|Girls' Night at Honey Lou's Place|

"Yah! Honey Lou, what is this?"

Haesu yelled from above, going through her sister's bedroom.

"Lee Haesu, get out of there." she dropped everything she had just retrieved from the other girls once she heard Haesu's comment from the second floor, in her bedroom.

'My privacy.' Honey panicked, fortunately, the items she held were mostly stuffed or in other words, they weren't so fragile.

"What do you think you are doing to me?!" the oldest girl complained as her younger sister dragged her out of the room.

"You keep on pushing me, you know?" she voluntarily left as soon as the girl had managed to dump her on the ground floor.

Haesu linked her arms with Ji Eun who is simply chilling.

Unlike the other three girls, squealing and jumping on the bed inside the excess room, Sihyeon on the other hand too, was only looking at the pictures and exploring.

Having nothing to do with the mess the youngest ones had created.

"Well, that was close." she held onto her chest, breathing kind of sharply since she might have almost lost something valuable if it weren't for Haesu's doing.

'I can't possibly get caught now, at least that so soon.' she placed everything back to the usual as to how she had left them from the very beginning.

It is one of Honey's deepest concerns whenever people would attain her belongings without her consent...

'I dislike having people around.'

She kept on trying to foretell whatever it was that might happen if the girls continued ravaging all the rooms or things in her house.

She resumed helping them feel at home in addition to that.

Although she did shout several times just to get their attention.

Making them place everything back where the items belonged because Honey couldn't take the irritation anymore.

'Why are they here, again? Oh, right!'

They just decided to spend the night without asking me...

--Song Ji Eun's Point of View--

22... 23, 24, 25, and 26 ... On and on, she continued yelling at us.

'What is it with Haesu's sister?' why does she keep pushing us out of the rooms whenever we try to explore her sweet home?

"Aren't you tired?" I asked, watching her fix up everything.

Returning all the things we moved where it was supposed to be while the rest of us, were told to stay in the living room.

"She is normally like this, she does not find it pleasant to have others touch what belongs to her..." Sora notified us, all the girls looking attentively at the new girl.

'Is she a clean freak or something?'

However, an idea popped up in my mind so I whispered and suggested that we head to wherever the kitchen could be.

She is rich after all, and Honey will surely be occupied for a while.

And then, we casually walked towards the kitchen but someone, in particular, sneakily hid behind me just to pursue what we specifically planned to do...

'Why is she so slow-witted sometimes??' I turned to see her crouching, so I held onto her hands before pulling them upfront to correct her.

"Why aren't you girls following the plan?" she asked.

"According to the plan, we weren't supposed to sneak around or even crouch. You dummy!" I yelled in a whisper.

Honey is a very observant person as I had been told not so long ago, and she doesn't only have a keen eye but also a good memory.

It's best to be prepared rather than not being able to avoid a conflict.

Lies aren't technically that easy to make her fall for and so, we must keep it down at all costs, now that I think about it.

For about half an hour, I guess?

We successfully finished heating a few instant noodles and putting some toppings on top of them that we searched for online.

Our usual cooks are Miles and Min Oh though since this is only the girls' sleepover, we had to risk doing such a thing without them.

"Girls, at least be mindful about the owner..."

Sihyeon pulled back Yua to clean up the kitchen as the rest of us brought the food and other snacks we found in the refrigerator back to the living room since Honey literally had no idea about this.

We were quietly giggling now and then as we kind of finished up all the food we made but of course, we saved some for Honey-girl.

'We aren't that stupid.'

Sihyeon suggested that we make an extra one, she thinks that Honey would possibly find out about that 'one thing' unless someone tells on me...

"By the way, didn't you notice all the bread?" out of the blue, I blurted out since I knew that they were as curious as I was about Honey's kitchen.

After eating the rest of the leftovers, we decided to play rock-paper-scissors to know who would be the one that do the dishes.

We also purposely left the plates, trash, and utensils we used to cook without being washed up so that the losers would handle it all by themself.

"Kai-Bai-Bo!" we all shouted as the game began.

It started with multiple draws as we were many.

Haesu's sister hasn't returned yet so Yua didn't bother attending to the mess yet.

"Who did this??" we heard another yell and it was Honey, she was finally back.

Literally at the back.

--Lee Haesu's Point of View--

'Wait, is she really just gonna let it slide? I mean, I don't care since it wasn't my idea but...'

"Have you girls cleaned up the kitchen?" she asked, clearing out the mess alongside Yua who became the loser, in the end, they entered the kitchen and then, did all the dishes.

