" Zane... I think... I need time for myself and my original offer. I hope you can understand my situation as of the moment... " Diana stated.

Hearing footsteps coming from inside, he decided he needed to end this quickly or it would get complicated.


Zane sighed before responding. " I understand. I'll come back when you... figure things out. " He said, quickly teleporting to a disclosed location. Upset at the prospect, but left without revealing it.


" Fuck! "

!THUD! *The tree falls over*

' This is weird, too weird... those reactions aren't normal. Diana's personality doesn't make any sort of sense here... . I realized it with the other females, too. Their affection for me is unusual.... I may be attractive, but my charm isn't so great to even make Diana change so much. Something clearly isn't adding up here. ' He thought.

" Ever since day one, it's as if something/someone manipulated their emotions into being that way." Zane said inquisitively, his eyes now widening at the thought. ' It was entirely possible. Beings had enough power here to achieve that effect. But why? ' he thought. He doubted that it was TOAA or PRESENCE. They all were on somewhat similar levels of strength. Beings of that caliber wouldn't mess with him especially in that regard, he thought maybe it was an even higher being.

He realized when he first met the heroes. The manipulation must have started from then.

It was possible, but why would they/it, do it? What could they gain from women throwing themselves at him easily?

" This is messed up " Zane thought. He couldn't figure out this issue, he had a slight hypothesis, but it was that, a theory at best, and they can only go so far. He needed to get settled in leading a normal life. He was tired.

~It really isn't. A minor change is not anything much my dear~

" What the!? " Zane said, disappearing and reappearing in a fighting position. Expanding his senses to figure out where the voice came from, but unable to pick up on anything specific in the vicinity. He would quickly realize that It wouldn't matter, anyway.

He noticed that it was as if the being was communicating with all of his senses perfectly at the same time. A weird yet comfortable sensation to be greeted with. Wrong situation though.

~No need to be so on edge my dear... I won't hurt you~

" Bullshit! " Zane said with venom. Being even more on guard, entering into his ikari state in the process on instinct.

" Who are you? What do you want from me? " Zain said. The female voice sounding even closer now.

~Haha. Haha... That does not matter. In time, you will come to know who I am. Your measly mind couldn't even begin to fathom, much less comprehend, my true name either. You would be erased even at the utterance of the first letter~


Zane slowly calmed himself, with his guard sharper than before. This wasn't a situation where he needed to panic, but to think instead. He slowly calmed himself down. Wondering what such a creature would want with hm. Was it perhaps responsible for what was happening at the moment.

~...Yes. I am responsible, but not as much as you would think, little one. Give yourself some credit too, it is after all, you're doing~

' She can read my mind! Fucking fantastic, Gamer's mind is useless! ' Zane thought, this being transcended the perks of the system, which meant that it was highly likely on the rob's level of power, if not greater.

Calming himself once more, he asked. " By what you said earlier, you were the one responsible for their behaviour... and you also said that I was the initial cause of it..." Zane said.

~ That's what I like most about you... your levelheadedness pleases me greatly. But yes, I am somewhat responsible for their behaviour. Secondly, I did not force them to like/love you, I simply amplified their feelings instead... Little Diana was and is still in love with you, make no mistake in that. I only augmented that love to about thrice compared to normal. If she viewed as a friend, after amplification, she would view you as good or even best friend, simple as that.

" Why? " Zane asked simply. He at least knew that it was this beings doing.

~To test you. Don't question any further than that little one, you wont be getting your answers... at least not now...~


" Remove your amplification on all of them. I think I have shown enough to have passed your test. " Zane said. He wanted to return them to a normal state, them remaining like this would be problematic to him.

She smiled

~It was already done before you asked... Hmmm, a pity... it seems your body has reached the limit... I must go before reality decides to erase you even more. I will be returning soon, little one~

" Wait! What do you mean by th- ARGGHHHH!!!!!!!" Zane said, as he shouted in grueling pain, his body having backlashes of black lightning all over seemingly trying to consume his very being. Luckily his recovery was instantaneous, so he regenerating faster than he was disappearing.

Huffing and puffing, he slowly stood up, irritated at not knowing more about the entity he encountered, and being to weak to even hear its voice for too long.

But not everything was for nought. He at least confirmed his suspicions of being right about the situation he was in prior. He could now proceed normally in the future. Finally, having realistic expectations for his conversations.






