Chapter III

"Hey." Harry smiled as he approached the latina who was busy reading a book by the library.

"Hey Hazza, what's up?" The brunette asked, looking up at him.

"Oh nothing, I just found you alone here and thought you might need company." Harry smiled, while his dimples appeared.

"I'm just waiting for the bell to ring and all that." Kyla chuckled as she went back into reading.

"Well, I'll keep you company then." The green-eyed boy smiled as he looked at Kyla.

"Don't you have any classes?" The brunette asked while Harry shook his head.

"Lunch break, I wasn't really feeling hungry."

"Then why the library?" The curly haired boy shrugged his shoulders as he looked around.

"It's quiet here, calming, plus I like reading books. I often hide here from the band."

"Hazza! There you are, Mr. Cowell needs us." Louise said as she placed a hand on the curly-haired boys shoulder.

"Speaking of." Harry mumbled and gave the brunette a wink.

"Well, I have to go now." Harry chuckled while the brunette nodded.

"Bye Kyla Banana!" Louise said as the two walked away.

"Did you just talked to Harry without stuttering?" Dylan asked as he appeared from behind the brunette.

"Dyl!" Kyla exclaimed as she placed a hand on her chest. Dylan sat on the chair across the brunette and looked at her intensely.

"Something's not adding up." Dylan said, while Kyla raised an eyebrow.

"You've stopped talking about Harry for three weeks now since he hugged you. I saw him wink at you, so why didn't you stutter? You have the biggest crush on him!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Shut up!" Kyla hissed as she glared at the Danish.

"Are you both hanging around behind my back that you started to develop casual talking with him?" Dylan said, squinting hi eyebrows.

"No." Kyla laughed.

"Then what?" The brunette shook her head and shrugged.

"Ky, you've been talking about how perfect his curls are, his dimples, and his eyes ever since the start of the school year. You never stopped since August! It's the last week of February and now you decided to stop?" Dylan asked confused.

"This doesn't make sense." The Danish said as he raised his eyebrow.

"Are you sure you're no-"

"No Dyl." Kyla replied.

"Something's really fishy." Dylan said squinting his eyes.

The truth is, Harry was not anywhere near her mind for the past weeks. All she could think about was the beautiful emerald eyes she saw. Harry had green eyes as well, but they had a yellowish tone to it as well.

But they eyes she was thinking of? It didn't, it was a beautiful shade of viridescent, emerald to be exact. Turns out those colored eyes were extremely rare.

"Earth to Ky?" Dylan chuckled as he waved a hand.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said, Did you heard about Section A combining with our class." Dylan said.

"What? Why?"

"Their adviser Ms. Ambrose is on leave due to medical complications, Other teachers will substitute for her subjects, so they'll merge a few sections together. How do you feel about it?" Dylan asked.

"I don't know." Kyla mumbled. Truth is, she didn't want it. More people in class meant more interactions, probably a bully in class.

"Our schedules not gonna change, it'll remain the same. They on the other hand, will adjust to our schedules."

"When will it start?" Kyla asked the Danish who squinted his eyes, thinking.

"This coming Monday."

"Great, 2 days from now." Kyla thought to herself.

And boy, those two days went by extremely fast.

"Alright, Section A meet the Star Section and vice versa. I will be assigning your seats in a few minutes, I expect you to at least engage in small talks." Mr. Miller said as he looked around. The student's were splitted into two groups, the S.A's and S.S's.

"Hi!" A man with a highlighted blue hair appeared, hugging Dylan.

"Pierre!" Dylan smiled, while he offered the seat next to him. The Danish sits across behind Kyla, making it easy for the both of them to engage in small talks.

"Pierre, this is Kyla my best friend. You can call her Ky. Ky, this is Pierre my friend from The Dance Club." The Danish introduced as the blue-haired guy sat behind Kyla.

"Hi Ky, it's nice to finally meet you. You’re pretty"

"Oh Please Pierre, you need glasses." Kyla smiled as the man chuckled.

Pierre Scott, he was a well known school dancer and singer. Pierre was a French exchange student who happened to love the vibes. Pierre was one of the famous guys in their school. He was the kind who was very approachable and nice.

"So where's your friend?" Dylan asked as the two engaged in their conversation.

"He's probably running late, Typical Liam." The French smiled.

"Speaking of." Pierre chuckled as he looked up at the guy standing by the doorway, wiping the sweat of his brow.

"Liam!" Pierre called out as he raised his hand, the raven smiled as he walked over to them.

"Excuse me, sorry." The raven said as he passed by the students who were talking to each other.

"Dylan, this is Liam. Liam, Dylan." Pierre said as he gestured both of them to shake hands.

"Sup man." Dylan exclaimed.

"Hey." Liam smiled, high fiving the Danish.

"Your eyes are gorgeous!" Dylan said as he looked at him.

“Thanks bro.”

"Where are you going?" Pierre asked as he looked at Liam who was about to sit behind him.


"Bruh, sit there." Pierre said as he pointed at the seat beside the brunette who was currently deep in her sketch pad.

"The seats not yet taken Liam, go ahead." Dylan grinned.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot she existed." Dylan said as the raven started walking towards the seat in front of him.

"Hey Ky." Dylan called out.


"It's alright, we can meet later on." Liam smiled.

"Liam meet Kyla, she's my best friend. I'm sorry you had to meet her like this." Dylan said.

"No worries." The green-eyed guy smiled before taking a sit beside Kyla.

"I have an idea though." Dylan grinned, Pierre and Liam paid attention to the Danish.

"Hey Ky, Harry's here." As soon as Kyla heard the name, she quickly shot up from the sketch pad and looked around.

"Where?" Kyla said.

"See? I told you, She has a thing for him." Dylan grinned sheepishly as Kyla glared at him.

"She loves his green-eyes." Dylan added.

"Dylan!" Kyla hissed.

"She thinks-" Dylan started but was cut off when Kyla practically shuts the Danish up by placing the palm of her hand against his lips.

"Don't believe a thing he says! He's crazy!" Kyla exclaimed looking at Pierre who was laughing his butt off.

"Eww!" The brunette hissed as Dylan licked her hand.

"You're gross." The Danish rolled his eyes as he finally smiled. The brunette continued to glare at him, abruptly stopping when she realized someone was sitting beside her.

"Hi Kyla." The green-eyed guy smiled, eyes looking straight into Kyla's brown ones. The brunette quickly looked away from him and faced in front.

"Hi." Kyla replied, not bothering to look at the green-eyed guy who was smiling at her.

"I uh, I'm so sorry you had to see that." Kyla whispered shyly, looking down at her feet.

"Why are you apologizing? Pierre and I are like that all the time." Liam chuckled, giving the brunette a soft smile as Kyla looked at him subtly before turning away. The brunette wished she would just look away from him, she couldn't take the feeling of the raven's eyes on hers.