Flame has Died

A few meters from behind Alex, a cautious Danica and Tyler are hiding behind a pillar that's gotten its half broken. The two were nervous as they don't know how they can survive this situation and the only thing they know is that activating the rune might help and it's not sure whether it'll work or not.

"How do you propose we start this task of ours?" Danica asked as she clenched her fist with the cloth inside.

Tyler looks around before answering hoping that an idea will strike him before he starts spatting out non-sensical things.

"I don't know, let's just rush forward and maybe pray to gods oh wait that's wrong but like hope that Alex's wont burn us down." said Tyler

The two tilted their heads to the side as they hear footsteps approaching them. As the footsteps get closer, The clearer the faces who walks get. Upon a few seconds, it was revealed to be Mick and Brian with Ayesha. Ayesha scratched her head as she realized what kind of situation that two is in.

Mick then nodded to Ayesha as if he knew what his daughter was thinking. Soon enough Ayesha walked closer to the two and held them by their arms lifting them from their sitting position. She leaned forward with her chest hitting the elbows of the two and whispered "Activate the rune once we drop."

Danica was about to speak till she suddenly warped inside a pocket dimension and got pulled to a place she's unaware off. She's went off on a speed similar to that of a roller coaster which made her more anxious as she was afraid to get her body crushed once they stopped moving. Without a second later, She and Tyler appeared in front of Alex who seems to have increased the temperature of the surrounding area.

"Holy shit!" Tyler shouted before he made the mistake of playing a roaring noise which is on loud speaker.

The sound had made Alex's subconscious put on its defense and start throwing fire everywhere but luckily for Tyler and Danica, none of it had went their direction. This happening had made Danica realize one thing that even if Alex could hear the noise, his senses are somewhat jumbled making him unable to track where the noise is coming from.

"I'll make some noise, you go ahead and circle around then activate the rune." Danica said as she handed over the cloth where the rune is written.

"I'm counting on you, and your friend also." Danica said to encouraged the trembling Tyler

'Please work!'

Danica screamed on top of her lungs and quickly duck behind a vehicle that has tumbled from its position. Hearing the scream, Tyler pushed forward and circle behind Alex who has left his guard down from his behind. Despite having no knowledge of being a hunter, Tyler knew that he should always attack the weak spot and so he did.

"For the sake of the grail please succeed!" Tyler shouted

Tyler opened the cloth and slapped it on Alex's shoulder and started chanting unfamiliar words that seems to have came from the older times. It sounds natural for him but his body couldn't shake off the feeling that he is doing it incorrectly which might make his friend die.

The rune activated which gave a smile on Tyler's face. Alex's flames started to die down but despite having the urge to celebrate, Tyler's smile died down as he saw William's body turned unrecognizable with his whole body burnt. He now looks like a mummified human with the only thing recognizable is the hair.

Before Alex's burnt body almost fell down, Tyler rushed to catch him. He checked Alex's pulse and was glad to realize he was still breathing.

"Mister Alessi!" Tyler shouted but Mick was already on his son's rescue and even dialed a helpline as he rushed forward.

The sight of the burnt area sure is bad but for Alex's body, it was way worse. His ribs almost showing off and his stomach almost sucked in that made his spine structure visible. His teeth were somewhat reshaped dew to the flames and his eyes were sucked inwards that made his head just a skeleton but with a skin.

"Oh my god! Son why the hell do you have to go that far." Mick said as he holds Alex's body with his trembling arms.

Brian and Ayesha were frozen in place after they saw what state their brother is in. They don't know how their brother could survive still and to top it off they are not aware of any methods that could save someone from that state not even the Anatoly's has a technology that could save someone whose body is almost that of a skeleton.

"I'll call my dad maybe he knows something that might help." Danica said as she hurriedly run to where his father is hiding.

'I'm sure Owen is safe inside Alex's mind but how are they going to move now that their physical body is completely ruined by Alex's own ability.

Arriving at where Matsumoto is, Danica was greeted by Quinn, Astolfo and Chekov. Despite knowing who they are, she didn't slow down on her tracks and even proceeded to grab her father outside to have him take a look at what happened to Alex. Of course, Matsumoto isn't aware of what happened but by looking at his daughter's worried face and trembling body, He came up with the a few ideas and all of them are bad ones.

"O- Alex has burnt his own body." Danica said on a low voice

"What!" Matsumoto shouted as he rushed forward to where the kneeling Tyler and Mick are.

Quinn froze in spot as he heard what Danica just said. It took him a few seconds before his senses came back and took the gist of what their current situation is.

He rushed forward as he reminisce how Alex saved him from bleeding before and now he wants to return that unsaid favor.