
Daemon was in Midori's apartment. Right now, he was sitting on the toilet, buck naked, while Midori was taking a shower. Daemon was scrolling through his phone while Midori watched the tv that was installed in her shower.

"I went to the bar the other day. I gave everyone cookies as an apology for being so rude.."

She sparked up a conversation. 'Hm? She did? That's.. That's nice of her. And the timing is impeccable. I was gonna go tell them that I know it was them that attacked our school a while back..'

"That's sweet of you, Midori. But I promise you that they don't care if you treated them so coldly at first. I mean, you felt the atmosphere in there. Stone cold."

Daemon said while getting up. Midori moved the curtain back slightly, not caring if her body was showing or not.

"Hm? Where are you going?"

Daemon reached for the dryer and opened it up to reveal clothes that were stopping their cycle of infinite spinning. Her bathroom worked where you walk in and to your right, you have your sink and to your left, you have your washer and dryer machine. The bathtub/shower was in the back with the toilet next to it.

"I'm actually going to the bar. I decided...that I wanted to invite them over for Thanksgiving. They don't spend time with their families or so they say, so I thought that this is the least that I could do for all the kindness they give me. That is, if it's fine with you of cou-"

"Of course it is, Daemon!"

She cut him off while slinging the entire curtain back. 'Okay then..' Her eyes were teary as she grabbed a towel and came up him to say..

"Daemon, I... It would be a pleasure to have more people come over. It's been lonely for me these past 10 years, so I'll be willing to accept anyone. And besides, what better people to invite than my boyfriends, friends?"

Daemon couldn't help but blush at her words. 'J-Jeez... You think about me way too much, Midori...' A stupid though then came to his mind as it also left his mouth.

"Midori. You may not like it, but I want you to invite Kaiyo, okay..?"

It was an odd request that made Midori stare at him in fear and confusion. Why would he invite her? He knows how we feel about each other, right? Those were the thoughts that swam throughout her head.

"Can you tell me...why?"

"Well, Thanksgiving is a time for love and peace. You and Kaiyo... Despite your differences, you two are still friends. Distant, but friends. And Kaiyo lives by herself, right? There's a chance that she won't be having a Thanksgiving dinner this year.."

She claims to never talk with her parents, leading Daemon to assume she's been alone for the past couple years on this and every single other holiday.

'So,... He want's us to be closer..'

The person she disliked and feared the most showing up to her dinner party wasn't the best thing she could ask for. It was a time for peace and love like Daemon said, something that Kaiyo isn't familiar with.

'Right now, we can acknowledge each other as rivals, each wanting to become stronger than the other. But can I still forgive her for what she said that day? I can't, can I? But maybe... Maybe it's time for me to start changing as well. I had this petty revenge for so long that I completely shut myself away from the the world. Daemon has opened up a new world for me and has changed me as well. If I want to really change though, I need to do it myself. I have to think for myself. I have too...'

Midori sighed and hugged Daemon. Her hot skin came into contact with Daemon's skin, making them both blush even deeper. 'Say what your heart wants to say, Midori..' She looked up at Daemon with a smile. Her small and cute face made him smile back as she prepared to give an answer.


She hugged him even tighter.

"I'll do it.."


Daemon sat down at the stool next to the decaying man. He had what appeared to be water in a glass bottle. Daemon told him that they needed to speak, making everyone listen in but not showing it.

"I...know that you guys are the ones that attacked-"

Daemon was put belly down on the floor with a blade to his throat. The others spat out their drinks and quickly got up, each with surprised faces.

"We should have been taken care of him! I told you all!"

Splinter said as he put the blade deep enough into his skin so that it hurt, but it wouldn't cause him to bleed. He was a master martial artist with ability to match. He was only 30, but the Bandit world known him as 'The One True Heir.'

"Calm down, Splinter. Let... Let him speak.."

The decaying man placed his hand on Splinters shoulder who flinched slightly from that. The others in the room wanted to listen in as well. They knew Daemon long enough to know that he was a chill guy. Killing him on the spot would make absolutely no sense.

"Smh. Get your damn hand off me.."

He shrugged his shoulder while getting off Daemon. His eyes never left his throat or his wrist. 'And here I thought he was all bark and no bite. The air didn't even move when he pinned me down..'

"Thanks, boss.."

Daemon got up slowly to let them know that he wasn't a threat. The surrounding people surrounded him with the bar being a wall of sorts. Hize was still cleaning out glass bottles, listening with his eyes closed.

"Daemon. You...knew it was us that attacked your school? How though..?"

They wore no technology strictly because of Daemon. How would he be able to notice them?


Daemon collected his thoughts with a small sigh. He honestly didn't know if he'd be able to make it out of here if they didn't accept his next words.

'His next words better be valid or some won't take too kindly to them..'

