The kid so powerful he killed almost everyone

"You sound like a motivational speaker from YouTube." Alex said

"Oh no, You see my wife is a psychiatrist and I learned stuff from her before she died."

"Sorry about that."

"No no! I'm here to support you with her words of wisdom my friend." The driver said

"I guess I'll just go along with what you're saying."

10 years ago,

"Mommy!!" The young Alex shouted as he entered his mothers office.

"Oh its my baby." His mother said as he was hug by her

"Where is your daddy?" Her mother asked

"He let me go up here first! He said he'll be buying us some snacks before he comes up."

His mother's smile changed into sadness as it heard it. Alex is a smart child and he noticed his mother's expression changing.

"Mom is there anything wrong?" Alex asked

"Its nothing sweetie, You go ahead and play with your cousin in your uncle's room, I'll just go and get your father."

His mother may have smiled but Alex saw right through it. He knew something is up and his mother just doesn't want him to worry. Alex pretended to head to his uncle's office but he just hid at the corner waiting for her mother to leave.

Her mother went to a secluded area in the building that not much employees went into and Alex hides through every corner hoping that his mother wont see him.

Her mother entered the room and Alex slowly approaches the door. Alex can hear her mother sobbing as he closes in.

"I already forgiven you before and now you've repeated the same thing!" Alex's mother shouted

"I.. It is not what it look like." His father said trying to get close to his mother.

Alex peeks at the door and saw three people in the room, His parents and a naked lady sitting on a couch. He reveals himself through the door and almost cried but he doesn't want to add to the problem.

"Mom.. Who is she??" Alex said as he point his finger to the naked lady

"Alex go out." His father said

"He deserves to know the truth, you see Alex--"

His mother was slapped by his masculine dad.

"I said get out!"

Alex just froze in place with the lady trying to cover her body with Alex's father's jacket.

Alex's tears burst out and so was his flames.

The whole story of the building that they were became so bright even the closed bathroom lit up. His father unleashed his own fire trying to make Alex's flame to backfire but it is too strong.

He pulled everyone behind him but Alex's mother went closer to Alex to hug him, making him calm down and the flames to settle down as well.

His mother turned into ashes.

Even though Alex's flames have already settled down, there is one more problem, the building is falling down sideways.

The debris have fallen down, Many people died the naked lady got crushed and Alex's father lost his legs.

Alex have lost consciousness and most of his memories from that day and the day after were all blurry. He doesn't know why but he thinks that its for the better.

1 week later,

"Alex are you alright?" His father asked after seeing Alex staring at butterfly drawing on the wall

"I'm fine dad." Alex said on a cold voice

His father looked at the newspaper beside Alex and gets close to it in order to read it.

"Ahh using a crutch is quite hard even for a hunter." Alex's father said

"A kid so powerful he killed hundreds of employees including his mother."

"Why the hell are you reading this?" His father asked

"Why shouldn't I?" Alex said

"I know you feel guilty for what happened but you shouldn't think so much about it."

"You, don't you feel guilty?" Alex asked

"Uh.. I."

"I think so."

Alex stood up and left his father in that room.

"Alex come back here!" His father shouted

Alex locked the door of his room and starts packing his clothes. He may be just a child at this point but he is a smart one. He doesn't spend all his money at once just in there is a time where he will leave his house alone.

Alex opened his window and tie down his blanket to the bed and jumped off the window holding the other end of the blanket.

"Now where do I go.."

Alex went to a hotel close by.

"I want a room for 1 please." Alex said

"Do you have any adults with you young man?" The clerk ask

"None but I can pay." Alex said

"Sorry kiddo but we cant allow kids to check in alone." the clerk said

Alex left and head to the convenience store as he is feeling hungry. He bought some chips and preservatives all the things he bought were all based on his knowledge of zombie survival.

Alex sat on the alley beside the hotel he went a while ago. He let the hours pass by while he eats his chocolates.

It is now 11:52 pm and the clerk from a while ago is already taking off. He went through the door that janitors in order to leave the building quickly cause his son is waiting for him. He saw Alex taking a nap at beside the dumpster.

"Hey kid??" The clerk said as he taps Alex's back

"Mister?" Alex said with a sleepy voice

"Glad you're alright, seems like your a runaway." The clerk said

"I don't want to see my father." Alex said

"You can stay at my house if that's the case, I have two kids and they would really love to have another person to play with." The clerk said

"But my mom said not to go with strangers." Alex said

"Well your mom is quite smart I see, if I tell you my name then I guess I'll no longer be a stranger correct?"

"I'm Mick Alessi."