
Ending of...

Every single day in the past 3 weeks Zayn had been stopped by Siobhan asking him to start back tutoring them again and Zayn declined. Zayn started tutoring Siobhan because he was a family friend. He was absolved of the idea but did it as a favor. He had no intention of taking it seriously and he started making excuses to not have to tutor them. The excuses of I forgot or I was busy became more frequent until Zayn began completely avoiding them. Zayn was intelligent but helping people with education took work and care and he could care less.

Siobhan adored Zayn like a role model but after entering High School he realized the picture they painted of him was much different from what his parents showed. Zayn didn't outwardly show his distaste towards this family friend but Zayn's subtlety was never as subtle. They asked their parents to ask Zayn for help in his weak spots and at first, Zayn agreed but he was kinda hostile and Siobhan and he understood and tried their best to cope and Zayn stopped showing up to lessons. They should have got the memo then but they still believed they could somehow be friends and that was far from possible. They liked Zayn regardless of him pushing them aside.

Siobhan sent a span of messages that went on seen by the boy. He should have blocked him a long time ago but felt guilty. He entered his class setting his things on his table and spotted an overly smiley Aubrey squirming in his seat. "Watching porn I see." Zayn thought. No, he was wrong. Aubrey was scrolling through his crush Chantelle's story.

"Why Chantelle? Aren't I any better. You should have learned your lesson after that one time." Aubrey rolled his eyes at Zayn recalling such a moment.

Aubrey eyed him top to bottom. "1) He's hot, you're cute. 2) He's into guys, bozo. Are you into guys, Zayn Snipes?" Zayn ignored Aubrey's question and took a seat next to him. "Last thing I heard he's dating Daniela and fucking some freshman that can barely give head. Idk the dude's name." Zayn's heart dropped and the name drop. What the hell was Aubrey spewing again? Was this another one of his speculations? He had to be lying. Daniela would never do something like that. She would never throw their friendship for a guy. Maybe he was being overly protective like she was his property due to the nature of their friendship. They weren't just friends. Even if they broke up a long time ago they still kept their intimate nature. Daniela would never fall for someone like him. She would never like Chantelle, she knew how he treated all his girls.

"Stop fucking lying Aubrey. She would never."

"She would never." Aubrey mocked and giggled. Zayn was too caught up in their own thoughts to notice. Is he really so tied up in himself that he didn't notice his best friend was dating his arch-enemy? Daniela would tell him, right? Zayn wasn't just fuming he was heartbroken.

"Guess you've been too busy wrapped up in Aaron's shee-" Aubrey flinched. Zayn's hand wasn't too far from his face but He didn't make contact. He stopped himself but he already made a scene cause everyone noticed. It really was the last straw to make Zayn annoyed for real. He stormed out leaving Aubrey in a room filled with people giving him questionable stares.

He couldn't breathe at all. This might be another one of his panic attacks over something that may seem small to others. He held his throat as he cold sweated. His throat felt closed up. He stumbled into the bathrooms and sat on the floor against the door trying to regain his stability. Was he so blind to everything going on around him due to how muddled his mind was recently. He knew he was distancing himself with his behavior but he didn't think she would think it's a good idea to go with his antagonist. He hit his chest because he felt like his chest wasn't beating. He walked to the sink and turned it on and let it run. He was cursing himself for what he couldn't see in front of his face.

Tears rolled down his face as the heartbroken feeling started settling in. Maybe he took her for granted and maybe he ignored her genuine feelings because he couldn't commit to her. He didn't intend to make her feel any type of way but it happened. He wiped his tears as he wasn't the type to show them and washed them away with water. His face and eyes were red and upset but it is what it is. The door swung open and Chantelle came in with a big old smirk spread across his face. Zayn's face immediately became angered as Chantelle stood next to him checking himself out in the mirror.

"Why her?" Chantelle didn't glance at Zayn but continued to smile to himself in the mirror.

"I don't know, she and I can relate in many ways and she needs me."

"She doesn't need you!" Chantelle turned to Zayn, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't care about her so why pretend now." Zayn could punch Chantelle for that assumption but that would turn out bad.

"Bullshit, I care about her more than other people. She knows that."

"No." Chantelle walked out of the bathroom not sparing another glance at Zayn who was fuming. He didn't know how she could do something like this. He picked himself up and stormed out of the bathroom back to his class where she sat talking to Lorel.

"What the hell is going on?" He grabbed the girl's wrist pulling her up.

"I don't know what you mean." She gazed over at Lorel who also had no idea what was going on.

"You didn't care to tell me that you have been sucking face with my enemy." Daniela blinked a few times, drinking in what he was saying.

"I-I don't think I have to explain that... it's just... happening."

"I don't like him and you know that but still you made moves to have a relationship with him. " She could see the fury and sadness in his eyes.

"Zayn I can be with who I want. Because you don't like someone doesn't mean I have to drop everything to do with them."

"Yes cuz I do it with you. When you don't like someone I previously been with I stop interacting with them for you. I will choose you over them." Daniela was kinda stunned but she had to defend her relationship.

"And I did too but I need to stop bending backwards for you when you won't commit to me." She had tears in her eyes but she blinked them away.

"You know how I feel."

"And you should know how I feel." They both stood there staring at each other while the others in the classroom witnessed their argument.

"Okay then, if this is how it is then I think-" He didn't even want to say the word but he had to. "We have to take a break then." Daniela sniffled but accepted what he was saying. She sat back down burying her head in her sleeve crying to herself while Lorel was confused about who to comfort. Zayn went into his seat glancing at Aubrey who was kinda scared Zayn might actually deliver the hit he threatened. Zayn could sit in silence while he was a spectacle. He took up his things and rushed to the office of his guidance counselor. His eyes darted around as he chewed on the skin of his fingers. He wanted to cry so badly but he didn't and couldn't break down. So many things over the last month or two have been weighing on him and he couldn't get over it. Life is hard right now. Really hard to navigate and not break every two minutes. He was losing his cool and his confidence slowly and it was showing more day by day. He thought he could hide it but it was definitely showing under his fake smile. Feigning confidence was becoming hard to do. He didn't want anyone to know about these things.