"Okay class! Stand up, I got your sitting arrangements ready." Mr. Miller said as all the student's stood up.
The brunette quickly stood up and hid behind Dylan subtly as she took a glance at the raven who was currently looking at the teacher, listening attentively.
"So, I'm putting you alternately. The names I'll be mentioning, please go to the back seats and occupy it." One by one, he mentioned the surnames.
"Scott, then beside you is Hansen." Both guys high fived each other as they went to the seats.
"For the front row, Cortez." Mr. Miller said as he pointed at the sit in front of Pierre, which was where they were seated. The duo grinned while Kyla chuckled as she sat down on her seat.
"Felipe, then Henderson." Liam nodded before sitting beside Luis, who sat in front of Dylan, across Pierre.
"I'll miss you." Pierre teased as he pretended to cry.
"Shut up." Liam chuckled, before looking back in front.
"Hi, I'm Luis." the boy smiled as he looked at Kyla, who gave her a smile as well.
"Kyla." The brunette said.
"Wait, Dylan’s friend?” The boy asked confused as he pointed at the opposite end of the front row.
"Yep, the one and only." The brunette chuckled, looking behind her to scan for the raven that was beside her earlier. Luis gave her a small nod before the brunette turned back to her sketch pad, forgetting that she was looking for someone.
"I'm sorry, there's a mistake. Mr. Felipe, please switch places with Mr. Henderson." He said as he rechecked the list.
Kyla on the other hand was too drowned in her thoughts, not listening to the previous changes. She was deeply engaged in drawing something, biting her lip as she focused as she tried to visualize her subject. She happened to started drawing a pair of eyes she's been seeing prominently in her dreams for the past few weeks, trying to keep it as detailed as possible.
"Alright, I'm giving you 15 minutes to talk to your seatmate. I'll be calling random students later, and you have to give me a few details about your seatmate." The words brought the brunette back to reality, closing her sketch pad and gently facing the person beside her.
"Hi Lu-" The brunette started but stopped when her eyes met the raven's green ones instead.
"Liam." Liam chuckled as he grinned.
"I'm sorry, you were probably expecting someone else. We switched positions since Mr. Miller said there was a mix up.”Liam smiled, Kyla blinked a few times before keeping herself composed.
"Oh, No It's fine." The brunette smiled nervously.
"Tell me about yourself then Kyla." Liam smiled, as he looked down on her phone before looking back up at the brunette. Kyla raised her pointing finger midair, subtly saying "One second." while Liam nodded, looking back at her phone while Kyla stood up.
"Mr. Miller, I'd like to be excused please. I need to go to the restroom." The teacher just nodded.
"Ky!" Harry smiled as he saw the brunette, walking towards her.
"Harry." Kyla reciprocated, her eyes trailing into the curly-haired boy's green ones. Harry was about to speak when Kyla quickly waved goodbye and went to the restroom.
"Shit." The brunette mumbled as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"What's wrong with you?" Kyla hissed, closing her eyes.
"Damn it Kyla!" The brunette groaned as she quickly opened her eyes when she saw a pair of green-eyes upon shutting it.
"Alright, the person to your left is your partner." The instructor said as he handed out papers to work on. They were already on their last period of the week, and things were better than she actually expected it to be.
"Hey Liam?" Kyla asked shyly as she looked at the raven who was currently closing his book.
"Yeah?" The raven asked, turning his attention to the brunette.
"You're my partner." Kyla whispered shyly. Liam smiled before gently moving his seat next to the brunette's.
"Well then, let's get to work!" Liam cheered as he read the papers. The brunette couldn't help but admire the green-eyed guy reading beside her. Liam had his eyes fixed on the paper, reading the instructions.
"I think this is a false statement." Liam pointed out, while Kyla subtly nodded.
"It should be directly proportional since.." Liam explained as he started scribbling on a piece of scratched paper.
"There." Kyla snapped herself out of trance as Liam's hand accidentally brushed against hers, while the green-eyed guy held the paper instead.
"Let me hold this for you." Liam smiled. Kyla nodded as she started scribbling on the answer sheet.
Liam was a smart student, which had Kyla questioning why he wasn't at the same section with her. Liam was very quiet and reserved during discussions, kinda like a kid in his own bubble.
"I bet Dylan and Pierre are out there happily dancing their asses off while we continue to answer these." Liam mumbled as he counted on the pages.
"You bet they are. I can see Dylan's smirk a mile away." Kyla chuckled. Liam looked at her and chuckled as well, shaking his head. The two continued to work on the problems, passing it way before dismissal.
"I see this is how you S.S. students live huh?" Liam joked as they both went outside the classroom.
"Not really. We usually end classes earlier than this." Kyla teased back, while Liam opened his mouth.
"Are you saying I dragged you down?" The green-eyed guy scoffed.
"Maybe." Kyla teased, earning a chuckle from Liam.
"How about this, let's bet on who'll get the highest score for the upcoming Physics quiz next Wednesday?" Liam challenged.
"If you win, I'd bring you bananas everyday." Liam chuckled.
"But If I win, you'll give me a pack of Reese's."
"You're on Henderson." Kyla grinned while the older one smiled.
"Hey Liam?" The brunette asked, while Liam hummed in response.
"Why aren't you in the star section?" Kyla asked as she looked down on her phone, checking the time.
"Nerd." A guy chuckled as he walked past Kyla, the brunette shook her head and was about to turn to Liam when she heard a loud bang.
"What'd you call her?" Liam's raspy voice boomed, as he pinned the boy to the locker beside them.
"Yo, chill. I wasn't talking to-"
"Listen punk. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do." Liam growled slamming him on the locker harder.
"You don't get to call my friend anything you want to." The guy gulped as Liam looked at him intensely.
"Liam, stop." Kyla mumbled as she looked around, people were staring at them and she didn't like it.
"Understand?" The boy nodded in agreement as he apologized.
"Listen up." Liam looked around, Kyla on the other hand backed away from the raven.
"If any of you shits decided to lay your filthy hands or comment anything about my friend? I will kill you myself." Some students started walking and avoiding Liam's eye contact.
"Now scram!" And just like that, the hallway was clear.
"Liam, you didn't have to." The brunette said shyly.
"Don't say that. I'm your friend now, I'll protect you." The green-eyed one said as gestured the brunette to walk with him.