Past Events

After listening to her mother's worries and concerns, Ki made her way into her bedroom.

As if taking in the sight, smell and overall environment for a moment she stood in the middle of the room.

Her mood turned peaceful and serene almost like any disturbing thoughts and feelings had been wiped away.

She walked to her bed and lay down feeling the comfort of her old bed, taking in the smell further comforting her soul.

Feeling further refreshed she began to think back to events of the past and when things began to go wrong in her life.

Perhaps today was the start of it all!

'If I remember correctly, I had always been afraid of bugs at a young age. My brother Alex brought me his present in good will not knowing this, in my fear I fell into the pond almost drowning. Although I was quickly saved I was sick during my birthday, my mother and father made a decision on the family business because of my accident.' Ki shook her head and sighed placing the bug beside her on the bed watching it intently. 'How could a family of silkworm breeders/farmers possibly trust their business to the eldest child who is afraid of bugs? But now that I am back I can use this event to my advantage to change my position in the family.'

After losing her chance at being involved in the family business she never learned the families techniques and knowledge which had been passed down.

Not only that but although she was the eldest miss of the family, outsiders began to treat her with less respect since they no longer needed to be on her good side.

If she was the family head or a key member of the family others would benefit if they were close to her but she had lost that.

Not many of her friends in the village would treat her the same after that day, even worse she grew up ignorant of the outside world carefully sheltered until tragedy struck.

"I will change it." She leaned over to place her hand under her bed to open a small wooden box where she used to keep her jewellery, toys and other precious items.

She emptied the box before placing the silkworm inside with a smile on her face.

Noticing a potted plant on the nearby desk she placed the plant inside along with the silkworm, placing the silkworm on one of its leaves before closing the boxes lid leaving sufficient room for air to enter the box.

"That should work for now." She lay back onto her bed, her breathing became calmer and more quiet until she finally fell into a deep sleep.

In the next morning Ki woke up early to exercise in her room, according to knowledge of her previous life she had acquired many martial arts techniques and experiences.

Some of them came from the eastern forest clans or the blood sect, others from enemies corpses and the rest from chance encounters with an experts tomb or dungeon.

Most tombs contain a martial artists inheritance and treasures, most tombs contain many riches, martial techniques or rare weapons so there would be great danger that follows if one were to seek the treasure of others.

Traps, poison, risks of the tomb crumbling resulting in trapping or crushing everyone inside in order to keep their possessions safe then nobody would attempt to enter without a guide or someone specialising in disarming traps and scouting.

There was once a tomb in Ki's memory which she took part in as an elder of the blood sect along with the cooperation of the unorthodox/evil alliance sects.

She managed to get her hands on a martial arts Qi method which was extremely rare but useless in her hands.

Much like the Blood Buddha Art in her memory the art needed to be practiced from scratch and also had many requirements and rules.

Martial artists can practice multiple martial arts techniques at once including fist arts, sword arts, body tempering arts, finger arts, hidden weapons, palm arts, spear arts etc.

However there is one restriction on doing so and that is if they have the same nature that the martial artist has built their foundation on.

Some sects cultivate ice or water arts so are restricted to water nature arts, others practice body arts that are in earth nature being immovable like a mountain and muscles hard like rocks.

If two natures are practiced together the martial artist will result in a Qi deviation resulting in an internal injury, damaging their martial foundation and possibly even death.

However there exists a Qi art which helps to create a separate practice route in the users body and Qi so that two separate elemental natures could be practiced together without causing any major problems.

Of course this method comes with various rules and restrictions which seem to follow from the five elemental chart as inspiration thus being named 'Generation Qi Art'.

Luckily this Qi method fell into Ki's hand in the last life or chaos would have followed if news got out of its very existence.

After finishing performing her foundation fist arts one time her body began to feel hot and sweaty. "Indeed this body is still too weak to perform anything but a few basic techniques to train the body right now. Anything more would only cause harm to my growing body and damage my foundation so I can only practice basic fist arts, palm techniques and hidden weapons for now."

"Once more." Following what she already knew she began to recall the palm techniques or the blood sect and those she learned from the poison clan from the eastern forest and began to perform a set of basic palm arts according to what she remembered.

After completing a set of eight palm strikes she finally reached her limit and began panting heavily. 'Indeed I need to increase my bodies stamina and my core and leg strength if I wish to perform these basic arts without having any difficulty.

Indeed her body was in good shape for her current age but she was still weak compared to the average boy her age especially those who are nurtured by the sects from a young age.

Most basic fist or palm arts come as a set of different movements and are to be practiced in order.

The first 8 movements are practiced until achieving complete mastery and when the martial artist can practice it without having the feeling of weakness or discomfort they will move onto the final 8 movements.

The final 8 movements are more difficult to master and heavier in requirements for the bodies condition, especially when practiced right after completing the first half of the movements as intended.

Upon reaching a stage where one can use the full movements with ease they can move onto practicing more challenging techniques like sword techniques or 24 movement techniques practiced by as an inner member of a sect or martial family without damaging their body.

A knock on the door woke her up from her thoughts. "Young miss your bath has been prepared."

"I will be there in a moment." Ki let out a sigh before heading to her washing room escorted by a neatly dressed maid.

While pondering over the direction in which she could further strengthen herself without causing harm to her young and growing her body she remembered something she forgot after many long years of being alone when she entered the room.

"You may leave." She spoke coldly with a look of irritation on her face.

"Young miss sit still and you will be cleaned immediately, we need to get you ready for your birthday." The maid seemed to have taken her words as a childish tantrum.

The maid swiftly walked over quickly helping her young miss to remove her young misses clothes, placing her into a round wooden bathtub.

The maid began to scrub her young misses body clean while rinsing and cleaning her hair with great care and proficiency.

Meanwhile the certain young miss had a look on her face mixed with bewilderment, irritation and helplessness. 'I forgot that this is normal within most families, I've long grown used to doing everything myself…. I am a young miss of a family with a good lineage after all, why didn't I expect this kind of treatment.'

A soft sigh was heard within the small cleaning room.