Ki Bombyx

Autumn 1900

Behind a small family villa which could house several family members, guests, and the families on site workers, sat a small child leaning against a tree sound asleep.

The little girl had cute and lovely facial features which made others wish to dote on and spoil her, shoulder length curly hair which was blowing in the wind.

As if feeling irritation her brows and small nose wrinkled slightly, her long eyelashes fluttered as she slowly opened her greyish blue eyes.

The young girl had a look of confusion and disbelief on her face while looking at her small hands and let out a small voice which was very soothing and pleasing to the ears. "So small… there is no damage too what is happening?"

She began to examine the environment and then looked back to her own body and clothing.

Dressed in a cute white silk dress which shows her status as someone who was at least from a family with status or money, her body was small and petite but seemingly very healthy.

The young girls face looked as if she was getting closer to the answer but she was still rejecting this as some trick or absolutely impossible situation. 'Is this the afterlife?'

She looked into the nearby pond at her reflection for a short moment before going into deep thought.

Taking a deep breath almost as if scared to take a step forward to investigate further she heard the sound of small footsteps running to her location.

Turning her head she saw a small and energetic boy around the age of 4 that had very familiar facial features that she could barely remember. "Sister!"

She looked deeply at the young boy, his eye and hair colour were the same as herself and the facial features were about 80% similar.

"What's wrong?" She spoke in an extra soft tone afraid to scare him away.

In her own mind, she was a monster who killed many and did not regret it because she was broken and unable to be fixed.

She could do all she did in the name of revenge after she lost everything important to her so how could her tainted soul be back to a time when things were so simple and carefree, is it a form of torture or a test?

The small child smiled as if glowing sunlight and warmth, placed his hands into his pants pocket carefully holding out his arms before opening his palms exposing a small white bug. "Sister I found this nearby, I will give it to you for your birthday present a day early."

The boy had a shy and expectant look on his face, the girl looked to be reminiscing of a past event before carefully taking the small bug from the boy while carefully patting his head. "Thank you, it's the best present I've ever had."

The boys eyes glowed with happiness before jumping up to hug the girl.

The girl who was used to being a certain distance from others hesitated to take a step back or avoid but realised there was a lake behind her so did not move, letting the boy hug her.

After a moment of struggle the girl calmed her chaotic emotions from flooding out, placed her arm around the boy and reminded him. "Go back to mom before she grows worried, I am sure she has already sent everyone searching for you."

Patting his back lightly once more she turned his body around and gave him a light push as if encouraging him to quickly go.

The small boy showed a pouty face before running away.

Looking at his retreating figure getting further out of sight the girl once more looked at the bug in her hand. "So it was this event… if it is so then perhaps many things can change for the better."

When she died she died with no regrets but now that she was alive again she realised that perhaps she had far too many to count.

She could not find her lost brother, save her parents and those she cared for.

Afterwards when she finally walked a road of revenge, everything she built up crumbled way too easily in the face of those in power.

She did not reach the peak of her martial arts before the later stages of her life so had trouble progressing further and by the time she could get her revenge she was already so old and in pain that she could not possibly plan for her own future.

But life has now given her a second chance, be it a gods sick temptation/test or a chance at happiness she could try to make up for those regrets.

Sadly she is just a small pebble within the vast ocean which could be swallowed up by any unknown currents, one little girl who will soon become seven years of age against the world that may wrong her and her family once again.

Fortunately she has a very strong memory and a lot of experience, she just needs time to review various things.

The little girls greyish blue eyes glowed with determination looking down at the small white bug. "Let's go partner."

The girl walked slowly towards the direction of her family home deep in thought.

Not long after entering her home a woman's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Little Ki! You have been sleeping by the tree again haven't you? Look you got your dress dirty again I really do not know what to do with you. Sigh."

The girl looked up at the tall woman who bore a huge resemblance to herself but gave off a more scholarly aura while the girl gave off a feeling of 'you can look but don't get too close or touch me'.

After looking at the woman and listening to the scolding for a while the girl smiled lovingly . "I know mom."