We all went along with the two since it just isn't fair, all except for Ji Eun, she is still chilling, once again. I noticed Yua take control of the dishes as we talked plenty whilst Honey wiped the kitchen counters.

Sihyeon wrapped up all the garbage, and Sora & I simply stood there, watching them work very hard. "By the way, can I ask you about something?" once Sihyeon opened her mouth, Ji Eun dashed here, wasting no time dismissing her question.

It's not like she would tell Honey about it for sure, but it must be concerning the huge amount of bread, cheese, and ham inside her fridge...

"Sure, ask away." Honey looked like she was smiling at the sight of the other two, Ji Eun quickly went elsewhere because Sihyeon managed to free herself from the girl's grasp.

"We were kind of wondering what all those bread, cheese, and ham are for..." she finished her sentence as Ji Eun peaked.

"It's for my favorite specialty although, I don't remember where I learned the recipe from." Honey answered without even slightly tilting her head to the side.

I wonder why she doesn't seem to face anyone she is conversing with.

"What kind of specialty is it? Something very cheesy..?"

Yua had a thought in mind, seeing as there was more cheese than ham.

I'm thinking that she'll probably suggest that my sister should do the thing on May 29th if Dan still doesn't accept it.

"It becomes very cheesy if I prefer to cook it that way." does this mean something or what? I have a feeling that Dan totally has a common recipe to the point that my sister could even cook her own delicacy on the day of our café's event.

'How about we take it slow?'

"You should cook for us sometime, girl. We would be honored to get a taste of it..."

I told her that it would be highly unusual just to let a mere stranger take control of the main food we'd serve at a very important event.

It is a family business so I guess, I better remind them about that. "I guess we can have some for breakfast tomorrow, I often cook them before going to school."

"Don't you girls think that Honey sounds too Korean to be called a foreign?" Ji Eun questioned us once we finally settled down in bed.

Honey was the only one who wasn't here though since she doesn't sleep that easily especially when we're here, she won't be able to get enough sleep.

I ignored her loud thoughts and simply tried to sleep as early as I could.

However, Sora moved from her place before facing Ji Eun who is currently on my left which meant that I was in between the two...

"That is because Haesu-eonni really is Honey's older sister, the rumors you hear about them are 100% true even if Haesu-eonni denies the fact. It's not like she truly is a bad person." she explained.

"But how come they don't act the same? At first, I honestly thought that Haesu wasn't older." Ji Eun also faced Sora.

While I, on the other hand, was facing the ceiling as the other three girls were on the other side of the room, sleeping on a different bed.

'Well, good for them.'

"They do look alike since they are from the same parents, Mr. Go married their mother's friend which is probably the one Honey refers to as her 'mother' and that is what I'm sure about." Sora added as I already had enough of this conversation.

They finally noticed my discomfort right as I left the room.

And then, we soon all fell into a deep slumber...

--Honey Lou's Point of View--

"--------" the ringing once again burst, waking me up to get ready for school.

"What in the world?!"

As soon as I heard Haesu's voice, I immediately stood up from bed before she could even throw away my poor phone though how exactly is she here in my bedroom?

"Why are you here again?" I asked her how she ended up here instead of being with the other girls downstairs, in another room.

"The others were loud last night so I left and looked for another spot to sleep on, shut up now..." Haesu answered in a very inaudible sound, she went back to sleep as I got up.

Preparing things that the other girls might need for school including our silky white cream blouse, a dandelion necktie, and bright yellow stretchable fitted pants.

Probably some socks and shoes too.

'Hold on, they need a different color since we aren't all from the same level.' I thought to myself as I dug through my closet.

Finding everything they might need and then, bringing all the things I had attained from the collection of uniforms that Ivy designed herself.

"Will this be enough?"

The girls gathered around me and seeing as they were already prepared for school, I dropped myself on the sofa.

Because all the effort I gave in to find all these went to waste...

"Woah! Where'd you get all of these uniforms? Oh, are these the original ones made by the actual Ivy?" Jihyun asked as she had just woken up.

Unlike Sihyeon-eonni and Ji Eun-eonni who were fully dressed up.

"Yeah, you know her?"

"Are you kidding me? I have never met her but I heard that her designs are very grand, I'll try it on..!" Jihyun squealed whilst holding onto a pair of yellowish uniforms.

I completely forgot that she is from the same class as I am.

Sora and Yua also took a pair without saying anything as they had just got up from bed, and Haesu-eonni, on the other hand, slowly dragged herself onto the sofa.