Chapter 19 Poisonous scheme

Lucy raised her head and glanced at Jane contemptuously, but did not answer. Jane became angry and annoyed, she hated Lucy being like this, standing high above her! Lucy always looked at her with this look, as if she had been inferior to Lucy.

Jane slapped Lucy's face again. This time she used all her strength, and her hands hurt severely. Lucy's face was slapped to one side, but Lucy didn't call out a word. Lucy still had that calm expression, as if it didn't hurt or itchy.

Jane's hand squeezed Lucy's chin, and asked viciously, "Didn't you die? Why are you still alive! Why didn't you die? Why do you come back and try to take Smith away from me?"

At the end, Jane was even a little hysterical. Looking at Jane being so persistent, Lucy seemed to have seen her former self. Pathetic!

Lucy looked at Jane with a slightly sympathetic and disgusting expression, and a contemptuous arc formed at the corner of her mouth, just coldly not answering. This deeply stimulated Jane.

Jane stood up, looked at Lucy condescendingly, a stern smile appeared on her face, and then said in a weird tone, "You're not talking? It's okay! I have ways to get you to talk! I'll make you scream right away and can't stop!"

Lucy had a very ominous premonition! Jane was insane. Was there anything Jane's incapable of? Lucy stared at Jane motionlessly to see what vicious thing Jane would do to her!

Jane smiled, beckoned to the four strong men in the room, and laughed happily, "I said I'll give you what you want! You do things for me, and I will pay. Moreover, I'll leave this woman to you guys!"

Jane's words couldn't be clearer! When the four men heard it, they looked at each other a few times, and showed a lewd smile. Lucy panicked!

Jane saw that Lucy's expression finally changed, looking so smug. She then said, "Although she is a bitch, she's a beauty. You can enjoy! And you guys had better prove that you're man!"

As soon as Jane said that, these men could not wait to run to Lucy's side. One of them grabbed Lucy by the foot and dragged her over! Lucy was unstable and almost fell to the ground.

She yelled in horror, "Don't come over!"

But these men laughed. The man who was holding Lucy's foot stretched out his other hand and deliberately pinched her white thigh. Lucy only felt sick.

She began to struggle fiercely, but one held her feet, the other two held one of her hands. She was like a lamb to be slaughtered, unable to fight back!

The one left looked at Lucy with wide, lustful eyes, and a calloused hand brushed across her face, and directly went down and tore her clothes open! The other three people can not move their eyes!

Jane still said viciously, "Try harder! Whoever performs best, I pay double the price!"

These four guys licked their lips and were about to get closer to Lucy like crazy! Lucy felt desperate and was about to bite her own tongue!

At this moment, with a "bang", the door was kicked open vigorously. Smith's here!

He exuded a terrible aura, and his eagle-like eyes firmly locked those hands that were on Lucy's body! There was very little clothing left on her!

"How dare you!"

The four guys were shocked by Smith's aura, and they were all stunned. One of them reacted the most quickly and immediately let go of Lucy and subconsciously begged for mercy, "No, no, no. It's not us, it is her! It's her!"

He pointed a finger at Jane, who was standing not far away, and immediately shirked responsibility, "She paid us to do it!"

Smith, with cold eyes and a murderous look, then stared at Jane. Jane swallowed unconsciously. She has nothing to hide now!

Jane directly picked up a knife next to her, ran to Lucy, and put the knife on Lucy's neck directly, "Don't come closer! Otherwise, I don't mind killing her again!"

The sharp knife could end Lucy's life if Jane pushed a little harder! Smith could only try to calm Jane down, "Jane, don't be impulsive!"

Jane was touched by the way Smith called her. She's getting emotional when she looked at Smith's handsome face. "Smith, I love you so much, why are you doing this to me?"

Smith frowned slightly, and did not answer directly, "If you have something to say, put the knife down first!"

"No!" Jane said stubbornly, "I can't let anyone get in our way!"

Smith's eyes stayed on Lucy for a while, then turned to Jane, and said calmly, "She can't."

Jane shook her head and held the knife more tightly, "Bullshit! I know! You asked her to have a dinner, didn't you?"