
In the academy's grand ballroom, Sunstorm was giving a speech at the Podium.

"Being a hero is hefty responsibility. You're not just fighting the bad guy, you are also protecting at the same time. There will also be times, you can't protect them all. That will hurt, hurt more than you can expect. A hero has to get passed that, so they can continue saving as many as they can. I have seen one too many heroes realize that they to constantly work hard only when they fail to protect someone. It breaks them out of their dream of being completely awesome. So I say to all of you aspiring heroes, don't play hero, be a hero. Thank you, I will take questions after a 5 minute break."

"He really gave us his 2 cents, nothing was sugarcoated.", Bas commented.

"His view is realistic, but his words still felt hopeful and firm in belief. Truly, a top hero is different.", Violet also commented."

They both looked to me for my input, "He said things that needed to be said and didn't say it harshly. Many of our peers and seniors do have that "play hero" mindset too. Maybe this will help them wise up."

Both satisfied with my answer, just played on their phones until Sunstorm came back. Right as Sunstorm took back the stage, the academy alarm rang.

We all followed the drill and went to the designated "panic rooms". As I wanted to see what was going on, I left a tangible illusion of myself that would act and think just like me behind as I left as Sandman.

Once I was in the air above the academy, I scanned around to see what triggered the alarm. I had just spotted Sunstorm flying away towards California in his skin-tight orange hero suit with a yellow sun in the middle.

I narrow my eyes, "Interesting."

I followed him all the way towards northern California, where he stopped to confront Sandworm.

I ponder this conflict, "How unexpected, why would Sandworm attack northern California. Why would that trigger academy alarms?"

Then I saw what Sandworm was packing. A Pale Rider model Nuclear bomb. Five times the strength of a Tsar bomb and three times the lethal range.

I start to understand the situation, "No wonder, that bomb can damage the entire west coast and then some as it looks modified from its base design. How the hell did he build that overnight? He just stole the uranium yesterday. It had to be another leaguer working with him. Let's listen in."

Sandworm starts his villain monologue, "Sunstorm, you will fail here! This land of sun will be the first to go! I will have my world have sand. As you stand in the way of my perfect world, you will die!"

Sunstorm crinkled his brow and started to fight with Sandworm. Of course the mass media was watching and broadcasting everything live.

Sunstorm was a heavy hitter hero, but Sandworm was a very tanky villain. His walls of sand blocked all of Sunstorm's attacks. His sun rays, flares, orbs, etc. It all only repulsed and glassed the sand which was promptly replaced. Sunstorm eventually took a hard hit, fell from the sky and was restrained on the ground.

"Bahahaha, you will live to see your land turn to sand Sunstorm.", Sandworm said has his started a 60 second timer. He was about to take to the sky leave, but I had other plans.

I grin, "This seems like a good time to introduce myself."

I appear next to Sunstorm as Sandman, "Hey there Sunstorm."

He looks at me bewildered by my sudden appearance, "Don't fret, his dream is one that I won't give him.". Sandworm looks at me mockingly, but them I slowly turn into my Bogeyman form for dramatic affect. Sandworm loses his mocking expression fast.

I move next to the bomb, and put it in my sack faster than he could catch. Then I invade his dreamscape and leave the bomb inside.

After a nightmarish cackle, "Time for an experiment."

I come out, and walk away from Sandworm as I slowly turn back into Sandman. Sandstorm's sand restraints fell apart once I came back. Now standing next to me, he sees Sandworm writhing going, "Get it out!", over and over again while clawing at his head. Sunstorm asks," What did you to him?".

I answer, "Well, the full version is a little complicated. So, short version, I put the bomb in his mind. No danger to us, so don't stress about us also getting blasted."

"What happens when it goes off?", he asked.

As I was about to answer, Sandworm stopped writhing as his eyes went blank. He went brain-dead and all bodily functions shut down. Which resulted in death.

"There's your answer", I said.

He turned to me to ask me another question, but all he saw was some golden sand I left behind.

"Heehe, got to be mysterious to be Sandman.", I said to myself.

After I got back, we all went back to normal activities.

Violet and I separated from Bas though as we both had to report to student council for our new positions.