
In the past there were many talents during the bearded elders youth, Bernard shined the brightest but he was not a true member of the main line.

In fact while he was of the main families bloodline he was born out of an extramarital affair and later brought into the family because of his potential.

Sadly because of his status as an unwanted child the main family treated him poorly and when it came to choosing between several members of the family to discard he was chosen in the end so that he does not become a hinderance to the main families legitimate children's position.

It was no longer a situation that the family had stated as someone being sacrificed for the greater good of the family but the main family using means of exile to get rid of Bernard.

Back then the choice came between several people and the elder was one of those people who had been nominated but suddenly Bernard was pushed out as the main candidate which helped the bearded elder to survive the selection process and remain within the family.

Such a big thing happened in the past which clearly ignored the rules or the family values and used the means of exile for to solve personal matters, not just that but the event had saved the bearded elders life so naturally he would remember Bernard so vividly even to this day.

A sad and guilty look appeared on his wrinkled face as he turned his eyes away from the sky and walked out of the observatory. 'Maybe if he had the support of the family his achievements may have been even greater and perhaps the current family head would have been replaced by his children.. in the end the choice of the family back then may have ruined the families chance of revival and only served to weaken us further.'

The next day began and the family gathered within the mansion to prepare for the next series of events.

Soon Ki was seen walking into an underground dungeon where there were several caged prisoners who looked a lot more haggard and weak. "I see you are all surviving well.."

The village head among the group of prisoners who had been caught and imprisoned began to shout hysterically. "Little demon! Release us this instant and I will consider going easy on you all."

Ki looked around as if she had been looking for the so called demon and then put her hands over her mouth as if shocked and had came to a realisation. "Oh! You mean me… sorry to disappoint you but it seems you don't understand your situation at all."

The village head looked up towards Ki from his jail cell with a look of hatred in his eyes. "Come! Just try to harm me! Even if I bleed I will just heal from my wounds. What can you possibly ever do to me."

Ki looked shocked by his words and then her eyes she stood still looking at him as if gloating over his misfortune and weakness. "You truly are an idiot aren't you. How did you ever get the position of the village head I wonder.. your father I bet could no longer hold onto the position so passed it down to his incompetent and greedy son. Worst of all… he was killed by his own son."

Ki's eyes turned increasingly cold as she continued. "I can tolerate a lot of people and their actions, even those who commit evil so long as it does not bother me and my family. After all I am no saint that will pursue every evil in the name of justice but one of the kinds of people I hate the most are those who are ungrateful towards those who raised them and even harm them. You killed your own family for what? Because they loved you and wished the best life upon you? But in return you gave nothing back and even killed them to satisfy your twisted ideals and greed. Then.. you turned your blade towards my family. Did you truly believe that one day if you were to fail you would not be punished? Did you truly believe that those behind the group of invaders would protect you until the end? Do you believe in your new abilities enough to be able to say you can survive anything I can do to you? Naive! So very naive! You have been abandoned with no hope at all and I am the one to put an end to your miserable lives."

The villagers and some of the remaining blood sect recruits that had been left behind within the jail cells began to reveal a look of shock at the outburst from the girl before them.

After all the young lady of the Bombyx family was known for being polite and friendly in their memories.

The villagers had never witnessed this side of Ki before and when they witnessed it first hand they suddenly felt a chill down their spine upon meeting her cold gaze.

The blood sect recruits also came to the realisation that perhaps they would not have long to live after hearing her words, perhaps their time was already running out unknowingly.

The family used poison to subdue them during the battle so it was unknown if the food they had been provided during their imprisonment had also been poisoned with something far more harmful and toxic.

Thinking back on it they still would have ate the food and drank the water even if poisoned because they wished for a chance to survive and needed to food to keep their energy up for a chance to escape.

The village head revealed no regret in his eyes even after being scolded. "I took my chance to climb higher and so did the others so don't blame me for being unfilial. I won't apologise for my actions because they were all holding me back from my full potential."

Ki nodded in understanding and clapped slowly. "I see. So they were holding you back from your full potential. So they didn't want their son to become a thief, a murderer, an unfilial son or even a bad husband who kills his own wife. Good reasoning. I should remember your teachings and remember your shamelessness as a lesson."

The village heads face frowned with confusion and he yelled back. "What? What do you mean?!"

Ki smiled as if looking over the many prisoners and then began to final performance lifting her finger towards her beauty mark. "Of course.. I want to learn from your shameless behaviour of rationalising your reasons for killing and taking from others but the problem is… you provoked me first so I guess I have every reason to counter attack but that doesn't stop me from killing and taking everything away from you correct?"

Suddenly the eyes of the village head became wide and his face suddenly turned pale upon witnessing a strange gas flow from the mark on the young misses face. "Wha… what is that?!"

Suddenly Ki smiled as a small white worm appeared on her hand as the gas dissipated, she lifted it up so the prisoners could see. "Let me introduce you all. This is my silkworm Gu. You know nothing about Gu since you have no knowledge of the eastern lands, well at least most of you don't but I will explain the key details!"

The prisoners began to have a look of confusion on their faces but one of the blood sects recruits began to display visible fear upon hearing Ki's words. "It can't be… the food?"

She held the silkworm in one hand and used the finger of her other hand to lightly prod its chubby body. "Yes the food! All of you have been implanted with a Gu worm after the investigators have left. It was placed in your food and will remain harmless unless I give this little thing the order. So… do you truly believe yourselves to be safe from my little silkworm with your ability to heal from wounds and your higher vitality?"

The village heads eyes began to show visible fear upon seeing the wicked look on Ki's face. "You.."

Ki looked over at the prisoners once more and sighed. "You know what? I thought this would be more thrilling or fulfilling getting revenge personally for what you did against my family but in the end… I really feel nothing towards you. If anything… to me you are nothing but blood banks to help me re supply on for my training needs as I have not had many chances to kill or leave recently."

Ki looked down at the the silkworm once more and said. "Also this little one is approaching their next cycle of growth so it needs a lot of nutrients. You all came just in time. See village head, I learned your shamelessness. Did I do good? Little one… it's your turn to feed."

Soon a signal was given and the bodies of the prisoners began to weaken and their vitality escaped their bodies travelling to the silkworm in Ki's hand.

The blood sect members began to panic as their vitality they had gained after many years of taking many innocent lives began to dissipate. "How can.. no how can this happen?!"

Ki removed her smile while looking calmly at them all turning into mummies and approaching their death. "Your blood, your qi and your higher healing ability or vitality… the vitality gu in your bodies has took it all and will begin transferring it all to my silkworm Gu who commands them. Everything you have taken from others and built up over the years will become nourishment for the growth of this little one."

Seeing that they had stopped talking and gave up any kind of resistance she inspected their dead bodies and nodded her head. "I can feel through the connection with the silkworm the many vitality Gu are finishing up their final stages of draining everything they need from the bodies and soon they will finish sending everything by the link to their master the silkworm gu. I should be able to recycle the vitality gu before I get rid of the bodies for later uses."