Prince Of Flames said with the skin on his hands peeling back from his green fire. Green was a the closet color to blue in terms of fire. As you know or didn't know, blue flames are the hottest flames there can be. That being said though, a persons body can't handle such heat so their skin might be harmed when using said blue flames. Since green was deprived from blue, it gives off the same effect just not as harmful as it could be with blue.

'Oh, Daemon. Why did you have to reveal yourself like this..'

Lidia sighed as the veins in her arms started showing blood red. She liked him, but would kill him anyways if their secret got out. Well, she might not kill Daemon actually. She does enjoy the uno games they play together.

'Let's kill him! Let's let him live!'

Lewis had a crowbar in hand as he sometimes played with it while starring at Daemon. He actually didn't want to kill the guy, but he has a problem of following the others, never making decisions for himself. This played a huge part in his past which led him to being here.

'Smh. Daemon, oh, Daemon. You see my ideal. I'll make sure to keep you in..'

Kakazu thought while sitting down. While everyone liked Daemon, they were all mentally ready kill him besides Kakazu. Daemon actually listened to his spouting and even said words of light back.

"Well,... Its because of you actually, Boss."

Daemon said while starring at him. 'Because of him?! Of fucking course he'd be at the center of all of this..' The others thought while the decaying man frowned slightly from knowing the thoughts that his comrades where thinking.

"You see, I can hack into cameras and such and when I did back then, I saw...the necklace of fingers around your neck.."

They all stared at Daemon for exactly 2 seconds, then simultaneously looked at the decaying man. He cocked his head back while sighing and sitting down. 'Haha... Daemon...' He accepted such a defeat while the others sighed out as well.

"Damn it, man. Be careful next time, will ya?"

Prince Of Flames said while sitting back down on the couch. If anything were to go wrong, then of course it would come back to the decaying man.

"Idiot. Your an idiot."

Lidia and Lewis went back to play uno while the other 'Random' people did as well. Splinter could only 'tsk' at that as from Daemon's words, he only looked into it because of the mistake of his leader and not plain curiosity.

"Daemon. Come sit down.."

The decaying man motioned Daemon to sit next to him in which he did. Hize poured them both water and the decaying man took a sip from it.

"What now? We, well some of us, trust that you won't expose our secret, but it still brings up the question of what will you do? We can understand that if you want to quit here and now. Just tell me. I'll...make it work.."

There was a hint of sadness in his voice. 'It was fun while it lasted. Friends, family, I guess they all disappear eventually..' Daemon looked away like he was actually thinking over his proposal.

'I want to join them. It's sad to admit but I have more chemistry with them then with my classmates. I..only see them as extras, people who talk to me like Npc's who give out quest..'

"I actually want to join you guys."

His few words made everyone 'Eh?!' outloud. Except for Kakazu who got up with a huge smile and left. 'J-Join us? Why would he... He knows who we are, right..?'

"I don't want what we have here to end. I don't know what I can say to make you guys feel at ease, but I will not tell your secret. That's a promise that I *can* keep."

They all stared at him, each having mixed opinions. Some didn't want to drag a regular person into a world of Bandits. Others thought he could handle himself so they didn't mind it.

"For a reason like..friendship, you'll join a group of murderers? That's..odd" Said the decaying man. He wasn't sure why someone would do this, but nevertheless, he found himself smiling.

"Yeah, actually. I grew up without friends so losing them now would make me give out a long sigh.."

"What about your school friends? Family? Your girlfriend? They can become caught up in this if something goes wrong.."

"Yeah,...I know. I'm ready for such a risk.."

"Will you help us plot against your school?"

"I...will not. I understand that I can help with that, but if this all leads back to me then the consequences will be big.."

"Makes sense.."

They all smiled besides Splinter at the decaying mans words.

"Daemon Fisher. Your an idiot for joining a group of bandits. We don't know if you have ulterior motives and heck, you might even rat us out, but let's leave that to the future. Sounds like a plan?"

He extended his hand out to Daemon who took it and smiled. He didn't expect for them to accept him so easily. The others had to meet with the Master himself in order to be accepted but they didn't care that he didn't go through such a process.

"I don't accept him."

Splinter walked out. They weren't surprised by this as Splinter always hated Daemon since day one.

"Glad to have you, fish. Now things won't be so awkward.."

The Prince of Flames said while sighing. They could all agree that lying to him was hard to do. But now, they could speak freely about things without holding back.

"Glad to be here. And now that we trust each other even more, come by my place on the 25th so we can celebrate.."

Daemon then proceeded to leave, not caring to hear their answers. 'The..25th? Isn't that..' When they figured out the date, some smiled as they thought they'd be eating alone again this year, only to be proven wrong.

"We keep this a secret from master, right?"

They all nodded at his words. If he were to find out about any of this, then they'd all be punished in gruesome ways.

Unbeknownst to all of them, a certain bond was formed when they officially accepted Daemon. It would only take a little push for them all to realize that bond that rarely happens amongst people.
