Becoming an Adventurer

As I make my way to the guild, the people I pass all stop to stare. I do my best to ignore their stares but it gets really uncomfortable since several woman I passed were either blushing slightly or trying to undress me with their eyes. There were a lot of men cursing me for my looks or just trying to figure out what I was. No one was brave enough or cared enough to actually speak to me though. After a few minutes of wondering through the curious gazes of the crowds, I finally reach the guild building.

The moment I walk in however almost everyone looks at me. It didn't take long though as everyone went back to what they were doing. I look at the signs Over the many booths and find the registering booth. I walk to the booth and meet a woman with blond hair and green eyes.

Maya " Hello, my name is Maya. Is there anything I can do for you sir?"

Ethan " Um, yes, I would like to register as an adventurer."

Maya " Yes sir, I'll need your ID please."

I hand her my ID and she goes through the paperwork. She then pulls out another card and hands me both the card and my ID.

Maya " Here is your new adventurers registration card, please keep with you at all times. Also, for those who venture into the dungeon without being in a familia, there is a 15% tax on all magic stones collected."

Ethan " Is there any way for me to join a familia?"

Maya " Well there are many familias within Orario. Here this book contains all the information for each one."

I take the book and move to the side amd flip through it. I'd like a familia that will let me continue going into the dungeon as well as help me with one of my other skills. As I flip through I see many that arr expedition based familias and few that are based on my other skills like blacksmith and alchemy. The two that stand out however are the Miach and Hephaestus familias.

The Miach familia specializes in Alchemy but their familia is rather small with a number no higher than 50 members. That means that their resources are on the lower end. The Hephaestus familia however is a very large familia that focus on blacksmithing to keep their income. They rely on other familias to gather their resources for them yet despite this, they are considered the third strongest familia in Orario. This is because they are the main provider for weapons and armor for all familias throughout Orario, making them an important pillar for both the economy and other familias. Making my decision, I make my way to Maya.

Ethan " Hello, can you tell me when the Hephaestus Familia is recruiting?"

Maya " They will be recruiting in two months."

Ethan " Thank you. Well I best be off to the dungeon then."

Maya " Before you go, would you like for me to become your advisor? I'll be able to provide you with information on the dungeon and help you prepare."

Ethan " Yes, thank you. That would be great."



Level 5 Xp 157/350

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Mana: 140

Smithing: lvl 15: 0/10

Heavy armor: lvl 15: 0/10

Block: lvl 15: 0/10

Two-Handed: lvl 15: 0/10

One-Handed: lvl 36: 2/10

Archery: lvl 15: 0/10

Light armor: lvl 27: 0/10

Sneak: lvl 20: 0/10

Lock picking: lvl 15: 0/10

Pickpocketing: lvl 15: 0/10

Speech: lvl 15: 0/10

Alchemy: lvl 20: 0/10

Illusion: lvl 20: 0/10

Conjuration: lvl 15: 0/10

Destruction: lvl 29: 2/10

Restoration: lvl 17: 0/10

Alteration: lvl 20: 0/10

Enchanting: lvl 15: 0/10


Maya looks like this(Picture here)