Chapter 42: The scourge of the Sea Gods

Lyrion fleet contains nearly 3000 ships, united under the yellow unicorn banners of Hadrian Bronzehand, the leader of all Lyrions.

Among the fleet, we see a huge vessel with the sigil of the mermaid in its' front. On the ship, a throne is placed, sit on it is a man wearing golden armor. 2 meters high, sitting comfortably on his throne with a giant ax beside him, the man is Hadrian Bronzehand, who gave his angry gaze to his generals.

About 100 men are standing on two sides of Hadrian's throne, while one is tied and pushed to the floor. The poor guy is Batar, he has been beaten, which is shown by the blood covering his face and body. Hadrian speaks softly:

- 60000 men, that's the number of soldiers I put under your command today, and you only bring back 24000 and no gold, slaves, or that fucking city.

- Master, please forgive me. We were tricked, they have witches on their side, we were burned and killed by unknown forces even before we set foot on their shore.

Hadrian goes quiet for a while, and then turn to the old man beside him:

- Magister Hansel. Do you feel anyone of your kind in that city?

The old man, with a black turban covering his face along with a long wooden staff on his hands. He whispers:

- My master. I don't feel any magic power there. It is known that the Arcondale Peninsula has no magic sources, so no one could become witches or wizards.

- Then what is the thing that burned our ships?

- It must be an alchemist's work, master. I hear that there are many in the Rosesyth Empire.

- But we're attacking the Arcondians, not them.

- So there might be one here in there, master.

Batar, who is crumbling on the floor, looks up and talks to Hadrian:

- Master, please gives me more men, I promise that this time I'll take this city for you. Only 30000 more, sustain heavy casualties, too. I can tear down the city gates in 3 hours and deliver it to you.

Hadrian stands up and walks to beside Batar:

- You said the same thing this morning, Batar. that you'll take this city in 3 hours, how can I trust you now?

- This time will be different, master, I promise.

Hadrian glance at Batar's eyes, then he stands up and turns back.

- Throw him to the sea.


Two marauders seize Batar's arms and drag him to the edge of the ship and throw him the water. His scream before falling and being eaten by sea creatures can be heard from 3 miles away.Hadrian, under the blessing of the Sea Gods, can control sea creatures like sharks, and dolphins to be specific to a certain extent. Hadrian drinks a cup of tea handed by one of his servants and then goes to the war map.

After observing for a while, he orders:

- Transvysic.

- Yes, master.

- I'll give you 50000 men and 800 ships, go and attack the Alleinstein Kingdom, our spies say this kingdom is far weaker than the kingdom we are attacking.

- As you wish, master.

- Ultred.

- Yes, master.

- Take 7000 marauders and 23000 cavalries. You'll have 400 fastest ships, sail to the Summervalley, and takedown Veronica. Don't sail into the rivers, I heard the Royal Fllet of the Kingdom of Fortuna is there. Disembark on the seashore, march as fast as possible, house Aetherwolf has only around 10000 troops defending their land. If you succeed to take the city, send a messenger to inform and I'll send more men to assist you defending it.

- It's my honor to fight for you, my master.

- Good, where is Eunice?

- I'm here, my master.

Different from others, this general is a woman. But the men's skulls she is wearing show that she is not a person you can mess with. Hadrian speaks to her softly than others:

- I'll leave 17000 ships and 90000 men here for you to command, Eunice. In return, I want this city to be taken in 3 months. Can I count on you?

- Absolutely, my master. The head of Alfred Rosewood will be yours.

- Good. Have any questions?

- You said you'll leave me here. Then where will you go, master?

Smile evilly, Hadrian replies:

- I'm going to their Holy Land. When you want to destroy a person completely, you must destroy his beliefs first. I have 100000 men and 2300 ships left under my command, I'll destroy their churches and hang their High Priest. Any news about the Crimsons Kingdom and the Grasslands?

- The Grasslands are still at war, master. The Heathen Kingdom is slowly taking control of it, but their rivals will keep them busy for several years. We don't have to worry about them at the moment. About the Crimsons, every man we sent there doesn't send anything news after entering the kingdom, but they've cut their contact with other kingdoms in this Peninsula for hundreds of years. They'll be our last concern, your mighty.

- Always keep an eye on them, we know nothing about their economy, military might, or war potential. An unknown enemy is far more dangerous than 10 known ones. We only have enough supplies for about 1 year and we have more than 200000 people to feed, winter is coming in 4 months, so we need to act fast or we will die of cold and starve instead of the enemies' swords. Now, go, and may the Sea Gods be by your side.

- May the Sea Gods are by your side.

War drums yell on the sea, which is loud enough for the shores nearby to tremble. The Great Lyrion Fleet is separated to head into different places, around the ships, sharks and dolphins jump from the water, making their war cries. Hadrian sits on his thrones, watch the faraway land to the west, he recalls lands and kingdoms that he and his army have conquered.

- Now, let see. How many years will it takes for me to become the true master of this Arcondale Peninsula?