Chapter 12 Congratulations

Lucy immediately frowned suspiciously, "Just cut the crap, there are only two of us!"

Jane looked even more stunning, with a pure and pleasant smile on her face, "Listen to me -- congratulations on your mother's death, and congratulations on being kicked out by your husband!"

What Jane said was awful, her face became gloomy and her voice sharpened, "That's right, I'm just gonna ruin everything for you! Why should you enjoy the best of everything since childhood, and I'm just an illegitimate child?! I'm gonna take everything from you!"

At the end of it, Jane's face was full of fierceness and viciousness, this was her true face!

Lucy jumped off the bed all of a sudden. She had already lost her mind and couldn't control herself at all. She stretched out her hand and choked on Jane's neck! Such a vicious woman!

With a "bang", before Lucy could choke Jane hard, the door was kicked open. It was Smith! With a cold face, he rushed over in a few steps! Only then did Lucy realize that all this was set up by Jane. But it's too late!

Smith didn't think much about it. When he raised his hand, he hit Lucy's neck hard. At the last moment when she fell to the ground, she clearly saw Smith circling Jane in his arms...

When Lucy woke up again and opened her eyes, she felt pain in her neck. Smith was really cruel! Lucy rubbed her neck weakly while recalling what happened before.

"Does it still hurt?" A gentle voice sounded from the side, it turned out to be Leo.

Lucy nodded honestly. In front of Leo, she didn't have to pretend. Looking at his face, full of worries about her, Lucy felt very sorry. She was the reason he was admitted to the hospital, and now he had to take care of her with his injuries.

Leo gently rubbed her hair and sighed, "Hey, you little fool, why did you always get hurt!"

Lucy did not say anything. She also didn't know why Jane could successfully trap her every time, every time the timing was just right.

"Will you take me to Smith? I want to explain to him! Please!" Jane pulled Leo's sleeves and pleaded very sincerely. Now this was the only person she can rely on.

Leo did not speak, staring at her for a long time, but finally he couldn't bear her begging and agreed.

It was the same villa. When the two got off the car, they saw Jane vigorously ordering the servants to throw things outside. Lucy ran over and found that it was all hers!

Jane just couldn't help herself? "You've gone too far, want to replace me so soon?"

"I am sick of your things. Throwing your things away would make me feel better. I will sell this house in a few days! Everything you have, I will destroy it, but things you've used, I don't want them!"

Smith was not there, Jane didn't even bother to pretend. She was acting like a shrew at the moment!

"Throw it all out!" She looked arrogant because she thought she had already won.

The servants started throwing things outside again quickly, clothes, books, as many as they could! Lucy was reluctant to see that all her traces would be removed, and immediately rushed in, grabbing the servant's hand to stop them, but how could she stop all of them! She could only pick it up one by one from the gate.

Jane then gave an order, and the servants pushed the iron gate to close it. Lucy turned around and wanted to stop it, with one hand in the middle of the iron gate. The servant looked at Jane and didn't what to do.

Jane frowned and said angrily, "What are you doing! Close it!"

The servant had no choice but to continue to close the door, just when the iron door touched Lucy's fingers, she did not dare to push again. Lucy didn't have the slightest intention to let go of her hand, if she pushed again, Wouldn't the door pinch Lucy's hand?

Jane sneered, "You're such a coward!" She then walked over a few steps, lifted her foot, and kicked towards the door with all her strength!

"Ah!" Lucy's scream completely drowned out the sound of her broken finger bones!

"Lucy!" Leo immediately supported her, watching the drops of sweat on her forehead and her pale lips, he tried his best to push open the door.

However, Jane smiled viciously, watching Lucy's painful expression, while still pressing her foot against the door vigorously. The blood on Lucy's hand continued to flow down the iron rod, Leo couldn't care about it anymore, he roared and opened the iron door.

With too much force, Jane fell to the ground. She was about to get up and continue, but when she glanced at somewhere not far away, she immediately lay down on the ground, covering the part of the kidney with one hand, panting heavily.

Leo hurriedly checked Lucy 's injury, and had no time to take care of others.

A figure quickly ran into the yard, as swiftly as the wind, with a wave of domineering. Jane's voice rang in everyone's ears, "Smith , you are finally here!"