
"By infusing my magic into any form of technology, I can cause a blackout that has a radius of half a city. I can only do it every once in a while though since it takes a lot of magic power, something I don't really have.."

Jake laughed awkwardly as he explained his power. In this Cyberspace, secrets like your Magic was something small to keep. Everyone is required to know each others Magic for a magnitude of reasons.

"Can you control the size of the blackout or is it always half a city?"

Daemon was becoming more and more curious. A blackout means that all tech would be useless for a certain time period. It's very, very useful.

"Yes, I can. On my first mission, I was to stop an airport from carrying out their flights. I did it while controlling my blackout to only the airport itself and not the gas stations and such around it."

"That's...a very cool power, Jake. And what's the time limit on the blackout?"

"Thanks for the compliment, mister Daemon! I really appreciate it!"

If he had a tail, it would be aggressively wagging. Daemon thought of him as a cute puppy that always wanted a treat.

"But my time limit, its 5 minutes. My magic obviously works best at night, considering a blackout in broad daylight would be 'useless'. Anyways, when I use my magic, I can allow it so that if my comrades wants to use any of their electrical base powers then it's fine. Basically, anyone outside our group won't have technology for 5 minutes while the people in our group will act as if nothing happened in the first place."

Daemon nodded as he collected the information. He didn't expect that a 10 year old kid would be in such harmony with their powers. A 10 year old kid in America was still learning how to coat their bodies in magic. From a quick glance, he could see that Jake could do this already, considering that he always has it on.

Him always keeping it on lead Daemon to believe that he had a rough childhood or something. He must have had a rough one to survive and in order for that, he must have concentrated and focused really hard on developing such powers.

'I'm probably completely wrong. He could have a family at home right now, while I'm calling him a kid from the projects..'

"Kid. You have a bright future ahead of you. I want you to promise me that you won't use your powers for hurting the innocent, but instead to save them.."

Daemon squatted down while placing his fist into his chest. His serious face became even more so as his expression turned cold. 'With such a power, you could quite easily hurt the innocent. I..don't want you to be like that.'

"Mister Daemon..."

Seeing him care so much for him, Jake couldn't help but make a tear shed. Daemon cocked his head at that and got up.

'Ahem. I might have said too much for his small brain. He's a kid for fucks sake, Daemon. They aren't taught destruction. They wouldn't go out to kill a random person for no reason....,right?'

"Sorry, Jake. Didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to tell you what's on my mind."

Daemon started to walk away followed by Jake. 'I finally have someone to talk too, that's all. It's a pleasant feeling, mister Daemon..' Jake cheered up and showed Daemon even more things.

He showed him a huge waterfall that had a giant pirate ship behind it. Once a lever is pulled, the waterfall will split and the boat will be able to sail out. He showed Daemon the computer servers that had spray paint on them.

This was how they got their power. These provided internet power, held information and so on. Jake showed him the living quarters and the cafeteria as well as the bathroom.

"And this is the H4-Cy."

He showed Daemon a large, metallic C-130 cargo plane. They apparently use this to travel the world and such. 'They carry all sorts of modded weapons and cars in there...' A modded weapon could be something that shoots faster than regular guns like the Ar-24 that Jake 3d printed. Compared to the weapons in the cargo plane though, the Ar-24 would seem like a normal pistol.

"When will we use it?"

Asked Daemon while feeling up the belly. It was cold and very, very, very thick. It'd take a lot to get through it's tough shell.

"I don't know actually. If we're not careful then the Japanese Military might shoot us down for being an unidentified plane. They'd probably mistake us for terrorist to be honest..."

"Makes sense. Well, thank you for the information anyways. You've been a big help in this last hour."

Jake smiled and nodded at Daemon. After some time, Daemon was to go into a room where he'll be 'evaluated'. He arrived in said room, sat down in a chair that was at a table and waited.

"How has your tour been so far, System?"

The cotton candy hair colored girl said as she sat down across from Daemon. Behind her was a person with a black robotic face mask.


"Did you expect all of this?"

"No, not at all. Its honestly amazing."

The woman smiled while the mask made a smiley face as well. Jake, who was in the corner playing with action figures, smiled too. They all knew of his Magic. It was what each individual person in this place had combined into one. Knowing that his experience has been great so far, it means their a step closer to making him their allie.

"I'm glad you like it, System.."

The masked man then handed her a piece of paper while she pulled out a pen. Daemon was handed a cup of water by Jake which was sipped by Daemon at times.

