
Ki detected a subtle fluctuation within the body of the silkworm that showed signs of releasing its silk to cover and protect its body during its growth stage. "Go back."

Soon the body of the silkworm dissipated into a small cloud of coloured gas and began to travel back up to her beauty mark and then disappeared. "It seems I cannot use it again until it has completed its growth transformation. After the growth stage is completed the quality and toughness of the silk will go up another grade. This will be very useful!"

Ki revealed an excited look on her face suddenly as if she was just a normal child excited about something fun which was very unlike her usual calm and composed look that matched her actual mental age.

This could not be helped as the silk produced would be very useful if used as a weapon or was also used to create traps to better protect the walls or mansion, if someone was caught in the silk threads then there was a high chance of them getting caught and even cut up as the strings begin to tighten around their body.

One of the main profitable ideas Ki had was not this use though…

She wished for her clothing to be made from this silk because it was tough and very light.

Ki did not like wearing armour during combat or carrying things like shields or protective arm or shoulder guards so she thought a better idea was to use the silk from her silkworm Gu to create a set of clothing which could act as light armour.

Although the silk dresses or martial outfits could not resist attacks from top grade swords or experts attacks they could at least reduce the impact from attacks from her enemies blunt or sharp attacks and protect her life if she had been careless against an opponent in the future.

Of course the silk that was going to be used was not the final outcome, in the future when the silkworm completes its final evolution into the silk moth then the silk may even have the potential to harm or defend against an unrestrained realm expert or possibly even a bright realm expert if used correctly.

Ki looked at the dead bodies and then shut her eyes upon coming to a realisation. "Even if the resentment was always there and you still all committed the same actions and mistakes like in my previous life… my revenge leaves me unsatisfied simply because for me too much time has passed since everything has happened. Even if I take your lives and get revenge now I still cannot change what happened in my previous life. That Ki who survived by resenting others and wishing to gain vengeance is now no more. The Ki of this time is also no more the small and ignorant child she used to be. The Ki now is a collection of the past and the future and now in the present I am but a small child with an unknown future ahead of her who has to overcome the next crisis or risk repeating the same mistakes once more. Even if I have enough talent and chances to grow… even alone I cannot do everything and cover all the vulnerabilities that are exposed to the world. That's why I need the help of others and I need to make better use of my resources and my knowledge. There is no satisfaction achieved from their deaths… but I cannot deny that they have become somewhat useful towards my overall goals."

Soon she stepped into another part of the underground prison where some other prisoners who seemed to be some other members of the village who had initially betrayed the village in the beginning but defected after the group revealed their true colours.

Sat in the cells were also the few survivors who surrounded the village at the orders of the blood sects recruiter and who had been sent from the gambling hall to make contact with the village to hear about the progress.

Ki looked over at the man in the cell who came from the gambling hall, he looked well fed and in a better condition than the others. "You. Watch."

She took out a sword from its sheave and entered a prison cell one by one.

Soon followed screams and thuds as bodies collapsed to the ground, the man in the cell became fearful and backed away from the door of his cell as he smelled the increasing smell of blood within the room that gathered.

Soon the blood mists within to room travelled mysteriously towards Ki and enveloped her body out of the man's sight.

The blood mist dissipated and Ki suddenly began to feel refreshed and energetic upon being able to fill up her storage of vitality to its maximum limit once more.

She sat down and began to breathe in and out while stabilising her qi and body to a stable state while using her Generation qi art to nourish and temper her poisonous qi further.

Once she felt that she had reached a stable and solid state with her body, mind and qi she opened her eyes and stood up once more. 'In my current body and state I estimate that I should be able to deal with at most a second or first rate martial artist one on one without using any tricks but if I use my poison arts and get one blow to my enemy I could deal with someone of higher strength. My previous battle had very little gains because they had been injured and worn down by tactics and poison before I fought them which made it easy to subdue them. All I need now is enough time to train myself!'

Ki left the cell and returned to the man from the gambling hall and looked down at him. "You have one chance to live unlike those who you shared a room with. You have something in your body which will activate if I even find out or notice the slightest sign of betrayal so trust me when I say this. You will die if you do not comply to my wishes."

The man's eyes began to light up with hope upon hearing her words and he pleaded desperately. "Anything! I will gladly be your dog if you tell me. Just let me live please!"

Ki smiled to him and gave him orders when placing a small jar filled with a number of bugs inside his cell. "Go back to your boss and report that the group has begun to take action against the village and will not require any assistance as they will soon be successful in taking over the village. When you get the opportunity place the bugs into the water source of the gambling hall or within the food that has already been prepared. Once all of the bugs are in every member of the gambling halls bodies then send word to notify your contact who will accompany you on your way back."

The man's eyes showed some hesitation but then after struggling for some time he became more subservient. "Yes master."

Ki spoke once more and opened the cell door pointing towards a cloaked and masked figure outside the door. "You can leave once night comes so stick close with them as they will keep you safe. Remember… the slightest sign of betrayal you will end up like the dead bodies in the next dungeon so look at them as you leave to remind yourself not to have any thoughts of rebelling."

The man nodded quickly after hearing her reminder. "Yes master. I won't dare."

Ki left the man behind in his cell and passed by the cloaked figure upon leaving. "Remember your orders and take care of and monitor him"