

Zayn was contemplating walking over to Siobhan who sat reading a novel in the common area. They might want nothing to do with him but it doesn't hurt to try. He needed to apologize for his behavior.

Siobhan felt someone over shadowing their reading, they looked up to make eye contact with someone they weren't too interested in seeing. They closed their book harshly and set it aside.

"What do you want?" Their tone was harsh but Zayn's smile didn't budge.

"I wanted to apologize to you." Siobhan was very surprised but didn't want to seem too happy about this. "I know it was horrible of me to ignore your texts. It was shitty. I really did have stuff going on and I should have been more transparent.

"It's… fine. I- No it's not fine. You hurt my feelings and I felt like there was something wrong with me but there's something wrong with you. You never took my feelings into consideration so I don't forgive you." Siobhan stood up grabbing their book, tucking it under their arm. Their glare on Zayn stung.

"And that's fine."

"The main reason I wanted you to tutor me was to get to know you but since then I've picked up a lot of things about you and I'm not interested.." They pushed Zayn aside and made their exit and Aubrey entered way too happy on this early morning. Zayn didn't really want to be near Aubrey at all since what happened and he was noticing how much he was pushing him and aggravating him.

"Why were you talking to Chantelle's hookup?"

"Huh." He pushed off the hand Aubrey had laid on his shoulder. "What are you talking about?"

"That's the guy I mentioned the other day. Yep, everyone knows." He always adds "everyone knows" but this is news to Zayn. He wasn't expecting that out of Siobhan of all people. He wanted to push back and deny what Aubrey was saying but some stuff he mentioned ended up being true so this might be as well.

"I used to tutor them." Aubrey stiffed a laugh behind Zayn.

"Woah, what happened between yall then. He looked angry and you looked disappointed." Zayn wasn't in the mood to answer Aubrey's invasive questions since he was still angry and overwhelmed about yesterday. Aubrey noticed the look in his eye and promptly shut up and stepped back. Aubrey even though he was thoroughly scared of actually receiving that hit he was threatened with still could go at it again. "So I heard Chantelle and Daniela went public,public with their relationship. How do yo-"

"Fuck you, Aubrey." He hit Aubrey with his shoulder making him stumble a bit and sped walked away from him. He walked into class ignoring Daniela's presence who was kinda hurt but understood. Christian walked into class waving to his friends who seemed to be caught up in their own worlds.

"How are you taking things?" That was such a stupid question to be asked, he didn't want to think about his friendship ended yesterday but everyone seemed to want to bring it up. He obviously wasn't happy. Zayn's silence was enough of an answer for Christian who noted this wasn't a topic to bring up. "What is up with you these days?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." His words came out muffled since his head was on the table but Christian heard him.

"You're being weird. Before I was giving you your space because you are clearly going through something but now it's going on too long and we wanna know what's on your mind so we can help you." Zayn shifted away. There was nothing he wanted to share. He would rather die than tell them what's going on. "Why are you avoiding us? It's very obvious."

"I'm not avoiding anybody. It's all in your head. I'm fine." Nobody was buying that but he didn't want to answer this question in the first place.

"For some reason I feel like you're avoiding me the most. Is it because I stole El from you?" Zayn wasn't even thinking of that and it wasn't even factoring in but it could become the best excuse. Christian did steal Elenore from Zayn but he wasn't even bothered. Early on in their relationship Zayn picked up, she seemed more interested in his friend and what he was doing than their whole relationship. He was aware what kinda friend Christian was since he flirted with all Zayn's girlfriends even in front of him but Zayn made excuses for him, doubting it would ever happen but it did.

"Maybe it is. I kinda feel I shoulda dropped you when you tried to make moves on Danie but I didn't." Zayn finally raised his head to stare into his eyes. "You know she already knows I broke up with her because you asked." Daniela turned around wanting to add something to their conversation but closed her mouth.

"If you were this bothered by me and El, why did you co sign our relationship?"

"I have no idea." Maybe disbelief kept him from overreacting. You don't really expect your friend to snatch your girlfriend. "I don't know why I'm still here. I'm literally not even valued as a friend anyway." He snatched up his bag, throwing it over his shoulder and left a final glance with Christian.

