|Longing For Someone|

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

((The Next Day)) "--------" the alarm kept on ringing once again.

What a way to ruin the morning...

I reached for my phone and turned the notification off before resuming with the thoughts I had been distracted by all night.

The school isn't that far from this neighborhood so I've still got plenty of time to settle down the concerns that are keeping me wide awake every night.

Especially, the reason why I'm here, up until now, I haven't asked Ivy about it yet.

I'll probably disturb her from all the work so I believe it is only best to let it go for now.

I am not supposed to be acting this way but here I am, looking like a huge mess.

'Or probably not.'

My friend, Sora is certainly right, we should spread positivity just like we have always been doing for a total of 16 years now.

Thinking about sad things in the middle of the day isn't going to do me good. 'Nighttime is best for crying and pouring all our deepest worries so let's not let it get ahead of us...'

I got up from bed and settled everything I needed for school on a Tuesday.

Heading downstairs to make breakfast first before packing them all in a paper bag, like usual, I made my cheese-ham sliced bread but extremely cheesy, and then, I ran back upstairs to bathe for about an hour...

As soon as I finished drying my hair, I immediately returned to the kitchen with my school bag, taking the breakfast I made and stuffing it inside my bag as I wasted no more time and headed for school.

"You should keep an eye out!" once I heard a yell, it caused me to halt and approach the lady who is the only neighbor that is always around in this neighborhood.

"Do you need a hand?" I asked her.

"Oh no, you'll be late for school then." she insisted that I parted already seeing as no one else was around to help her.

I took the packages that arrived today and motioned her to lead the way.

"Hi there, little ones!" I gently dropped down the packages and played with the two puppies, looking around to find a few pictures hanging on the wall.

I went closer to see if Ms. Haejin had any family.

'Seems like there were four of them, she had 2 daughters and a lovely husband...'

This picture looks familiar though as if I have seen it elsewhere before, I glanced at the other photos and saw something small yet one of a kind.

It is the necklace my grandmother gave me when I was only the age of 9.

'I wonder how that happened, we have the same kind.'

As soon as the sound of footsteps became audibly close.

I returned to my seat, continuing to play with these tiny but cute puppies, acting as if I didn't roam around or something.

"Here, have a drink." Ms. Haejin spoke as she handed me a chocolate beverage.

What's up with everyone knowing what I'd prefer drinking nowadays?

"I noticed that you don't like regular milk so I hope you enjoy that..." she added while I accepted the drink and bowed with no hesitation.

'I know poison when I see one.'

And this is great to have on a very sunny morning.

"People your age like sweets, am I right?" the lady lightly chuckled afterward the question she asked, I agreed with her, not minding the time I had left to get there.

It's not like everyone makes the effort to get right on time since on my first day...

You know what? I'm not even going to start with it.

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

"Where could she be?" I suddenly blurted out, the rest slowly turning their eyes on me.

"What?" I scratched my head, playing the dumb card as I realized what I had said all of a sudden, the others noticed the signal and knew that I wanted them to ignore my question about a minute ago...

"Someone misses her sister ~" Kim Young humorously teased but before anyone else could even play along with this atmosphere.

I knocked the sense out of him and then searched for that girl.

'It is not like I owe her anything but...' silence fell upon the school front as other students had already gone to class, leaving only five of us out here.

"Where is Honey?" Sora came asking.

"Don't ask us, we do not give a d-" right as I was about to finish my sentence, my boyfriend covered my mouth and responded to Sora instead on my behalf.

'How quick.' that has been the fastest reaction I have ever witnessed in my life.

"Oh, okay then." Sora waved as she walked away from us.

Not only is he a fast writer, and a fast walker with those long legs but can also stop me in time, I am so lucky that I would even be willing to punch someone.

In order to mark my territory on him, not that there is any need for violence since everyone acknowledges my relationship with this guy.

'No one would even dare...'

"Excuse me! Sorry for the trouble." indefinitely a girl shouted as she entered the school grounds right before the gate could even be closed shut by the security guard.

Well, I hope she falls into a very big punishment for doing that sort of a thing although, on the other hand, none of us can get away from being punished when coming in late but I do have my reasons unlike them.

