Prelude #4

With the tense atmosphere the frost fairy finally spoke as her face returned to her calm composure. "None of what she said really matters right now. We have a mission to put an end to the blood sect. Orders are orders! Are you going to disobey?"

"But miss? She looks close to death already can't we just leave here and say we killed her? Technically it would be tru…" Before he could finish his words and icy cold sword penetrated his neck, his eyes rolled back filled with disbelief before collapsing to the floor.

Strangely his body did not bleed as though the sword would had sealed his sword wound as though the coldness of the strike also caused his blood to become frozen.

The face of the dead man strangely horrifying as if frozen in his final moments of disbelief and despair, seeing this the remaining following looked away in fear before lowering their heads in a servile manner.

The old lady looked upon this and nodded in appreciation. "Sure enough this is your true appearance. I'm sure you will try to force everyone to fight me to make sure I don't have any tricks left. This way you avoid any risks and get rid of the witnesses. Truly a heroine! You can come out as the tragic hero who avenged her comrades and eliminate your black stains along with what everyone has heard from me."

The frost fairy looked too lazy to care about the old ladies words anymore, she knew she was being provoked and manipulated by her words all this time but was unsure on how to act without damaging herself further. "Hurry and kill her. Die at my hands or kill the enemy before you. Choose now."

The struggle did not last long in the eyes of the followers, they eventually gave in to their fate walking towards the old woman with their weapons raised.

With a flick of her finger the old woman gave a tug something casually as they got closer.

Some got cut by something like a sharp invisible tread that seemed to trap and hold them in place after getting caught in it.

As they struggled the more they hurt themselves and got caught in more thread further tangling themselves.

Luckily some had already backed away before getting trapped but the damage had already been done…

More than 30 had been caught and were rapidly injuring themselves leading to death.

The frost fairy snorted coldly. "Cheap tricks."

She struck her sword in the direction of the walls and ceiling where the wires would most likely be connected to releasing several sharp and cold sword qi slicing up the threads and releasing those imprisoned. "Get up and fight."

However she did not notice that a nearby corpse was shrivelling up like it had been drained of its vitality.

It was precisely the corpse of the attendant who had died, the blood fog created had also disappeared too.

The old lady looked admiringly at the glowing patterns on her arms and nodded in approval. 'Indeed mystical blood arts can give the user increased strength and vitality but that is not what makes them so special in combat. In a war not many get the chance to rest or regained energy but with the help of the totemic patterns power it can gather the vitality from the surrounding blood of those who have been not long dead or are wounded. It's like a draining effect after being injured how fun, of course there is a limit of the quality and quantity of the bloods vitality provided.'

She raised her hand in the direction of the injured enemies and a suction began as if beckoning the blood droplets that came from their wounds to come to her.

More blood mists began to form and head in her direction, the frost fairy noticed this and began to grow impatient.

Gathering her ice art energy she struck out with her palm sending out a cold freezing air towards the blood mists and succeeded in freezing most of them causing them to fall to the ground and break apart. "Hmph any more tricks?"

"Tricks…no more tricks. Hahaha but when I think about how you just killed so many of your own men with that strike of yours and even caused heavy internal injuries to the rest of them it did provide me some entertainment so I will give you a present before my death." The old lady seemed amiable and chatty in the final moments of her life.

"Just hurry up and die…" The frost fairy seemed to be completely fed up with the old ladies antics at this point.

Truthfully if she gave it her all she would easily be able to take the old ladies life in one swift strike but her opponent was too well prepared, treacherous and cunning so she just waited to see what act old lady would perform next.

Truthfully she was being overly cautious at this point which could create problems later but she was stuck in place eyeing her enemy to see their next final struggle.

In her heart even if she hated and despised this old lady she could not help but admire her ability to still be alive at this point.

"Sigh… I'm too old for this. My old bones can't stand all this exercise.. fine fine. I will do my farewells. First I would like to congratulate you on getting rid of anyone to spread the word outside. Good job! But it won't work…. You see it should have already spread through the continent with my information groups final orders by now. Sorry to disappoint aish…" the old lady looked deeply regretful.

"You… " the frost fairy clenched her hands tightly almost causing her nails to pierce into her skin, her body began to quiver as rage overtook her.

"It's okay it's okay! Here is my second thing, it's more of a reward. My name is Ki Bombyx, I came from a small village that has long been forgotten by history. Please do remember me!" The old lady had a pained look on her face beneath the mask. 'Indeed I have reached my limit… but it is enough! The best part about the totem I have isn't actually the ones I displayed but the one I used in secret. All of it was just a cover to disguise my true purpose. The leader or king totem used in tribe or group mystical arts has a special function or ability. The blood tribes ability activates by draining the bodies of its own tribe members who possess the lower ranked totem. After I used the ability in secret I was able to gather enough blood and energy from the pattern from the location of my attendant. Now I have enough for a final stand."

The old lady stood up and walked down her throne as if giving up struggling, even her steps were weak and feeble as if she was close to collapsing.

'3…2….1…' The old lady removed her blood red mask showing a hideous face full of deep knife wounds and burns along with her old wrinkled.

She put on a light smile on her face which looked horrifying to the frost fairy after taking her final step.

Upon being horrified by her face the frost fairy unconsciously let down her guard down for a moment because of her inner revulsion and fear.

"My blood it's poisono…BANG!!" The old ladies body exploded, the blood exploded outwards!

The blood landed onto the frost fairies fair skin which slowly began to turn a greenish black colour.

"Aaaah!" The frost fairy had come into contact with the blood on her arms, neck and face.

She quickly began to use her energy to suppress the poison from spreading with a look of hatred of her face.

She looked around the room for signs of life, confirming no one was alive but her she decided to leave quickly in search of someone to cure her and report back to the emperor.

On the summer of the year 1980 of the martial continent, an end came to the evil blood sect.

Many small factions, rogue cultivators or moles had been exposed and began to be wiped out, the current emperor being one of them.

Receiving pressure from the public and surrounding sects the royal family were forced to appoint a new emperor from their heirs because the emperor could not fight the martial sects on his own especially with his trump card focussed on suppressing the poison in her body and unable to fight.

The new heir was appointed and the sects arrested the emperor with the royal families support and meticulous planning.

In their attempts to capture the emperor the frost fairy fought back and was overcome by the poison, eventually weakening leading to the martial alliances victory.

Both the emperor and frost fairy were either captured or killed during their resistance.

Although the royal family cooperated with the martial sect it was only done through threats and coercion so although they gave in this incident did give birth to hatred towards the martial alliance in their hearts.

Both sides suffered through the blood sect war and dealing with the emperors crimes damaging their foundation and reputation.

Yet the two sides still had to remain friends on the surface in order keep the other unorthodox/evil/demonic sects from jumping out to cause trouble and to stop any chances of revolutionary groups appearing during this incident or guard against their enemies from the western desert or other places starting another large scale war.