eventually find her way here but at the same time, the issue is that Song keeps on bugging me by pushing my seat back and forth!

I glared at him as he glared back.

"Goodness! Can't you just stop?" after getting up from the chair and yelling as hard as I can, there's no point since this Prince Charming seems like he's not yet satisfied.

Why is he bothering me all the time? I can't remember the last day without this loveable being near where I am and it's too much...

"Stop copying me."

I gently asked him once more but to no avail, it was useless just like he is.

He took my hands and raised them, shaking them in the air.

Everyone reacted as well, laughing very hard, some of them even fell on the floor, hitting the ground because they found it hilarious.

"What's so funny about it??" I stood up and used my arms, showing my frustration towards their reactions yet Song continued mimicking me and copying my every move...

'Do I look that funny when I act like this? Or is it because I'm blushing real hard?'

I completely forgot they all know including himself!

'Why did I even fall for such a worthless prince?'

"Idiot." he commented as he noticed that I had realized what they were laughing about, I knocked him over from his seat as he kept on teasing me.

"It is not funny to tease me about my feelings."

I watched him slowly getting up back to his seat, looking pissed but it was nowhere near what I was going through because of him...

Why can't he just accept it?

'Too bad, it is just one-sided anyway.'