Chapter 13 Break his legs

Smith's voice couldn't be colder, "What's going on?"

The servants kept quiet out of fear, lowered their heads, and stepped back unconsciously. No one dared to speak.

Jane was like as weak as a doll. Her whole body was leaning on Smith, and tears were dripping at this time.

"Smith! Lucy didn't listen to me, and brought Leo here with her..."

Jane didn't say more, just sobbing, her hands hanging on Smith's neck, which made her look so scared.

"You bastard, how dare you come to my door! Butler, get him for me!" Smith reached out and pointed at Leo.

It's the conflict between women, why did he intervene?

The butler hesitated for a while, but when he looked at Smith's eyes that filled with rage, he gestured to the two men beside him. Then the three of them held Leo with the fastest speed, and forced him to kneel on the ground.

Smith squinted at the person kneeling on the ground, with a hint of arrogance in his dark eyes, and uttered cruel words, "Today I will make you remember one thing. Don't come to places you shouldn't!"

He turned to the butler again, "Go get me a stick! And break his legs!"

Lucy broke a finger and collapsed to the ground with pain. At this moment, she suddenly heard these words and rushed forward like crazy, wanting to help Leo. Unfortunately, she couldn't even protect herself. She couldn't use any strength at all, and was mercilessly thrown aside.

The butler came with a thick wooden stick in his hand and stood aside respectfully.

"Hurry up? Do you want me to do it personally?" Smith didn't have the slightest intention to change his mind.

Jane glanced at a young and strong bodyguard standing aside, the bodyguard immediately understood. He took the stick from the butler, and walked towards Leo step by step.

"No! Smith, I beg you! I won't harass you anymore! Please!" The blood of the broken finger dripped on the lawn, making it looked particularly creepy.

Smith didn't change his mind. He hugged Jane, turned around and left with ruthless words, "It's too late!"

Lucy suddenly fell silent, she knew Smith well. He had always been a man of his word.

She watched Smith's back grew farther and farther away, the thick stick was raised high and smashed downward with great speed and force!

Leo groaned and fainted! Finally they let go of him, and Lucy crawled to him immediately. However, before she had time to take a closer look, the two of them were thrown out!

"Miss Fu, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu said, if you dare to appear in front of him in the future, he'll break your leg!"

Lucy held Leo's hand tightly, as if she didn't hear anything. Her eyes were vacant. The only thing she thought about now was to make Leo good!

Suddenly, Lucy came back to her senses. It was not the time to be in a daze and blame herself. She immediately found the phone in Leo's pocket and tried several times with her trembling fingers before dialing 911.

Leo's legs were wrapped in thick plaster, lying motionless on the hospital bed, looking so sad. He had already woken up, and he looked at Lucy's broken finger with sad eyes.

"Lucy." After a while, he spoke, and regained his former composure, "Please give up on Smith Lu!"

Lucy's eyes fell on the ground, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and her lips opened, but she never said anything. The sunlight came in from outside the house, but couldn't resolve the sadness in her eyes.

The nurse walked in to change the dressing, perhaps because she felt the atmosphere was too solemn, she turned on the TV on her own terms. The TV sound was not loud, but a very familiar male voice came from it.

"Thank you to all the media for being able to come to my engagement party!"

The atmosphere was lively, decorated with blue enchantresses everywhere, and these flowers exuded seductive brilliance, just like Jane. The blue enchantress was Jane's favorite flower.

Smith, who was in a straight suit, was even more determined and handsome than before, just like a prince charming from a fairy tale. With gentle eyebrows, he clung to one hand of Jane, knelt down on one knee, and seriously asked, "I will always love you no matter what. Will you marry me?"

Before Jane's voice came from the TV, Lucy rushed out like an arrow from the string. She ran desperately. Although she couldn't see the scene on TV, she knew that Smith would only leave the best to Jane!

In the hall, it was very crowded, and everyone from all sides was congratulating the newly engaged couple. The door of the banquet hall that had been closed for a long time suddenly opened! Everyone turned their heads to find out.

A tired but excited woman walked in quickly, her eyes fixed on Smith, "Smith, have you forgotten? I am your wife!"