|There is No Way|

--Cho Jihyun's Point of View--

"Jihyun! Can I borrow an eraser?" he whispered so as not to disturb the teacher, one wrong move could imply losing the free time given to us.

I sighed at the non-stop disturbance from this boy here and so...

I passed him a new eraser that I had just bought a week ago since I'm certain that he would not return it any time soon.

"Thanks!" he exclaimed as he continued writing another new song...

'He doesn't even let me hear any of it and I'm his best friend.'

Soon, after class had ended I was told to invite the 'Average kids?' and then, bring them over to the library to join the rest this instant.

"No thanks."

Honey sat back down before the other students could even ask her to go with them for lunch, once they left the classroom, I approached her since out of all the 'Average kids...' she was the only one near me and so, I should invite her over first.

"Hi." I greeted her as I waved but she looked somehow tired.

"I see, you didn't rest enough after the get-together last night." I questioned Honey, seeing as she didn't participate actively today in class.

"Just have a lot of thoughts lately..." she answered right before yawning.

She's the same as Dan.

I guess she won't be able to join us today, I should just let her be.

"You go on ahead and rest."

"Sure, please tell the others that I can't make it for the group study." she weakly spoke, reminding me to inform them.

I left heading out to find Dan, he must be in one of the music rooms probably like the usual, producing music for the entire day.

"Dan? Dan." I called, checking every corner around the floor to see if he was anywhere nearby but to no luck, he wasn't...

"Are you here?"

I decided to leave a note on his seat before looking somewhere else to find him, and finally stopped at some point and then headed straight to the library.

"Hi there, you guys!" I greeted them whilst walking, then took a seat beside Young-Oppa who was resting his head on Haesu-eonni's right shoulder.

"Where's the rest?" Sungyeon-Oppa asked, turning the page of his History book.

"Dan must be taking a break from music since he was nowhere in sight near the music rooms, Miles is busy doing his overdue homework, and Honey Lou is..." not finishing the sentence because I don't really know for certain about their whereabouts.

The girl must have left as soon as I did, she was no longer in the classroom when I returned to see if Dan might have gone back there.

I rashly ruined my hair as I felt flustered by the thought of him, just when are we going to level up? Don't wanna risk losing our friendship.

Though he barely tells me anything about how he is doing...

"Just why?" I spoke aloud about it, the others turning their attention on me and bombarding me with questions, Yua being the most stubborn wouldn't stop.

I sighed, having no courage to tell them about my feelings for him...

"Is something bothering you? Did someone bully you?" the youngest girl asked.

"Did you get hit on?" she asked again, "Or perhaps, is it because you were rejected?" she asked one more time, and before you know it, that last question triggered me more.

I fell on my face as I ignored their questions.

Especially, Yua who is still filled with many of them.

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

After Jihyun had perceived the message, I then headed up to the rooftop as she left the classroom through the other doorway.

It seemed like she was gathering the ones from our class batch, seeing as a boy from the classroom hid from her.

'What is going on with these two?'

I watched as he went the other way, completely avoiding Jihyun who was no longer anywhere around, and as soon as it was over, I used the stairs to go up with no more distractions this time...

"Are you here?" I heard Jihyun's voice again, calling out for someone but that person might have not gone in that direction then she quickly returned downstairs.

I ignored the next few noises that were audible from a few yards or a floor below, finally taking some rest, I yawned and yawned once more as I felt the cold breeze pass by me.

'I wonder if the dream about that Angel has changed one bit.'

The melody is still stuck in my mind, ringing in my ears.

And for about a minute, I slowly fell asleep.

--Author's Point of View--

Seeing as the girl fell into a deep slumber made his heart skip a beat for a short moment, that is...

The boy watching Honey couldn't quite tell why or how exactly the girl, in particular, stopped him from his track, she also seemed very familiar as he closely took a glance at her face, and he began having the train of thoughts in his conscious.

Wondering about her identity.

"Only one person can make me feel this way. It isn't her, right?" he asked himself, knowing that there was no chance that this girl was the one he had been waiting for, all this time.

'A pure coincidence.' the moment he chose to leave, Honey started humming that same melody that Dan recognized.

It sounded as if it was the very song he dedicated to someone, his first love, to be exact, however, after about a couple of months he stayed overseas, the girl he met and became friends with had left him so suddenly without any word.

He left once he became fed up with it, she couldn't possibly be the person he had been waiting to come back to.

'It just doesn't make any sense.' he thought.

Right after pondering about it, Dan left and continued listening to more music as he spent his entire day isolating himself from the others...

'Just the thought of her makes me regret everything that day.'

Hours passed by and as the sun began settling down, Honey woke up from the dismissal ring of the school bell.

She moved near the edge whilst admiring the view of the yellowish sky filled with clouds.

"It must be very peaceful up there above the clouds." she stated, putting her hands up high and then, spreading them to lie on after.

"This peace is making me fall asleep again!" she announced.

Little did she know, someone was watching her from a distance, that same guy who had been hating her presence ever since she came into their lives.

Despite the fact that he did leave for a bit of time, he still wished to enjoy the breeze and peacefulness there was upon the rooftop as well.

He couldn't stop himself from watching over her even with the hatred he feels towards the girl, maybe Dan still wishes to know more about her in spite of the loneliness she made him feel for years.


["Honey! Would you like to join us?"] the girl received a message from her younger friend who won't stop bothering her till she agrees, the girls were still trying so hard to invite Honey to their sleepover at Yua & Sora's place.

Assuming that Haesu, Ji Eun, Sihyeon, Jihyun, Sora, and Yua all in one place could either end up being a fun new experience for her or rather a noisy night to spend.

["Sure, I'll head-on over in a couple of minutes once I'm done."] she texted back as she started to finish four of her school work before getting ready for the sleepover.

Honey packed up everything she might need in case the 'sleepover' resulted in a catastrophic night.

And just as she was about to leave the house...

The girls were already there before she could even unlock the door, waving at the front door eyehole, or as other people call a peephole.

She stood there as the six girls entered before she could welcome them in.

'How casual can they be?' Honey had begun imagining the worst possible scenarios that they could do in her home sweet home and then, brushed the thought off since she trusts them that nothing unfortunate would occur.

She placed back her shoes before organizing the rest of the mess they had already made.

'Of course, some girls aren't like me and so, it is all going to be fine... I hope so.' another thought came to her mind, and she ignored it once more because the only thing she could do now in this situation, was to do as she pleased to maintain the well-being of her home.

Even if it means running here and there to prevent them from misplacing, trashing, breaking, or possibly touching any of her personal stuff.

Which is what they certainly should not do.