'They aren't as busy as I am, to begin with...'


"Let us jump into page 48, read it silently then we'll discuss." the teacher declared as he brought his copy of the book down on the desk.

I looked everywhere for my copy but it was gone.

'Did it vanish?' under the desk I checked but still, it wasn't there too, not even less in my school bag, and even on my lap, have I misplaced it somewhere else other than in class?

I need it and do not care if it belongs to the school...

I raised my hand to notify the teacher.

"What is it this time?" sarcastically, Mr. Shaun questioned with a hint of a nuisance since this wasn't the first time it occurred.

"Can I go outside for a moment? I lost my copy of the book again."I responded to his question before stepping outside because I'd surely be scolded if I didn't reach the general average of 90 this time under my mom's chosen teachers in charge of me.

'She is so picky with numbers...'

Grades don't even matter here at Seoul Global High.

As I was searching around the area where I must've brought it out earlier this morning before class, someone touched my sides, startling me quite too much.

"Yah!" I yelled whilst taking hold of the person's hands and putting them behind his back as I turned him before dropping him on the ground.

Locking him down from ever doing harm to me.

"Noona! Noona!" the boy called, and just who the heck is this? Oh...

Right after I took a glimpse of his face, that is when I realized that he turned out to be a friend of ours named Dan, he got up from the floor, brushing his uniform straightly since it had been kind of ruined because of the move that I made.

"Why were you sneaking up on me?"

I expressed just how annoyed I felt, all because of him, crossing my hands as well.

"I just took a break from doing music and didn't intend to do that, I honestly forgot you do not have a funny bone." Dan widely stretched out his hands, making a popping sound for some reason I don't know about...

'Sorry, dude.' he figured something out as we stood there, minding our own business for a short span of time at the front of the school.

"Shouldn't you be in class though?" I completely forgot where we were staying before, I am pretty sure that I took it out somewhere around here.

"I was until something went missing, anyways, I'll catch up with you later." resuming with the hunt for that English book.

I left him there standing awkwardly as he watched me disperse from the corner.

"There you are! I was right, after all, I finished my homework this morning so I must've taken it out." I thought aloud right as I was heading back to my class.

Finishing the chapter where I had left despite the class being dismissed already.

I pulled back my hair because of the fact that it kept on covering my vision, I also noticed Kim Young leave Ji Eun, that's oddly strange.

'When did they become so close?'

They motioned me to go and join them so I quickly stuffed my English book and other booklets inside my school bag and then, went with the rest since classes are mostly unimportant now after 7:50 AM.

"Guys, let's head to the library." I informed them as I led the group, running into the youngsters too and so, we invited them as well.

"Are you alright, Haesu?" I heard Ji Eun ask but I did not respond.

'We could all have lunch there together.'

But for now, we're still waiting for the only ones left.

The seniors and the average kids are taking so long... I do wish Honey didn't miss any class though, not that I care but still, I do owe her a tiny bit.

'That is the only reason why I'm concerned.' which is far different from genuinely caring about her entire life.

"I am just merely concerned." I murmured.

I kept on waiting and waiting, then after that, continuing to wait till a herd of people started coming into the library yet it wasn't them.

"Ughhhh... This is taking forever."

I stood up, shouting after all the time waiting for that so-called sister of mine.

"What is?" Yun Oh arrived, asking about the remark.

"Forget it! It's unimportant." I reassured him using a very calm but also irritated tone, we came here to study peacefully and do our schoolwork, homework, or whatever it was.

Not to chat or give a damn about anyone who isn't here at the moment...

I tried to take the thought off my mind knowing that eventually, they'd arrive here any second now, with Honey Lou.

'Would she skip class?'

Right, she isn't the type who would do such a thing, she has never been in school before so she'd have no audacity to even bother joining us if I was either around or not...

Ackkkk! I am going nuts here because of her, how is she doing this to me??

"Seawater, you good there?" Sungyeon-Oppa is here already?

But where's Jay? And the average kids?? How irritating could these people even be?

"Where are the average kids?"

I asked since I'd already been tempted enough by the long wait for these past few hours.

"Who are the average kids, again..?"