|The Sudden Change of Mind|

"Hurry up, Jihyun!" Haesu-eonni shouted as we all sat there in silence.

Waiting for the other three girls to get finished before deciding altogether as to what we should eat for breakfast.

I checked the other pairs of uniforms but when I was just about to return them to my closet, my sister pulled a pair from my hands then it all fell on the carpet.

"Why would you do that and all of a sudden?" Sihyeon complained on my behalf.

Making sure that she wouldn't let her friend cause any more trouble.

"These are far more comfortable to wear than the ones my mom got me..." she whined, pouting as she stared at the uniform with loving eyes.

"You can have those if you want, I don't think I'll need it."

Before I could even resume on my way back upstairs, she pulled another pair, and once more, to be specific, she took all the silky white cream blouse that suited her as well as a single scarlet red necktie along with maroon-colored stretchable fitted pants.

"You said so."

She smiled menacingly before walking out as soon as Jihyun had finished cleaning herself up, I then checked if anyone else wanted to take a bit more pairs before I left.

For real this time.

Once I finished returning all the extra ones, the girls quickly huddled in the living room as I got there, already suited for school, and the only thing left to do was to have breakfast.

"I've already packed us something for lunch later on, and there's also fried rice in the kitchen that I prepared for breakfast..." before Yua could even utter a single word.

I cut her off since I know for a certain that they all want to have it right now but unfortunately, they'll have to wait.

"What are you babbling about? Didn't you already agree last night?" stated Haesu-eonni, how is it possible for her to raise her voice easily in the morning?

Doesn't her vocal cords hurt or something?

"You're boring, you know that?" Ji Eun remarked, exiting the kitchen with all the paper bags I had packed beforehand, she left as soon as she grabbed hers.

"At least she remembered." Sihyeon-eonni commented, taking one and then, stuffing it inside her backpack.

I am a little bit curious about how they got a hold of their things.

'Don't tell me that they live in the same neighborhood as me.'

"Take a seat and just eat!" Sora yelled from within the other room, all five of us headed to where she was and began eating as a whole.

'I clearly recall that they didn't bring this much stuff last night, they could have asked someone else to bring their things here since we do have school for today.'

And I guess that answers all my questions...

It is kind of nice to have some friends over at my place, we yell at each other, eat in one piece, and basically, it feels as if we're sisters by heart since I have never experienced this sort of thing before.

Not only is it loud but at least we girls are bonding and are happy.

"You! Where were you yesterday?" my older sister commented as the atmosphere became silent because we were enjoying the food.

I honestly had to avoid them since who knows?

They might interrogate me, but it was the only way I could completely hide the reason why the pair weren't there.

After a moment of silence, they disregarded the questions and kept on filling themselves up though something felt odd around as if we were being watched at the moment but I'm not sure who, why, or even how.

--Yua's Point of View--

"Will you please get away from me? At least keep a distance like a meter or something..." I kept on pushing her back towards Ji Eun-noona since she wouldn't cut it out.

A hug is the last thing I would ever want in this world for no reason...

'I just really don't like it.'

Uneasy would be the word fit to describe how I feel around girls.

Not that I'm insecure about anything but it's just that they make it feel uncomfortable for me to handle, especially Honey Lou.

I remember the first time I met her, she didn't mind the fact when I left her back at the shop, she must have felt offended by my actions.

Only because I was uncomfortable seeing someone from my childhood.

Although there are many of us, I am barely close to any of them.

I don't say anything too personal, or even just simply express my concerns for them despite knowing each other for years.

Sora and Haesu-noona are both clueless about my secret.

If only they would pay attention to me, my thoughts, feelings, and personality, they would probably know by now, they'd know the fact that I'm...

The moment a boy came closer to me and blocked my path.

I couldn't help but seek any sign of help from the others because I didn't have any idea what to say in a situation like this one.

"Can we borrow some of your time, girly?" that same guy from Haru-hyung's birthday party is back, they will keep on pestering me if I don't do anything, and the nickname they chose sounds awful.

'Do they really come from a prestigious family?' they lack knowledge, empathy, and most importantly, even just a tiny bit of use they don't have which makes me wonder.

Will this end up nicely or very unfortunate for me?

'Well, there is only one way to find out.'

"It depends if you can answer this riddle..." I spoke, handing him over the piece of paper I received from Sihyeon-noona earlier.

It seemed like I wouldn't need anyone's help here unless these guys were clever enough to answer whatever was on that paper which I don't know about.

I ran away and joined the others as soon as their attention was gone from me, we couldn't afford to lose another quality time with the whole group just because of some silly bullies.

'Not now, not ever.'

"Wait, Isn't that Yun-Hyung?" I mumbled as I saw him gaze at those guys who had been bothering me not so long ago, the others were already far ahead of me but I couldn't walk any longer because I was focused on Yun-Hyung.

Something felt strange around me here.

'He even gave them a thumbs up.'


"Woah, this tastes like heaven..." Sora commented as she took a bite of the cheese sandwich that Lou had packed for us.

Where exactly did she learn this recipe?

"I bet you guys both of my hands that this wasn't Honey's recipe, in other words, someone experienced must have taught her this one."

Ji Eun-noona sneered before taking a bite as well, honestly, who would expect her to have much time to even come up with a recipe?

I mean, it isn't that easy, and also, she has never taken any cooking classes of some sort when she was young so it's natural that no one believes that.

"It doesn't make sense you know, just because she might not have any experience doesn't mean that she can't think of something to cook...

Anyone can come up with a recipe even though it's a common type of delicacy, at least there's something special about it, I bet you can't even do that."

Dan-Hyung remarked as he took a seat beside Jihyun, commenting about the topic, it has been a while since we've gathered in the school cafeteria, this is satisfying!

"What is that?" he added.

"The Honey-girl made this, we had a sleepover at her place and she packed this cheese sandwich for only the girls."

"By the way, isn't this a perfect delicacy for the event at the café since Dan declined."

Jihyun suggested, she suddenly brought up the topic so Dan's expression seemed to have changed for only a few seconds, that is...

"Yeah, he declined many times so why don't we ask Lou this time?"

I agreed with the idea because it was very tiring to try again and again when someone constantly refuses our offers although, we did add in some things that aren't even related to this matter just to make him give in and take the spot on May 29th.

"I also agree." Sungyeon-Hyung stated.

"Wait, hold on... Are you saying that it's better than mine?" Dan-Hyung questioned.

He was taken aback by this since after we had spent weeks, even months to make him accept, our attention was suddenly averted from him, and then, ended up choosing Lou instead. "I don't agree with this."

"Is there something wrong with that? My sister is the one we are talking about."

Haesu-noona replied, crossing her hands over her chest as the topic became more serious than what I had expected.

"Dan can't do anything now even if he's jealous, let's tell Honey Lou about the event later on..." Sihyeon-noona mocked Dan as she lowered her voice.

Everyone knows that he likes the spotlight very much to the point that he'll boast about it whenever we ask him for a favor but in this case, it won't be that easy since we are tired of chasing him because of the event.

"Wait a minute, where is Honey Lou?" Haesu-noona stood up, glancing around to see if her 'sister' was around the area but to no luck, the girl wasn't there.

"Do I really have to drag her around?" she added, pulling her bag from the seat right before exiting the cafeteria and searching for Lou.

"Tell her everything!" Sihyeon-noona reminded her, mocking Dan again.

"Hey! Just cut it out, will you?"