Chapter 6 Her gigolo

Lucy stood at the gate in surprise. She was a little confused about what her father was saying, but when she recalled Jane's sinister and cunning smile, she came back to her senses.

"It's not like that, Dad! It's really not like that. Please listen to me!"

Lucy explained anxiously, and eagerly wanted to get closer. Her father didn't look as energetic as usual, but the majesty and undisguised resentment that revealed from his whole body made her very scared.

But before her hand touched her father, she was thrown away mercilessly.

"How dare you come back? Aren't you afraid of being condemned?"

Lucy was at a loss. How could she have gotten her mother killed, how could she? She opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but saw her father point to the door and gestured to the butler.

"Go close the door, don't let her in!" The butler was expressionless and immediately began to carry out the boss's orders. Lucy ignored the pain of the wound, rushed to block the butler, but was mercilessly pushed away! She could only weakly grasp the iron rod on the door, and watched the door be locked!

The slightly old voice sounded again, "If Jane hadn't seen it with her own eyes, who would have thought that you would be so vicious? What have I done wrong for God to punish me like this?"

Why did everyone only believe what Jane said? Looking at her father's red eyes, Lucy knew that no matter how she explained, her father would not believe her!

A few cold raindrops dripped on Lucy's face, which seemed to lessen her pain slightly. With white knuckles, she pleaded in a low voice, "Dad, will you let me mom one last time?"

"Should I?" Lucy's father's chest rose and fell with an unbelievable face, as if he had never seen such a brazen person before.

"Get out of here! I'll say it again, from now on, the Fu family will have nothing to do with you! Get as far away as you can, and let your mother die in peace!"

The butler followed, and the two turned and left, as if the person standing outside the door was nothing but a beggar.

The rain got heavier and heavier, smashing on the ground. It didn't seem to be the slightest consideration that there were still many people in the world who didn't even have a roof to keep out the rain. Lucy gradually couldn't support herself, and slowly sat down on the ground. Her skirt was soaked with sewage, but her eyes didn't leave the mansion inside the gate for a moment.

The lights tonight were extremely dim. Maybe it's because her mother was gone and no one would deliberately turn on the lights outside the porch to add some warmth to the world.

Lucy leaned weakly on the iron gate, her vision began to blur, only the cold feeling from the iron gate could keep her awake temporarily. However, the raindrops were so heavy that her eyelids could not be lifted up, and the injuries on her body were so painful that her consciousness began to fade...

It was getting dark, then to the next day at dawn, when Lucy's hand slipped down, there was a muffled sound. Lucy fell to the ground, facing up, letting the rain raging on her face.

A figure rushed over from not far away, picked up Lucy without saying a word, got into the car and started at the fastest speed.

Lucy , who was in a coma, seemed to feel a pair of cool big hands touching her forehead. The comfortable coolness made her feel much better, but that pair of hands were gone. Lucy got anxious, opened her eyes all of a sudden, and saw white all over. She's back to the hospital again!

Hospital? Lucy seemed to be happy all of a sudden, and jumped out of the bed barefoot, "Smith! Smith!"

Someone seemed to have heard her. The door opened and it was really, who walked in from outside!

Lucy was overjoyed and almost rushed forward, "Smith, I knew you would not be so cruel to me! You still have feelings for me, right?"

Smith seemed to have heard a big joke and slammed the door hard. "Lucy Fu! You're so disgusting! You are crazy to think that I still have feelings for you!"

Smith's face was again with the familiar expression of disgust. Lucy was stunned, then said, " Then you... why... did you send me to the hospital?"

"Are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid?! You think I sent you here? If it weren't for those reporters, I wouldn't even want to come over and look at your face!"

Lucy shook her head desperately, but Smith would not lie. His dislike for her was always so obvious.

"It's not you... then who is it?"

"You ask me?" Smith's mouth raised a mocking smile, "How would I know which gigolo it is? Maybe you just hooked up with someone outside and want to show off in front of me?"

Lucy took a step back unconsciously. There's no gigolo. She had always loved Smith!

"I didn't! I..." Before she could finish speaking, Smith interrupted mercilessly, "Stop being a bitch, how decent a woman like you could be?"

Just as her tears rolling down her face, the door was opened once again!