Glad you came

Struggling to get out of the wolf's grip was no easy feat. So much for thinking that this wolf wasn't going to harm her. She was going to die tonight Eires thought as she stared up at the darkening eyes of the great wolf on top of her. "Well you might as well it over with, what are you scared?" Eires taunted the wolf. If she were to go down, at least she could keep her fighting spirit instead down cowering like a wuss. The words had barely left her mouth when the wolf complied and bite down on her right clavicle.

Eires let out a scream as his teeth broke through her skin but instead of producing a scream, her body’s reaction to being bitten by another Lycan was for her to moan pleasurably? And as if this day couldn’t get any weirder after inspecting his handiwork, the Lycan then lowered his neck to her eye level to which she assumed was for her to do the same. Staring at him for what felt like an eternity, she prayed to the moon that she wouldn’t accidentally start a war for what she was about to do next. Closing her eyes, Eires leaned forward and bit down onto the creature's neck. Though she expected to have a mouth full of fur, she was pleasantly surprised that her mouth came into contact with warm skin.

“I’ve never met a human who wasn’t scared shitless by the mere sight of a giant wolf before but I suppose that there is first for everything” breathed a deep male voice.

Pulling her mouth away from his person, Eires quickly opened her eyes to discover that under all that luscious dark brown fur was actually a fine piece of man. “If that’s your way of getting me to let you stay in my cave, I’m going to have to let you know you’ve got to try harder.”

“Your cave?” the Lycan asked with an arched brow.

“Yes you heard that right, my cave. What? Did you think blankets and cushions were a naturally occurring phenomena in this part of the country?” Eires asked playfully. Oh wow was she actually flirting with this guy who was definitely way out of her league? -outcast or not this is quite out of character for her.

“Well touché. I suppose I would have to try harder. Hmm I suppose I would have to appeal to your kind hearted nature and plead that you not send me out there. Don't you know there are hundreds of wolves out there.” He said with an equally playful tone.

Letting out a giggle Eires replied “Ah well that could only work if A... you weren’t also a Lycan like the rest of them and B... that your assumption of me being kind hearted was actually true.”

“You know I haven't laughed this much in a really long time, beautiful.” Blushing at him calling her beautiful, Eires averted her gaze from those gorgeous brown eyes and let her eyes travel further down his body until..

“Like what you see?”

“Oh my God, I cannot believe we’re just standing here discussing whether you can stay in the cave when we should be discussing your state of undress.” Picking up a throw blanket and hurling it in his direction Eires then proceeded to say “Cover yourself up!”

Turning to face away from him, Eires had never thought that there would come a day where she would have to fight every fiber in her body to not stare at a naked man she had just met but she supposed that’s her life now and she was going to have to deal with that.

“I’m decent”

Turning around to find him under the blanket sprawled comfortably on her makeshift bed, Eires saw him pat the cushions next to him inviting her to have a seat. Ah why not, it’s not like she can get into any more trouble than she undoubtedly is already in, she might as well enjoy herself with whatever amount of time she has left with him. Taking a seat next to him, Eires pulled a different blanket over her shoulders. “I’m Eires by the way.”

“I’m Jason. Nice to meet you Eires.” There it is again, him flashing his beautiful smile at her making her insides do all kinds of weird things. No focus! Eires focus! She thought to herself 'you need to find out what just happened and how much trouble are you going to be in when your father finds out what just happened here'.

“So what brings you all the way to the Woolridge pack and why were you hiding in my cave?

“Before I answer that, is it safe to assume that you’re not human?” Jason countered.

“Yes I’m not human, I’m Lycan so you can rest easy that I won’t be running to the cops trying to report a wolf infestation in the woods.”

“What are you doing in human form in the middle of the mating hunt? Didn’t think you were such a rebel” Jason said as he expertly maneuvered his arms around her.

'Mating hunt?' Eires thought to herself. Was this what she had interrupted? She knew that mates were a big thing in the Lycan community because her sister and her posse of plastics couldn't stop raving about finding their mates every since they turned sixteen. What she didn't know however was that there were specific ceremonies and hunts held to help people find their mates.

Then it dawned on her, Jason was hiding in her cave because he was trying to avoid being mated. "You're hiding from the female wolves! That's why you're hiding out in my cave isn't it?"

Looking up sheepishly at her, Eires could see that she was spot on! "Honestly I only joined the Woolridge pack mating hunt because my parents had insisted that I come and at least try to ensure that the Wolfe bloodline doesn't die out. I wasn't in any hurry to get myself saddled with a mate. Though in hindsight, now I'm kinda really grateful that they made me come."

There it is again that smile. Eires didn't think she has met anyone whose smile could melt hearts until she met Jason. "I thought having mate was the most sacred things many wolves aspires to obtain, why are you so opposed to having one?"

"I was opposed to it, until I met my mate a few minutes ago." Hearing Jason say he found his mate made her stomach drop. Eires was seeing red at the thought of Jason all cozied up with a faceless wolf she had never met before. Not understanding this reaction she had, Eires needed to get a grip of herself before the shadows around engulfed her entire cave.

"If you've found your mate then why are you hiding in here when you should be frolicking and romancing her" Eires said through gritted teeth.

Looking at him just gape at her with a look of total disbelief before breaking out into another one of his brilliant smiles. Eires heard him say 'Surely, you're making fun of me. I don't believe that you could not know.'

"What are you talking about?" Eires said aloud. She was definitely getting increasingly annoyed.

'Eires, how do you think you can hear me without belonging to the same pack?' Jason asked.

"Hey look mate, you..."

'There you go, that's why we can hear each other. You've got it ' Jason said endearingly at her.

"Got what? If you don't come out and say it I'm going to have to kicked you of my cave" Eires countered.

'I haven't spoken a word aloud Eires, you can hear me because you're my mate.' Only when he said this did Eires realized that he was right, he hasn't been talking aloud but rather he's been mind linking with her. She knew that most girls would have jumped for joy at getting such a handsome and powerful mate -heck if it had been her sister who had Jason as her mate she would have started trying to make babies with this fine piece of specimen right away, but after the initial two seconds of euphoria she felt had faded, there was only one thought that came into her mind and that was 'My dad is going to kill me'.