Welcome to Orario

After putting the points in One-handed and Destruction, new knowledge enters my mind. New techniques on how to wield a blade and even dual wielding have been added to my mind. I even have new knowledge on how to make my destruction spells more efficient and powerful. As I take a moment to let the new knowledge settle, I begin using healing to heal my wounds. After a few minutes I get up and continue my journey to Orario.

After walking for another hour I can finally see the walls of the city, and the massive tower in the middle. The closer I get the larger the walls become. It's only when I am at the gat that I realize just how large the walls really are. When I walk up to the line at the gate, several people stop what they're doing and look at me. After a few moments they all return to what they're doing but they still take glances at me every now and then.

After waiting for a few minutes, it finally becomes my turn.

Guard " 500 Valis for entry, 1000 Valis for identification."

The guard spoke without looking at me

Ethan " Here you go."

The guard takes my 1500 Valis but when he sees me he stops and stares. After a moment he coughs and ushers me to an office beside the gate. When I enter, there is a man in a suit waiting for me to sit down. He, like all the others, couldn't help but stare at me.

Ethan " Is there something wrong? Everyone keeps staring at me."

The man snaps out of his stupor

' cough' Suit " Sorry about that, it's just that I've never seen someone of your kind before, and I bet the others haven't either. May I ask what race are you exactly?"

Ethan " Oh, well I'm a Dunmer."

The Suit writes down my race on a form.

Suit " Name and age?"

Ethan " My name is Ethan and I'm 15"

Suit " Ok, and reason for coming Orario?"

Ethan " I don't know."

The Suit looked at me questioningly and asks

Suit " What do you you don't know?"

Ethan " Well all I know is that I woke up in the forest not knowing anything other than my name and race and stuff like that. That and the only things I had were these Valis, my armor and weapon, and this map that led me here."

The suit looks at me with concern and then goes on to explain everything about the city ranging from the guild to the familias and adventurers. (AN: I'm not writing all that down and I'm sure everyone knows these things already.)

Ethan " So if I want to make the most money I need to become an adventurer?"

Suit " Yes but it's extremely dangerous without joining a familia."

Ethan " So can you point me to the guild?"

'sigh' Suit

He then directs me to the guild and I leave the room with my new registration.



Level 5 Xp 157/350

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Mana: 140

Smithing: lvl 15: 0/10

Heavy armor: lvl 15: 0/10

Block: lvl 15: 0/10

Two-Handed: lvl 15: 0/10

One-Handed: lvl 36: 2/10

Archery: lvl 15: 0/10

Light armor: lvl 27: 0/10

Sneak: lvl 20: 0/10

Lock picking: lvl 15: 0/10

Pickpocketing: lvl 15: 0/10

Speech: lvl 15: 0/10

Alchemy: lvl 20: 0/10

Illusion: lvl 20: 0/10

Conjuration: lvl 15: 0/10

Destruction: lvl 29: 2/10

Restoration: lvl 17: 0/10

Alteration: lvl 20: 0/10

Enchanting: lvl 15: 0/10


I have officially decided to put him in the Hephaestus Familia. Also when he becomes a blacksmith his makers mark will be the skyrim symbol on the title sceen. ( Picture here)