
Celene's face was flushed with embarrassment and anger but tried her best to suppress her feelings in front of the other ladies. "I see sister, I was wrong to mention that but I just did because I care about you."

Agnes rolled her eyes. "There is something else… during my fathers days we had cooperated with several families who swore loyalty to the family. Back then there weren't any issues but as time passes the new generations are born and begin to have their own thoughts that may be different from their parents or grandparents. This I will not fault but it's something I will have to bring up in order to secure the families stability because the new generation may not be as suited to serve the Bombyx family during this generation."

The three vassal families wife's and daughters began to show panic on their faces, for more than 70 years their families have been supported by the Bombyx family and have stable and rich lives.

During Agnes time acting as head they were able to make great progress but as their riches increased so did their desires, the next head Adam took over the businesses and did not increase the money incoming further but began to stabilise the family businesses once more.

In their minds they had been irreplaceable within the family businesses of the Bombyx family, if the family didn't keep giving them further opportunities then they would look elsewhere for support or make plans of their own.

What they did not expect that Agnes had already known their secret moves in the dark and simply ignored it not because she needed them but because she found it troublesome to recruit new people that she knew.

However since Ki will the taking over in the future she needs trustworthy people who will not cause problems or become an obstacle themselves.

Agnes looked at the Lenox family and smiled. "As I told your husband when he approached me with a business plan or two… I would not fund them because they would be failures. I told him so but it seems he holds resentment against the family for not showing him support. Well anyways it's not my problem what he does with his own money but don't involve me, tell him good luck in his future endeavours and we no longer require his services."

The wife of the Lenox family paled. "You cannot do this! You need us to handle so many things."

"New people can be raised to take on the roles you took up previously, honestly your grandparents did a lot more worm back in the day. You have it easy in this generation and enjoy the fruits of others hard work." Agnes spoke with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "White family head… you will tell your husband that you will be reported for changing out goods with faulty items or replacing food bags with harmful substances in order to fill the bags or make up for the weight lost during your stealing of the goods and selling them for your own profits. You have not only risked harming my families name as merchants but also stolen from us. We are supposed to be able to have trust between us in order to work together to mutually benefit each other but what you have done has broken that trust and could harm others so I have no choice but to reveal it to the public."

The white family heads wife began to show a look of despair. "No.. no.. please we are sorry! Please don't."

"It's my duty as a merchant but also as the previous head of the Bombyx family to sometimes look the other way on some things to avoid causing problems with my employees or those I am trading with but when you are doing such acts that can harm our customers and our family name I will not stand by and let you get away with it. You can leave now."

"No please… no.." The lady of the white family had been dragged out of the room by some guards while the lady of the Lenox family had also been escorted out back towards their carriages.

After getting rid of the noisy people, Agnes spoke up once more. "To be honest I am hesitant on whether to keep the Bifta family with us… although the previous and current generation are loyal you lot have become especially cowardly in most dealings and the moment something bad happens you just put your heads in the sand. However I will give you all a chance! The young lady you brought with you will become your next family head and handle the business dealings with the Bombyx family from now on. She at least has more of a spine than most of you."

"But she is already arranged to marry so cannot take that position and her brother will inherit." The wife of the Bifta family head spoke up.

"That's your own problem. If you cannot find a solution then there is nothing I can do." Agnes replied showing no mercy at all.

The young lady of the Bifta family spoke up. "Mom do we really have to go ahead with the marriage? What will the family gain if I marry him anyways? I will suffer in that family in order for the family to gain a little support but will they really support us? My fiancé has been seen hanging around in places with known criminals and gang members within the city. How long will it be before he brings his trouble to you after I have married into that family."

"You.. it's your fathers decision." The Bifta heads wife frowned. "Even if you don't marry him we will have to find you another family to marry into."

Agnes sighed. "Do you really need to marry your daughter to someone of a higher status or wealth than your own family? If you can ignore the backlash of her marrying someone of lower status then your daughter will not have to marry out of the family. The way I did that when I married my husband was to investigate many suitors and chose the one that would be most trustworthy in character. My husband also signed an agreement so that while he cannot inherit the family the families property and wealth our child would have rights to continue the family name. So you will have to choose between that option and teach your daughter how to manage the families duties as the head and keep the cooperation with the family or marry your daughter out of the family and risk losing your cooperation with our family. We need someone who will solve problems when they arise, not those who will hide when things get tough. So let me know your decision after you talk to your husband."

The young lady of the Bifta family listened to every word of Agnes and finally spoke to her mother in a soft voice. "I think that is a very good plan. I can marry a husband without power so that I can continue with the families duties. Then we can continue working with the Bombyx family, if our family loses their support I don't know how long we would survive."

The wife of the Bifta head looked drained of energy and bowed to Agnes. "I will talk to my husband and let him know. We will contact you after we have made a decision."

The guests then began to leave as the end approached, Celene remained at the table as the guests left and she stayed back with her daughter in law with a sour face. "So sister what did you wish to say? Haven't you embarrassed me enough today?"