Meet Astolfo

"Why the hell did things have to be like this." Lyrica said

"Your part of the race and you've lost." Quinn said as he munches through his burger

'So the thing about Quinn having a girlfriend isn't true?" Owen thought

"Sounds like it." Alex said

As they were eating peacefully, a metal shard came flying from behind going into Owen's direction hitting the wall. The three look from behind Quinn and Lyrica to see who threw it but there seems to be no one.

From behind Alex a lady looking person pulls the shard out the wall and even go close as to observe it. The three found this person suspicious so Lyrica decided to stand up and confront the person.

"Miss! Are you the one who threw that?" Lyrica asked

"Did you just say miss??? Just so you know I am a full grown adult man named Astolfo." the person said

Lyrica tries to take back what she just said but it even made the situation way more awkward.

"For your question, I am the one who threw that." Astolfo said

With no hesitations, Lyrica dashed downwards aiming for Astolfo's foot but he is fast enough to avoid the sharp blade Lyrica's holding. Astolfo pushed the wall pushing himself to Lyrica's side but he couldn't even last a second in the ground as Lyrica keeps attacking his foot.

"No one touches the subject except for the Altair company!"

Everyone in the fastfood resto has now gone to the counter hoping not to get involve with the hunters fight.

"Alt what?? Haven't heard of it before." Astolfo said as he spins 180 midair using the ceiling to push him down to Lyrica's chest but as soon as the two even have contact, Quinn uses his blood to pull the two upwards.

"Are you guys out of your mind? We're literally in a public place." Quinn said

"He's got a point." Owen said

"You guys go and apologize to those people." Quinn said

"I see your a man with respect, I quite like that." Astolfo said

Quinn drops the two down and they apologized for the ruckus they have caused. As the two look back they see that the person they are interested in is gone.

"Where's the subject!" Lyrica shouted

"If you mean Alex and Owen then he just ran off with his drink." Quinn replied

"Why do you keep referring to Mr. Pine as subject?" Astolfo asked

"It's none of your fucking business!" Lyrica said as she ran off hoping to go the same that Alex did

'I'll be screwed if I don't manage to bring him to Altair!'

Before she even get passed an alley Owen jumped behind her and uses his aura to freeze her. Owen pulled her to the alley behind a trash bin and dial's Matsumoto's number, Just a few rings and somebody answered.

"Alex how the hell did you do the thing?" Matsumoto asked over the phone

"Its me Owen, I found a fellow hunter who also works for Altair like you, Got any idea what to do with this lady who is still unable to move." Owen said

"Take her to the vacant lot we went last time." Matsumoto said as he hung up

"I wonder what we should do with you." Owen said

"Just do as Matsumoto said, he'll probably know what to do." Alex said

'Who did they just called?'

Alex took over and carries Lyrica on his shoulder and starts jumping off the walls as swiftly as he could so that no would notice them. They made quite a bit of sound hitting hollow metals and even get to land on an aircon's condenser making it fall.

"Almost there..."

Alex uses his blindlight skill and goes around the block and uses his flame to push himself further.

'I hope she didn't notice.'

"Oo.. Uh sir!" Alex shouted

From the center of the place is a chair and a few buckets. The place is almost hollow and their could even hear their voice echoing through the place.

"I didn't expect that this building at the back of that lot is so big." Alex said

"Really wish I can see you know!" Owen complained

"Oh right sorry."

The two switched just as the masked Matsumoto came. He wears a mask that resembles a bull and his clothes is just like that of a butcher including the white apron.

"What took you guys so long?" Matsumoto asked

"Alex thought its a bright idea to take a detour." Owen replied

"Very well, put mis???"

"Lyrica." Owen said

"Right, put miss Lyrica in this chair and I'll tie her hands up." Matsumoto said

'Damn, he event went as far as to make his voice different.' Owen thought

"He must've felt the need to show off." Alex said laughing afterwards

Owen put Lyrica on the chair and Matsumoto helped him tie her up. Owen turned off the effect of his aura to Lyrica and finally Lyrica can now move.

"You sure the handcuffs would do? He literally attack a pro a while ago." Owen said

"I think so, I had a friend of mine put some medium grade magic in it." Matsumoto said

"I don't know why but I feel like a medium grade magic is enough to stop her." Owen said

"I also felt that when I did this kind of thing for the first time." Matsumoto whispered

"Wait, so this wasn't your first time?" Owen asked with a furrowed forehead

"Ah yes, we needed subjects to test out prototypes." Matsumoto said

'Danica is a real goddess, and this guy just acts like a psycho.' Owen thought

"Uhm Miss Lyrica, you can use the bucket underneath you if you felt the need to use the toilet and if its on the other hole then I guess...."

"We'll call Quinn to help you." Owen said

"Who's Quinn?" Matsumoto asked

"Ah he's the vampire lord although he said he's not a vampire." Owen said

"You just met him yesterday you said and now your trusting him?" Matsumoto said

"The same thing goes to you."