Chapter 17 Appointment

It's Leo! Lucy looked at him gratefully. Fortunately, she had told Leo she's shopping here before!

Although Smith was drunk, his self-confidence and arrogance remained the same. He wanted to see who dared to stop him! When he turned his head and found that it was Leo, he was even more panicked.

What's even worse was that Lucy hid behind Leo immediately! Smith immediately stretched out his hand to pull Lucy, but Leo punched him in the chin!

He was unstable and fell to the ground!

Leo gave Lucy a push. Lucy knew what Leo meant and ran away, not daring to stay any longer. When Smith got up from the ground, he only saw Leo alone, and Lucy had long been gone. He ignored Leo and immediately chased after Lucy!

Lucy jumped into the car and drove away, all the way back to the company again! After she locked the office door, she sat limply on the sofa.

This was the first time Smith called her that way, and it was also the first time Smith looked at her with such pity. As she thought about it, a tear rolled out of her eye! How she once longed for him to treat her this way, even with her own life!

Lucy touched her lips lightly, it's a little red and swollen. She still remembered how hot Smith's eyes were.

However, Smith was drunk! How could she take his words seriously when he's drunk? Then she would be more stupid than a drunk? Lucy held her head in both hands and shook it abruptly. He must have mistaken her for someone else! How could a cruel person like him treat her so tenderly?

If he came to his senses and recalled what had happened, she's afraid he would blame her for disturbing him!

Lucy's thoughts gradually became clearer, he was not right person for her, so just stop longing for him! Or it could be said that he was never hers!

This was not the only trouble! After all, she was no longer nobody. The project she signed was a sensation, coupled with her legendary experience, the media wanted to interview this director. How could she be in the mood after what Smith did to her! All the reporters were blocked outside the building, not to mention being able to take pictures of her, even did not see her!

For reporters, she was really scared, she didn't want to be exposed too early.

"Yo, she doesn't even show her face! she's so arrogant!"

The assistant politely explained, "I'm sorry, our director is a very pragmatic person. She is so focused on her work that she really can't appear on the scene. Please understand!" What the director said was really irrefutable.

The reporters could only come back empty-handed.

After a few days in peace, Lucy's heart had calmed a lot. But on this day, when Lucy came out of the underground parking lot, a car stopped sideways, blocking her way.

She rolled down the window, and the driver got out of the car. It was Smith's driver!

Lucy sighed inaudibly. It seemed that Smith had already known all about her!

The driver was very respectful to her, "Miss Fu, our president would like to invite you for a meal. The restaurant has been set, please make sure you come to the appointment!"

Lucy sneered, "What makes your president so confident? What makes him think I'll be there!"

What an arrogant man! She wasn't that kind of girl who always at his beck and call! Besides, who knew what Smith's purpose was!

The driver "kindly" explained, "The president said, if you don't go, he will come to the company to pick you up!"

Lucy almost patted the steering wheel. Damn it! He was threatening her! "Fine, lead the way!" After thinking for a moment, Lucy decided to go to the appointment. Since she couldn't hide Smith, then she and Smith should make it clear, lest he misunderstood that she still wanted to chase him stubbornly!

The driver smiled comfortably and immediately got into the car and led the way.

Smith really took this meal seriously. He booked the entire garden restaurant. Even Lucy felt sorry for his money! However, she felt relieved when she thought that his money would be wasted by Jane anyway!

Smith sat alone at the dining table, staring into the distance with his eyes dreamily and and lonely. When he heard the noise and found that Lucy was here, he got up immediately.

Lucy hid her emotions well, and she stopped when she was a few steps away from Smith, with a professional smile, "Mr. Lu specially invited me here, is there some business you wanna talk to me?"

Unexpectedly, Smith hugged Lucy shamelessly! He hugged so tightly that Lucy couldn't break free.

"You are not dead! I have never been so thankful for God!" Smith's low voice sounded in Lucy's ears.

"Are you crazy, let go!" What did he want!

Suddenly, Lucy felt something hot on her neck, and she was silent. She instinctively felt that it was Smith's tears! In the end, she still pushed Smith away hard.

She mocked, "You know you're losing money before you even talk business? You're a big man, and you're crying over money in broad daylight?"

Smith's eyes were red, and there were still tears in the corners of his eyes.
