
-Today at 0700, a villain leaguer attacked the capital of Iran. The Iranian heroes were able to repel the leaguer, but still lost a portion of their Uranium to the leaguer-

The cafeteria news was broadcasting a leaguer attack during breakfast.

"Dang, it's been over 2 years since a leaguer did a big move like this.", Bas mentioned.

"Indeed Bas, this means the leaguer is planning something big since he stole Uranium.", Violet said.

I've only recently heard of leaguers as I was sheltered when I had my family. They were villains capable of fighting a country on their own. Their strength equal to top heroes. Though there are less of them compared to heroes. This specific leaguer was Sandworm, he had absolute authority over sand. A very versatile ability. An ability especially overpowered in a country like Iran.

I say in belief, "The top heroes will handle it I'm sure. They haven't failed yet."

Bas an Violet both agreed with me. Atmora then came over to mention to us that a speaker will be visiting.

Atmora delivers some news with a pip in her step, "Hey you three, a hero Alumni is visiting the school to speak. He's the top hero in California, Sunstorm."

Bas and Violet were both surprised that Sunstorm was visiting the school. Among the national hero rankings, he was number 9. I was surprised too. I didn't expect a top powered hero to come from this academy. Most renowned powered heroes come from the Florida and New York academies.

"When will he come Atmora?", I asked.

"He'll come tomorrow.", she said.

"That soon!", Bas exclaimed.

Atmora confirmed and left with a goodbye, skipping away. The three of us carried on with our classes. Once afternoon came, Violet was walking with me when we were suddenly approached by Julia Gunngrave, our student president.

She greets and makes an offer, "Hello you two, we need some people good at logistics, As you both are elites in your freshman hero support course, I'll like to invite you both to the student council. What do you two say?"

Violet and I looked at each other before saying in sync, "Yes".

"Great, I'll introduce you both tomorrow after Sunstorm gives his piece. Bye.", Julia said turning on her heels strutting away.

"Fun", I said.

"Yup", Violet said.

Guess Violet and I really are like-minded. We continue walking to the Reg dorms until we split to continue to our separated male and female Reg dorms.

I trained my abilities until nightfall. I decided to visit Violet's dream and do an experiment. After these days, I've almost reached IQ 300 with how the sheer population and dream quality in this academy. So now I want to see if can improve someone else's ability.

So, I dived into Violet's dream. She was dreaming of coding some new programs for power suits. I took the Ima, and tried to boost her IQ, gently. Lo and behold, it actually worked. It was only a little more costly than improving myself, and it took a ton more focus. Since she was also complaining about her physical weakness, being a desk/computer girl, I gave her physical affinity. A simple ability to make it so she can't get fat, and will gradual put on muscle until she a fit body. If she wanted more strength, she'll have to work out, but it'll be easier. No super strength though.

I used the rest of the Ima to improve her mind as much as I could. With that, I left to reap Ima from other dreams. Tomorrow, I'll get to see a real top hero in person and find out where my strength stands in this crazy world.