|Comforting A Friend|

"Over here, Lou!" I heard someone enter the place so I returned to my seat.

"What took you so long?" although I knew that she was just right on time, I still complained since I didn't want the same topic to be brought up again by Song.

Speaking of him, where is he?

'Why do I even care about that fool?!'

"Came here running but for some reason, met someone on the way." she replied, taking a seat in between Ji Eun-eonni and Yua, whoever it was that she encountered.

Thank goodness Haesu-eonni is not anywhere near lest they fight again in front of us.

'It is better than not knowing if they're fighting or whatsoever...'

All of us were attentively listening to Honey's experience here, I'm glad she didn't get lost on the way but I am curious as to who she met.

"What is it?" she added, noticing everyone's gaze on her.

"Was it Haesu and Kim Young?"

Jay-Oppa asked as he also saw the couple from the outside not so long ago, I wonder where they are headed this time on their date...

'How lucky, they've already met their soulmate.'

"But I don't have any experience in cooking." Yua whispered loudly, it turned out that she was talking with Song who was currently occupying another table.

I didn't realize he was even there.

"Jay-Hyung..?" Yeonju-Oppa suggested as he placed his head on his hand, looking at everyone around the table.

"Of course not." Sihyeon-eonni snickered, no one wants their food to taste like medicine.

This year is supposed to be a cheesy delicacy but Dan wouldn't accept anyone's request, he could teach us how to make that delicious thing without any problem.

What's so special about that recipe anyway?

Almost everyone became insane when they ate it, could it be just a simple recipe though?

'Probably.' who knows? We only got a taste of it once but never again since it seems very precious to him for an odd reason or something like that.

'What about Honey? She has experience.'

"Well, we can always try persuading Dan to make that delicious thing again."

Ji Eun-eonni suggested, I guess he's the only option that we've got around because it's obvious that no one wants to have it.

"Who will it be this time?" Miles joined in the conversation as he arrived very late.

"I'm up for it since I've never really tried persuading him." Byung Chan-Oppa spoke, I haven't seen him in a while and since the sun is down, of course, he's here with us.

"How about we all do so?" Sihyeon-eonni added as everyone seemed to agree with this plan, lately, we've barely done anything together because of everyone's busy schedule.

"Okay then." she added, seeing as no one is opposing.

"Everyone must participate in this, you hear me?" Sungyeon-Oppa anticipated.

Knowing that some of us might back out any moment as soon as we realize that it'll be hopeless in the end.

"All we have to do is bribe him, right?" Ji Eun-eonni commented and before you know it, most of us unconsciously nodded at the response she made.

"Wait, what? That's just wrong." Jay-Oppa replied to correct her because it might get us in trouble although, it's only for an upcoming event...

"Don't you know how to take a joke? Of course, I wasn't serious about bribing him." she added.

"You know, shouldn't you ask him why he isn't accepting the spot?" everyone's attention fell on Honey as she opened her mouth and suggested an option.

"Yeah, Jihyun can ask Dan and we'll do the rest." Yua added all the pieces together while everyone considered it.

"I'm in." Sookyung finished.

After deciding and discussing the matter further, we moved on from the topic and then started with small talk as we all had our own conversations, Jihyun spoke up.

"So... Should we talk about Honey Lou now? I am from the same class as you and you seem very kind." but before anyone else was able to remark on her words, Ji Eun-eonni commented.

"Yeah, why don't we talk about Haesu's baby sister? I'm pretty sure they're similar." it wasn't a nice comment since it is Song Ji Eun.

'The most toxic person in school but that is just how she talks, she's kind of worse than Haesu-eonni.' although I'm more worried about Honey Lou because of her anxiety.

It usually happens whenever she is mainly the center of attention.

Especially, if it's about her family or even her past. It might not be obvious but I can tell when she's having a hard time, she doesn't open up yet I know.


"She has amnesia, remember? I bet that she has barely retrieved any sort of memory."

Yua dragged the topic away once again, hasn't she noticed the atmosphere yet by now? Song came back into the light as our conversation seemed to have changed.

'I'm like a fool who fell for him.'

"Enough with this talk, we should just turn this into a group study now." he pulled over a chair as he pushed Yua from her seat.

The Prince Charming settled down beside me, holding his schoolbag to ask around for answers like usual.

"Just say that you're too lazy, Song." Byung Chan-Oppa stated.

"Stupid." Yua taunted him as she stood back up on her feet.

We all went to our positions so that we could at least make the most of our time here, when we didn't understand our lessons, Sungyeon-Oppa, Jay-Oppa, and everyone else who was older than us youngsters would often teach us.

But in Song's case, I guess you can say that he does get good grades, but at the same time, barely works hard enough to earn them properly compared to us.

"You better pay attention this time lest you want me to smack you again..." Sungyeon-Oppa went closer to the table and threatened the poor boy.

'Well, he deserves it big time.'

While everyone was concentrating on the lectures they were giving us, on the other hand, Honey was somehow left out of place as she had already finished her schoolwork for the day, I moved over to her side and gave her half of the cookie I broke into two.

It shows as a sign of peace since I did forget about her being diagnosed with amnesia not so long ago... "Is there anything bothering you?" I asked.

She stared at the cookie I handed her and spoke softly, "I'm just wondering why I'm here with you." it surprised me that I couldn't say anything. Honey can't open up, she can barely start small talk or even ask for something she desperately wants.

"Didn't Ivy tell you the reason?"

"Unfortunately, she didn't." Honey replied, looking very down for some reason.

"It doesn't matter in any way since I don't remember a single thing useful." she added, as long as my friend was acting like this in front of me.

I wouldn't be able to help her because what would I know?

"It'll all return soon enough, you just have to be positive like you have always been."

No matter how complicated it is to have this kind of talk with Honey, in the end, I'll learn at least a thing or two...

"You know, let's just not talk about any of this." she suddenly stood up and followed after the rest as they gathered all their things before leaving the café.

None of us were paying attention to the time so now that we are out here, the road sounds very quiet and the stars are sparkling, giving us some light.

Whilst we were waiting for Sungyeon-Oppa to arrive with our ticket home, I observed Honey, looking very happy as she conversed with the others.

I was frankly disappointed because no one else seemed to be bothered by her expressions, it was all fake, or at least, to hide how she truly felt.

'I hope she finds peace after all this.'