Chapter 5 It's not me you are going to kneel before

Was the wound hurt? Lucy couldn't feel it anymore. She only felt her heart twitching, as if she couldn't help but fall asleep. It was as if there were figures shifting in front of her eyes, and it seemed like someone was coming!

"Lucy! Don't be afraid, mom is here!" It was Mrs. Fu! She shouted in a bit of panic, "Doctor! Doctor!"

Probably the doctors and nurses were still afraid that Lucy would die, so they hurriedly channeled Mrs. Fu's blood to Lucy as Mrs. Fu requested. Lucy 's vital signs finally got better, but Mrs. Fu fell to the ground after a relieved smile.

Jane just walked to the door, and when she saw this scene, she directly rushed in. She slapped Lucy directly in the face, hard enough to wake Lucy up from coma. She didn't look weak at all at this moment.

"Mr. Lu!" Someone was calling Smith's name.

Jane reacted extremely fast. She immediately knelt on the ground and hugged Mrs Fu. She burst into tears in an instant, "Lucy, you are so cruel! I know I shouldn't take your kidney, I can give it back to you, but Mrs. Fu is innocent!"

Seeing how heartbroken Jane was, Smith felt distressed. He quickly walked over to support Jane, turned his head and said, "Send her back to rest first." He naturally was talking about Jane.

Jane clenched Smith's sleeves tightly, and choked, "Mrs. Fu is already in poor health, yet you pretended to be like this and asked her to transfuse so much blood to you, you are pushing her to death!"

Smith felt even more distressed. Mrs. Fu was not Jane's biological mother, Jane still felt pity for Mrs. Fu. As Mrs. Fu's own daughter, Lucy did such despicable things to her!

Smith gave a look and the nurse immediately took Jane away. He then turned his head to look at Lucy with a gloomy face.

"You are a beast, aren't you?"

When Lucy watched her mother being taken away for rescue, she jumped out of the bed and was about to chase barefoot without caring the pain in the body, but was caught by Smith. "You're still acting? Don't you feel disgusted with yourself?"

Lucy staggered. She looked at Smith, her lips trembling. She knew he believed Jane! As long as Jane said it, he believed it!

Smith sneered, "How are you gonna save your mother? The blood bank has insufficient blood, so they have to get it from private hospitals. Are you willing to spend the money?"

Lucy shivered and begged, "Smith... no, Mr. Lu! Please lend me some money to save my mother first, okay?"

Smith still sneered, and released the hand that grabbed him in disgust, "Please? Is this how you beg?"

Lucy's eyes were a little moist. She gritted her teeth and knelt before Smith. She was supposed to be a lowly woman in his eyes, wasn't she?

Smith's voice was cold, without a hint of warmth, "It's not me you are going to kneel before! If you can get Jane to forgive you, I might even consider it!"

After that, he walked away without a hint of warmth.

Lucy couldn't help crying, tears fell on the floor tiles. He wanted her to go kneel before Jane? She just felt that her dignity being completely shredded! Even a piece of rag is worth more than her, right?

She stood up trembling, and took difficult steps one by one. If she could save her mother, what's the harm in kneeling before Jane? But after only a dozen meters, a bad news hit her ears.

It's too late, her mother was gone! Everything's too late! Lucy fell to the ground in a daze, and stumbled. Lucy only knew that her mother had been sent home first. She then walked towards home like a puppet.

"Get out! Beast! You think I don't know what you've done? You can even get your own mother killed, you're not my daughter!"