Chapter 16 Forced Kiss

"Hey, have you guys heard? The new director has already arrived at the company!"

"Yeah, I just saw her. She's a real stunner, with unique temperament."

Employees were buzzing in the pantry.

The director they were talking was transferred from the company's headquarters. She only spent two short years from an ordinary employee to the position of director.

"Huh, maybe she's just a little mistress who was promoted by the boss. She's nothing! I heard that one of the most difficult projects for the company this year has been given to her. I think it's a fantasy!"

What made these people felt bad was that within three days, the company held a grand commendation meeting to commend the new director for successfully winning the most difficult project of the year.

When it was the new director's turn to speak on stage, she walked up the stage gracefully, with a gentle, polite and intelligent smile on her face, and her nice voice echoed throughout the conference room.

"In fact, the company rated me too highly, I just did what I should do. Someone once asked me why I was able to win this project so smoothly, I think, as long as I treat people with sincerity..."

"Finally, I'm glad that am back here again!"

Yes, she was back! Lucy Fu was back! And she was no longer the same Lucy of 3 years ago!

In the past three years, the city has changed so much. She had been busy with that project, and hadn't had time to take a good look at it. She didn't even get all the daily necessities. Now that the commendation meeting was over, she can go to the mall for shopping.

A car drove out of the underground parking lot. Lucy was dressed casually and wore sunglasses. Who would have thought that this was the big shot who signed such a big project?

Lucy was in a happy mood and headed to the mall with a smile, but what she didn't expect was that not long after she had just entered, she had a pair of eyes staying on her! That pair of eyes were full of flames!

Lucy was still walking while picking and choosing, simply did not realize that a figure is getting closer to her! Just when she turned around, the figure rudely pressed her against the wall, and even directly kissed her lips!

His kiss was arrogant and domineering, and Lucy couldn't breathe!

Lucy was frightened and stunned for 2 seconds, and then the smell of alcohol from the tip of her nose suddenly made her sober. She kicked and slapped, struggling desperately, and even dropped her sunglasses!

Just when she was about to call for help, she recognized the magnified handsome face in front of her. It's him! She seemed to be exhausted in an instant, and even her breathing began to tremble.

"Let go of me!" She still kept her sanity.

"I won't!" The man became more determined.

The loud noise just now attracted a lot of people. People around were discussing about them. Suddenly someone shouted suspiciously, "Isn't that the president Smith?"

Both of them didn't seem to hear, and when the two pairs of eyes met, they had their own thoughts.

Smith was pretty drunk. He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Lucy's cheek, and asked like an idiot, "You... where did you go? I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Lucy's tears almost couldn't help but fell. He said he had been looking for her all the time?

She forced herself to cool down, "You've got the wrong person!"

Smith shook his head repeatedly, looking at Lucy's long-lost face greedily, "No way! I didn't! You are Lucy!"

At the end, he laughed happily, without any precautions.

"You're insane! Let me go!" Lucy was suddenly angry!

Originally, Lucy was a little greedy for the temperature on her lips, but Smith's smile made her extremely annoyed! When had he ever treated her in such an unguarded manner, after he hurt her so much!

"Lucy..." Smith called in a low voice, and, it was like begging?

Lucy looked away. She had to find a way to get away from him quickly since someone had already recognized Smith. Otherwise, they would cause an uproar! Once she hoped everyone would know that she was Smith's wife, but now... Lucy smiled bitterly.

"Sir, please show your respect! This is my girlfriend!" A male voice appeared at the right time, and grabbed Smith's shoulders with both hands and pushed him away.