"Where are you going?" Aaron walked with him as he skirted through the sea of students.

"Anywhere but here. I'm kinda… angry I guess. If you miss me I'm in the auditorium." Aaron didn't didn't stop nor turn around when Zayn dismissed him. "Why are you following me? First period is starting."

"And you're sad. The least I could do is be there."

"I don't need your sympathy." He didn't want to see anyone or talk to anybody but Aaron didn't get the hint. He didn't want to lash out at him but it was very irritating to be followed.

"I got the hint, I just don't like the idea of you stewing in anger and sadness." He was starting to think Aaron cared a bit too much. Maybe Aubrey was telling the truth, he did like him but Zayn didn't want to mess up anything as he advised but he couldn't make that distance without Aaron noticing. He was a good friend and right now Zayn was lacking support so maybe he could let things be for now.

"Thanks I guess."

"Zayn, can I ask you a question?" He would rather sit in Silence by himself and have a good frustration cry than have meaningless chatter. He shrugged in disinterest.

"Do you see me as a friend?" Zayn was kinda caught off guard, that wasn't something he was ready to to be asked. Whenever Aaron referred to him as a friend Zayn never returned it. Aaron really wasn't a friend but a close buddy. Up until a few weeks ago Zayn had no trust in him and still lacks it. Zayn blinked a few times to catch himself before he answered such a question.

"Yeah." Aaron didn't like that simple answer. He understood how Zayn expressed his feelings but he knew the majority of the time there were layers. He knew Zayn didn't like him that much and was trying really hard to push him away.

"Zayn, Can you just be honest and say you still don't like me?" Zayn whipped his head to Aaron's direction a little too fast, causing dizziness. "I stick around because I enjoy being around you but it seems like you don't feel the same." He just stared at him wide eyed. It's not like he could repeat what Aubrey said to defend himself, that was information he wasn't supposed to know but if he didn't say something he might just hurt Aaron's feelings even more. "Did you… hear something about me or something?" Aaron asked meekly. Zayn could only shake his head.

"It's not like that it;s jus- Ugh!" He passed his hand over his face in frustration. "I can't explain it now, I can't talk about it but we ar-" It just hit him that he hasn't said the word friend out loud to anyone outside his main three (ex)friends. "Friends yeah, We are those." He smiled. Aaron felt kinda reassured hearing the words from Zayn himself.

The auditorium doors were opened by a class coming in but the two were half surprised to see which class. Fuck, Drama club. Zayn silently prayed he wouldn't be glared at by Ebany Walker as she walked inside but that was bound to happen. Saintclair's eyes landed on the two sitting up in the bleachers together and all his anger and insecurities resurfaced. Aubrey looked up in the direction his friend was staring at and became displeased. He rolled his eyes and stomped his way up to the two to pull them apart.

"Zayn, What are you doing here?" Aubrey's smile showed how peeved he was. Aubrey used his eyes to point to Saintclair and Zayn got the hint.

"Oh Aaron don't you have Drama with them?" Zayn asked, rising out of his seat.

"Uh, yeah."

"Well Imma get of your hair. Carry on." He let Aubrey pull him down the stands. Ebany fiercely glared at him as he was pulled past her.

"What the fuck are you thinking?! Hanging out with him, Alone?! You're asking Saintclair to misunderstand. I told you before, fucking stay away. I'm saving all our asses right now." Aubrey fustratedly adjusted his uniform blazer and collar.

"It's not my fault he followed me." Zayn Retorted.

"Then be meaner or something Zayn! I told you their business so you can understand and help me but you're not helping." Aubrey closed his eyes to calm down but it wasn't helping.

"None of this is my fault. It's not my fault Saintclair is insecure about himself and his relationship." Aubrey was kinda stunned, yeah it was true but it was mean for Zayn to say it. "It's true and Maybe you should talk to Aaron about putting in the work to save his relationship. Zayn pulled himself from Aubrey and the situation to avoid going into this anymore. This was all kinda annoying and he unintentionally got himself involved.