"Daemon Fisher. Age, 16. Height, 5'9. Weight, 130lbs. Sex, Male. Race, Japanese. Magic, [Technology]. You were born in shikoku 16 years ago and never left since. You applied to M.H., the prestigious school that turns people into S ranks hunters. You were accepted via a recommendation test and had moved here when you were accepted. Your use in Magic is terrible and you have a girlfriend named, Midori Izushi. Your sister, Yadira Fisher and her two children, Yui and May live together with you. Father is unknown. Your mother, Grace fisher, lives with you as well. Father is unknown. Sounds about right?"

She read over his fake file that couldn't be seen through. Upon hearing that he had niece, Jake snuck up to Daemon and tapped his leg to get his attention, a sly smile forming on his.

"Can you...introduce me to your niece's...?"

Daemon cocked his head back at his statement. 'What the hell is he saying? Oh, a playdate, right. I had those with Sylvia..' Daemon was unaware of Jake's true intention.

From his face, Jake could tell that Daemon's looks weren't average. This led his kid like mind to believe that his sister could produce good looking kids, factoring in that she looks good as well.

"Yeah, sure. When we're...closer though. I don't trust none of you people, considering you all have my family and girlfriend on constant watch."

The 3 people laughed at Daemon while shaking their heads. Daemon stared at the people as they laughed at him with a small sigh.

"Trust us, System. In this place, we don't use family or love as bargaining chips. In fact, we'll delete all things related to them after you officially join us. We give everyone that option, right, Jake?"

Jake slowly stopped laughing while nodding in agreement. Daemon would then try to find out about his background, only for his description to come up as, 'No peeking, okay?'


Daemon said while looking away. He didn't want this unknown group of people to have any sort of eyes on his family/love life. They'd probably use them to make sure they kept Daemon in the organization or so Daemon thought.

"Good. Now that we have that out the way, let's begin business."

She became serious as she leaned forward, putting her hands together and resting them under her nose.

"We are 'Tokumei'. A group of individuals who seek out to uncover the truth that the government hides from the populace. We do what no others do and stick up for ourselves via hacking. Our hacking is like a voice that can't be unheard. We *will* seek out justice for people, even if it takes a million years."

She told Daemon of her and 'Tokumei's' ideals. How they wanted a fair world in the sense of knowing everything and not being left in the dark.

"But don't you also rob banks and such? Where's the fair in that?"

Daemon asked while tilting his head. The mask on the persons face showed a frown to that while Jake smile. It was evident to know that Jake asked the same question, making him and Daemon the only people to ever question such a thing.

"We rob banks to give to the poor. Higher ups take our taxes and use them for golfing. Surely you see the injustice in that."

"Yeah, you have a point. But what happens when a poor man becomes rich? Won't the cycle just repeat itself?"

She became surprised by his statement. Jake accepted being a part of 'Tokumei' after she said that they was giving back to the rich. You have to keep in mind as well that most people thought like this, but was already hooked when she explained to them that they were fighting for the people. For their rights.

"The cycle has always repeated itself. That's why, we'll be planning an 'Attack' later on to show people that we're not some group of bandits to look down upon, but at the same time to show the people that we're on their side."

Their acts have been covered up by the government, but it was now time to make a public appearance. They'll show the world that their still there, and they'll show them with a bang.

"Daemon Fisher. Will you take my hand and join us as brothers and sisters in arm. We can train you to become the best you while showing you a brand new world. What do you say?"

She extended her hand out to Daemon. She had on black gloves that showed her fingers. On said fingers, she had a mix of green and pink like her hair and eye color.

'I'm...gonna join a terrorist group. But, I'm fine with this. They promise to teach my how to use my powers, so helping them is the least that I can do.'

Daemon took her hand and shook it, making Jake smile big and bringing a smile to the masked persons face.

"I agree. I'll join 'Tokumei' and help you all. From this moment onwards, I consider you be my allies. My Brothers And My Sisters."

She smiled at that while blowing a bubble. 'He's the System while we are his parts. In the future, maybe even he could lead this group like our founding fathers...'

"Its settled then. Daemon fisher, no, System, is now one of us. An ally, a brother in arm, a...friend.."

The walls around then fell down to reveal multiple people who were cheering and celebrating. The were Congratulating him while telling Daemon how sick his magic was.

'These people..'

Daemon stared at them all, a smile slowly forming on his face.

'I hope we can change the future.'
